Visualizzazione post con etichetta easterlin. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta easterlin. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 31 luglio 2018


Giovanni teme per la sua incolumità quando è a casa sua o gira per la strada, o per lo meno, non si sente più sicuro di quanto si sentisse a suo tempo suo padre, eppure i crimini che lo minacciano sono calati di parecchio.
Giuseppe non si sente del tutto appagato nella sua vita, o per lo meno, non si sente molto più realizzato di quanto si sentisse suo padre, eppure i suoi mezzi e i suoi consumi sono di parecchio più eleati di quelli del genitore.
Lo strano fenomeno che colpisce Giovanni e Giuseppe è ben noto agli psicologi che lo chiamano “adattamento”: cambia il mondo esterno ma quello interno si adatta senza cambiare granché.
Molto spesso, nell’ottuso fuoco della battaglia politica di prima linea, questo semplice schemino viene disatteso e così c’è sempre l’ipocrita che considera Giovanni un pericoloso fobico nostalgico del Talione quanto del Far West nonché ossessionato da armi e autodifesa mentre allo stesso tempo considera Giuseppe un individuo sensibile e ricettivo che ha smascherato gli inganni del consumismo riscoprendo la sua umanità profonda.
Ma facciamo nomi e cognomi: l’ orrido “Avvenire” compie ogni giorno questo stravolgimento della simmetria ad uso e consumo ideologico.

mercoledì 2 marzo 2016

Stevenson and Wolfers' Flawed Happiness Research By Eric Falkenstein

Stevenson and Wolfers' Flawed Happiness Research By Eric Falkenstein - #ovoidesimmetrico #felicitàabreve #invidiaegoismo #soldiefelicità
  • Stevenson and Wolfers' Flawed Happiness Research By Eric Falkenstein
  • what's wrong with so many academic debates.
  • Richard Easterlin found that within a given country people with higher incomes were more likely to report being happy. However, between developed countries, the average reported level of happiness did not vary much...
  • Similarly, although income per person rose steadily in the United States between 1946 and 1970, average reported happiness showed no long-term trend and declined between 1960 and 1970.
  • I agree with Easterlin, and the relative-status utility function
  • Furthermore, evolution favors a relative utility function as opposed to the standard absolute utility function,
  • Economists from Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Thorstein Veblen, and even Keynes focused on status,
  • if economist used a relative utility function many (most) seminal models would become ambiguous, and the whole field loses much of its foundation.
  • Wolfer... second set of findings concern cross-sectional data within a country. Easterlin did not dispute this, however. Given positional goods like mates and lakefront property, relative wealth should matter.
  • So, what about the original Easterlin note, that among developed countries, where people are more worried about obesity than malnutrition, as GDP/ capita rises we aren't getting happier? Well, Sacks, Stevenson, and Wolfers (2013) adress this point directly, and show this chart...
  • When an economist tells you a symmetric ovoid contains a highly significant trend via the power of statistics, don't believe them: real effects pass the ocular test of statistical significance... as from 2010 Easterlin and co-authors have data with similar blobs, but they draw downward-sloping lines over them...I think it's best to say, no relation, and to stop drawing lines on blobs.
  • the biggest problem with the Sacks, Stevenson and Wolfers analysis is that they estimate a short-term relationship between life satisfaction and GDP, rather than the long-term relationship.
  • We should aspire higher than envy, which paradoxically seems to elevate greed,
  • I otherwise admire, usually libertarian leaning, are quite averse to the Easterlin conclusion, thinking it will lead us to adopt a luddite policies because growth would not matter in such a world (see Ron Bailey here, or Tim Worstall there).
  • key is that while I admit that my relatively impoverished grandfather was probably as happy as I am, I'm also very glad I live now: growth is good in spite of my envious homunculus.
  • as productivity growth is the natural consequence of free minds and markets, flattening growth means not merely focusing on 'more important things' but rather squelching freedom, and liberty is more important than equality... how would one prevent Larry Ellison or LeBron James from being richer than everyone else? The only way would be to destroy new companies or merit-based systems, why the worst rise to the top in hierarchies

giovedì 17 dicembre 2015

Looking for the Perfect Gift? Social Science Can Help

Looking for the Perfect Gift? Social Science Can Help - The New York Times:

'via Blog this'

felicità e soldi

  • economista: dare denaro. immaginate la faccia dei bimbi. ecco un limite dell'economia classica
  • la psicologia ha prodotto risultati poco credibili e minimali in merito
  • un pilastro sulle vacanze di natale: chi vive la dimensione religiosa le vive male
  • nei regali conta il pensiero? sì, specie quando sono brutti, ma fino a un certo punto. 
  • il pensiero conta nelle relazioni solide
  • conclusione: cerca un buon regalo ma non angosciarti