Visualizzazione post con etichetta #kling nature nurture. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta #kling nature nurture. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 15 aprile 2020

kl Fixed Personality Traits Randomly Arrived At

Fixed Personality Traits Randomly Arrived At
Citation (APA): (2020). Fixed Personality Traits Randomly Arrived At [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

Parte introduttiva
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 2
Fixed Personality Traits, Randomly
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genetic differences, but also from the processes of development themselves.
Nota - Posizione 5
Innatismo allargato
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Stochastic developmental variation
Nota - Posizione 5
Concetto con cui familiarizzare
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treatment of mental disorders?
Nota - Posizione 8
Primo tema
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race and gender?
Nota - Posizione 9
Secondo tema
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public policy?
Nota - Posizione 10
Terzo tema
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a) gestation matters; and b) humanity is a set of individual mental disorders.
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Due insegnamenti
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Gestation Matters
Nota - Posizione 14
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When we discuss “nature vs. nurture,” we typically think of DNA
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L errore
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gestation in utero as a source of differences
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dynamic process of forming cells
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alternative paths are possible,
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relationship of the newborn baby to its DNA is probabilistic rather than determinate.
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identical twins are not truly identical.
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if you had been cloned one hundred times, the clones’ brains would all turn out slightly differently
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A metaphor that comes to my mind is the performance of a play, such as Romeo and Juliet.
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Shakespeare’s script is the DNA.
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the approach taken by the director
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Any two performances that follow Shakespeare’s script are like identical twins,
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a performance of West Side Story is the fraternal twin of a performance of Romeo and Juliet.
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If only 50 percent of the variance in a trait can be accounted for by variation in DNA, then we should not presume that the other 50 percent comes from the environment.
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La conseguenza
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little of the variation in human traits can be explained by the environment.
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Tesi di mitchel
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much of human variation comes from variation in gestation.
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we often speak of formative experiences
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plasticity may reinforce and even exaggerate the widespread initial differences
Nota - Posizione 42
La plasticitá nn ci avvicina
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people select and construct their own environments and experiences
Nota - Posizione 43
L ambiente viene dopo
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We also may tend to overestimate the influence of parental behavior.
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Parents are more likely to continue to provide a child with dance lessons if the child shows an interest
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Lo stile educarivo dipende dal bambino piú che dal genitore
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the heritability of this trait increases over time.
Nota - Posizione 49
Sempre piú uniformi
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when assessed in adults, the effect of shared family environment goes to zero, while the heritability increases to 80%
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widening the range of environments would expose more impact from the environment.
Nota - Posizione 54
Cfr tra stili italiani. Cfr tra italia e africa
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rely on the Big Five
Nota - Posizione 57
Anche definire i tratti é dificile
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 65
once we take note that brain development emerging during gestation is part of “nature,” it appears that nature accounts for much more of human differences
Nota - Posizione 66
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 74
Humanity is a set of individual mental disorders
Nota - Posizione 74
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 81
If your identical twin is autistic, then the probability that you will also be autistic is 80 percent.
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“normal” people are people whose brain structures are flawed in ways that do not result in mental illness as conventionally diagnosed.
Nota - Posizione 85
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 86
Our DNA determines the probability that certain flaws in our brain structure will appear. Gestation determines which flaws actually do arise, most of which do not result in a clinically diagnosed mental illness.
Nota - Posizione 87
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 94
Genes that increase the likelihood that the individual will survive and reproduce will, over a long evolutionary time frame, spread to the entire population.
Nota - Posizione 95
Le variazioni sul tema sono quasi sempre negative
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if a new mutation has any effect on intelligence at all, it is far more likely to reduce it than to increase it.
Nota - Posizione 101
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Even the healthiest among us have survived in spite of DNA that includes some adverse mutations.
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Innate Intelligence
Nota - Posizione 107
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intelligence is the ability to think in more and more abstract ways— to
Nota - Posizione 109
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Intuitively, we realize this, which is why educators for the most part try to match students to the demands of a course rather than believing that it is possible to enable low-aptitude students to master challenging material.
Nota - Posizione 118
Intelligenza innata
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intelligence reflects how well the brain is put together,
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there is also important evidence of environmental influences. Most notably, there is the Flynn Effect,
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The one thing that is clearly not an explanation of the Flynn effect is changing genetics.
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some forms of social progress may serve to increase average IQ,
Nota - Posizione 134
Ma nn é detto che piú intellgenza sognifichi ntelligenza piû uguale
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while increasing access to education benefits everyone, it may not do so evenly.
Nota - Posizione 135
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 135
Those with higher initial IQ may benefit more
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Gender Differences
Nota - Posizione 141
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there are structural differences between female brains and male brains.
Nota - Posizione 142
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there exist physical sex differences in all higher mammals,
Nota - Posizione 143
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It would take a particularly virulent form of human exceptionalism
Nota - Posizione 145
Ipotizzare l eguaglianza
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differences in the number and density of connections between different brain areas.
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differences in cell number
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The brains of male and female mammals are thus literally wired differently.
Nota - Posizione 148
In conclusione
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on average male brains are 10 percent larger than female
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at the individual level one can find large female brains and small male brains,
Nota - Posizione 151
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able to classify males and females with over 90 percent accuracy.
Nota - Posizione 155
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although there is no one facial feature that clearly distinguishes human males from females, if we use a set of features we can classify with high accuracy.
Nota - Posizione 156
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Mitchell examines the possibility that these brain structure differences are culturally determined.
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adult brain structure in general is actually highly heritable,
Nota - Posizione 160
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similar differences are seen in every other mammalian species
Nota - Posizione 161
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those differences being highly adaptive,
Nota - Posizione 163
Per qualsiasi specide
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this suggests some difficulties with the agenda of the social justice movement.
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trying to argue against the social justice movement’s
Nota - Posizione 169
Pericolo impugnare la scienza
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Lawrence Summers
Nota - Posizione 170
Le vittime
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 170
James Damore
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 172
It is perfectly understandable that a trait like sexual orientation could be only partly genetic, but still completely innate.
Nota - Posizione 173
Orientamento sex
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A person’s genotype confers a certain probability
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he argues against the notion that sexual orientation is fluid
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sexual preference is much more categorical, for both heterosexuals and homosexuals.”
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Racial Differences
Nota - Posizione 178
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While Mitchell is implicitly questioning the social justice movement concerning gender, he seems to side with the social justice movement concerning race.
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This strikes me as an odd position to take.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 189
in the 1970s in Ireland, average IQ scores were 85, but by the mid-1990s they were 95, and they now average 100.
Nota - Posizione 190
X provare che il razzismo cognitivo nn seiste
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“Nothing changed genetically over that time—
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what accounts for such a rapid improvement in average IQ.
Nota - Posizione 191
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the improvement was not due to the effects of the postnatal environment on children?
Nota - Posizione 192
Anche se il dna nn c entra...
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during gestation?
Nota - Posizione 193
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extremely poor prenatal nutrition
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the demographic transition.
Nota - Posizione 196
Altra causa: pi ricchi meno figli. La media iq si alza erché i poveri relativi fanno pochi figli
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Public Policy
Nota - Posizione 220
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 221
The message of Innate is that human traits are not as malleable as we have believed.
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This predicts/ explains widespread policy failure.
Nota - Posizione 223
Murray like
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For example, policy makers place strong faith in education as a force that can affect citizens’ lives.
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The Null Hypothesis.
Nota - Posizione 225
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As an example, consider the objective of increasing personal saving.
Nota - Posizione 235
Altro fallimento