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Visualizzazione post con etichetta gurri horwitz cohen figli genitori. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 18 febbraio 2016

License parenting. Parenting Failure and Government Failure di STEVE HORWITZ martin gurri andrew cohen

License parenting
  • Parenting Failure and Government Failure di STEVE HORWITZ
  • public choice: licenza? ma quali sono le alternative alla famiglia?
  • possiamo scrivere l esame del buon genitore?
  • xchè la patente: 1 il bambino è debole 2 non c è competizione
  • adam gurri: il problema affrontato dai 3 liberalismi (diritti utilitarismo hayekiani)
  • la famiglia: l istituzione più ricca di tradizione
  • gli amish e il test del buon genitore
  • ......
  • I also draw on some material from my forthcoming book on classical liberalism and the family.
  • If one believes that the state’s job is to prevent harm to third parties, and that’s a key part of Andrew’s argument, it is not a priori out of bounds to ask what the state could do to protect children from harm by parents and others.
  • the argument Andrew makes is a perfect example of what can happen when philosophers (and others) make arguments about what government should do in the absence of serious consideration of the way in which the state actually works.
  • “if the state worked just the way we philosophers say it should…”
  • That is, government failure is just as real as market failure and parenting failure.
  • we can ask in the case of “parenting failure”whether there are other institutions
  • There is enough empirical evidence on the problems with foster care, especially short-term placements where the incentive to really behave as a steward for the child is weaker
  • Andrew says children of parents who fail the license test should be “put up for adoption by someone licensed.”
  • In short, everyone with a pet issue or a financial gain to be made will be lobbying the process to see their particular concern added to the test of adequate parenting.... One need only think of the controversy over Lenore Skenazy’sFree Range Kids
  • I would argue that in the case of parenting licenses, the imperfections of politics raise a much greater danger than do the imperfections of parenting,
  • The Organic Body Politics and Parental Licensure BY ADAM GURRI
  • the storied divide between “first principles” libertarians, who usually subscribe to some theory of natural rights, and consequentialist libertarians.... Rarely discussed is a third, more Hayekian approach,
  • Because children don’t have the power to pick who their parents are, and there’s no similar competitive mechanism to make sure they’re more likely to end up with good parents, he argues that parenting should be licensed for the sake of children’s safety.
  • Personally, I found Cohen’s proposal quite shocking. The family is the oldest, most durable institution that humanity has.
  • Responding to a thick and rich history with something as simple as the harm principle is to do injustice to that history.
  • To think that the people who inherit that system today can be directed by the motivations of one man, a philosopher-designer
  • Cohen’s plan requires an army of evaluators
  • Il progetto:
  • First, a means test—that is, no one that cannot afford to raise a child should have a child... The second, and more important, test would be a psychological exam
  • specify what it means to “understand how to parent”or “handle the stress a child brings”. And this isn’t a problem that can be solved with oversight—
  • Such top-down enforced monoculture of ethics and lifestyles ought to be anathema to libertarians and liberals of all sorts,
  • never put all your eggs in one basket...
  • to force a society into monoculture is to plant a time bomb under its feet... positive externalities will be lost when the long tail of lifestyles is cut off?
  • Does anyone seriously think that such a central body would tolerate radically different parenting styles such as the Amish
  • What I’m suggesting here is that the only way to affect change of human systems is as a participant, not an architect.
  • Licensing Parents
  • @@@@IMHO@@@@@@
  • Plausibilità della richiesta:
  • 1il genitore può fare molti danni
  • 2 diamo patenti x meno
  • argomenti contro
  • 1 differenze tra famiglia e nazione: 1 i valori famigliari sono autentici, tanto è vero che nn richiedono coercizione 2 la famiglia è + morale, nn richiede doppio standard
  • 2 fallisce la f. ma anche lo s. specie laddove la  centrale: meglio che la disciplina sia insegnata da chi ama
  • 3 nel dubbio privilegiare ciò che rende felice genitori e figli nel breve periodo ovvero f.
  • 4 stili educativi. Tipico ambito a ipotesi nulla
  • 5 guidare una macchina è complicatissimo ma nn complesso: nn dobbiamo scoprire come si fa. Sull'educazione di un figlio siamo invece perennemente alla ricerca di soluzioni.