Visualizzazione post con etichetta high-frequency trade. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta high-frequency trade. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 10 luglio 2015

Telefono e HFT

I do not worry about high-frequency trading. Telegraphs and telephones also brought their own, earlier versions of high-frequency trading. As did stock index futures. There are second-best arguments relating to hockey helmets and the like but that is the case with most forms of progress and greater economic speed. You don't have to think that the current profits measure the current social value of high-frequency trading to argue that the overall trend should be allowed. The correct judgment of efficiency occurs at the system-wide level, not at the level of the individual trading strategy.

martedì 1 aprile 2014

HFT for dummies

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In un certo senso sembra che HFT sia un po' come la colt: ci rende tutti più uguali. Speriamo sia un po' meno pericoloso.