sabato 15 settembre 2018

La diseguaglianza è ingiusta? HL

Perché la questione è interessante:

I'm interested in this question because I was one of the founders of a company called Y Combinator that helps people start startups. Almost by definition, if a startup succeeds, its founders become rich. Which means by helping startup founders I've been helping to increase economic inequality. If economic inequality should be decreased, I shouldn't be helping founders. No one should be.

Primo errore: trattare la diseguaglianza come un singolo fenomeno... 

... The solution to this puzzle is to realize that economic inequality is not just one thing. It consists of some things that are bad, like kids with no chance of reaching their potential, and others that are good, like Larry Page and Sergey Brin starting the company you use to find things online.... nearly everything written about the subject is to do the opposite: to squash together all the aspects of economic inequality as if it were a single phenomenon.

Secondo errore: la torta...

the pie fallacy: that the rich get rich by taking money from the poor... In the real world you can create wealth as well as taking it from others...

Per capire la diseguaglianza guarda chi sta sopra e chi sta sotto...

If you want to understand change in economic inequality, you should ask what those people would have done when it was different.... Traditional economists seem strangely averse to studying individual humans...Most people who get rich tend to be fairly driven...


I think rising economic inequality is the inevitable fate of countries that don't choose something worse. ...

La curva: +produttività => +diseguaglianza

If accelerating variation in productivity is always going to produce some baseline growth in economic inequality, it would be a good idea to spend some time thinking about that future. Can you have a healthy society with great variation in wealth?... Notice how novel it feels to think about that. The public conversation so far has been exclusively about the need to decrease economic inequality...

diseguaglianza e povertà...

... The most obvious is poverty. I'm sure most of those who want to decrease economic inequality want to do it mainly to help the poor, not to hurt the rich. [8] Indeed, a good number are merely being sloppy by speaking of decreasing economic inequality when what they mean is decreasing poverty. But this is a situation where it would be good to be precise about what we want. ...

La strategia migliore...

For example, let's attack poverty, and if necessary damage wealth in the process. That's much more likely to work than attacking wealth in the hope that you will thereby fix poverty...