Visualizzazione post con etichetta crimine carceri. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta crimine carceri. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 3 dicembre 2024

Perché la prigione funziona?

 Perché la prigione funziona?

La galera ha tre effetti:

1) Ti fa contare fino a dieci prima di fare il cretino.
2) Ti tiene in gabbia impedendoti di fare il cretino.
3) E' l'università del crimine: niente galera, niente contatti.

Il primo e il terzo effetto esistono ma sono piuttosto deboli, diciamo che si elidono a vicenda. Il terzo effetto è... enorme e di solito sottovalutato. Non abbiamo idea di come poche persone compiano quasi tutti i crimini in città.

p.s. cio' non significa che la galera sia il modo migliore per combattere il crimine: la prigione previene un crimine ogni 8.500 $ spesi, la polizia operativa nelle strade - se non si gira dall'altra parte per non finire sotto processo - ne previene uno ogni 3.000 $ spesi.

martedì 6 agosto 2024

come punire i criminali. un approccio innovativo - meno carcere per tutti[0]=AZWdWmxOiiyOdER1BKXWBl06FnyTGKEl_h17OCBVduEsWBin2pXqvleq0NnV4_9lYibEzpnrkd1duYbVcFZWyYXe14dwWCtCOKyqcAGJp3yYCK6RC8L6J7tLAldDz_syobtJxDPHVs-q-dOqayBkbqMyF0WcMFmonbpARKnOyjVkuw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

sabato 17 febbraio 2018

Il potere della monetina applicato al crimine

A quanto pare la lunghezza della pena non incide sul comportamento dei criminali allorchè usciranno di prigione.
I duri si consolano: tenere al fresco i criminali rende tutti più sicuri e non produce danni alla persona.
I miti si consolano: l'argomento della deterrenza è quantomeno pompato.
Ma i più entusiasti sono i "secchioni", orgogliosi per come si è giunti ad una simile conclusione.
È bastato assegnare ai giudici i processi a casaccio.
In questo modo è possibile stabilire quali sono i giudici più severi e quelli più miti. L'assegnazione casuale equivale Infatti all'assegnazione dello stesso caso a tutti. È come se esistesse un solo condannato (il caso elide le differenze) che vive contemporaneamente in una moltitudine di universi paralleli del tutto identici tra loro tranne che per la pena inflittagli.
Magia dei grandi numeri, potere della monetina!
Basta quindi raggruppare i condannati a seconda del giudice che li ha processati per verificare e raffrontare poi il loro comportamento una volta usciti di galera. Fine.
Ma c'è un ulteriore motivo di orgoglio per i "secchioni". I ricercatori non hanno nemmeno dovuto progettare l'esperimento fatto, hanno sfruttato un provvedimento preso dalle autorità per ben altri motivi, ovvero il sospetto che alcuni processi venissero indirizzati verso certi giudici ben precisi.
Why would a casino try and stop you from losing? How can a mathematical formula find your future spouse? Would you know if a statistical analysis blackballed you from a…
Mi piaceVedi altre reazioni
Riccardo Mariani I dati però non confermano, le recidive di chi accede ai permessi di lavoro non calano. Forse, semmai, giovano talune terapie cognitive che insegnano a "contare fino a 10"
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RispondiRimuovi anteprima9 hModificato
Antonio Lodola Il criminale rieducato una volta uscito dovrebbe essere trasferito in un luogo diverso da quello che lo ha visto crescere come criminale e non dovrebbe avere piu' alcun contatto con la gente che frequentava prima. Inoltre una volta trasferito nessuno dovrebbe sapere che si tratta di un ex criminale altrimenti sarebbe presto e facilmente discriminato
Mi piaceVedi altre reazioni
Rispondi8 h
Antonio Lodola Io ho lavorato con ex criminali e francamente niente da dire . Il problema piu' duro per loro era il fatto d'esser diventati tossicodipendenti in carcere ed una volta usciti , pur reinseriti, non riuscivano a contenere la loro dipendenza che cercavano di nascondere con tutti i mezzi. Erano dei poveracci molto soli e faticavano a ricrearsi una vita sociale normale .
Mi piaceVedi altre reazioni
Rispondi8 h
Antonio Lodola Devo dire che ho avuto l'impressione che il reinserimento risulti piu' facile ad un assassino che ad un criminale sessuale
Mi piaceVedi altre reazioni
Rispondi8 h

mercoledì 27 luglio 2016

What Was Gary Becker Biggest Mistake

Notebook per
What Was Gary Becker039s Biggest Mistake - Marginal REVOLUTION
Citation (APA): (2016). What Was Gary Becker039s Biggest Mistake - Marginal REVOLUTION [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

Parte introduttiva
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 2
What Was Gary Becker's Biggest Mistake?
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 2
The econometrician Henri
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 4
at a dinner with Becker, I remarked that extreme punishment could lead to so much poverty and hatred that it could create blowback. Becker was having none of it. For every example that I raised of blowback, he responded with a demand for yet more punishment.
Nota - Posizione 5
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 8
he argues that an optimal punishment system would combine a low probability of being punished with a high level of punishment if caught:
Nota - Posizione 9
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 10
an increased probability of conviction obviously absorbs public and private resources in the form of more policemen, judges,
Nota - Posizione 11
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 14
We have now tried that experiment and it didn’t work. Beginning in the 1980s we dramatically increased the punishment for crime in the United States but we did so more by increasing sentence length than by increasing the probability of being punished. In theory, this should have reduced crime, reduced the costs of crime control and led to fewer people in prison. In practice, crime rose and then fell mostly for reasons other
Nota - Posizione 18
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 20
Why did the experiment fail? Longer sentences didn’t reduce crime as much as expected because criminals aren’t good at thinking about the future;
Nota - Posizione 21
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 21
they have difficulty regulating their emotions and controlling their impulses.
Nota - Posizione 22
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 23
Thus, rather than deterring (much) crime, longer sentences simply filled the prisons.
Nota - Posizione 23
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 23
As if that weren’t bad enough, by exposing more people to criminal peers and by making it increasingly difficult for felons to reintegrate into civil society, longer sentences increased recidivism.
Nota - Posizione 25
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 26
consider the “Becker approach” to parenting. Punishing children is costly so to reduce that cost, ignore a child’s bad behavior most of the time but when it’s most convenient give the kid a really good spanking or put them in time out for a very long time.
Nota - Posizione 28
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 28
Of course, this approach leads to disaster– indeed, it’s precisely this approach that leads to criminality in later life.
Nota - Posizione 29
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 29
So what is the recommended parenting approach?
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 31
quick, clear, and consistent.
Nota - Posizione 31
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 31
Quick responses help not just because children have “high discount rates”
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 33
but even more importantly because a quick response helps children to understand the relationship between behavior and consequence.
Nota - Posizione 33
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 36
Animals can learn via conditioning but people can do much better. If you punish the child who steals cookies you get less cookie stealing but what about donuts or cake? The child who understands the why of punishment can forecast consequences in novel circumstances. Thus, consequences can also be made clear with explanation and reasoning.
Nota - Posizione 38
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 46
Here’s a simple test for whether crime is in a person’s rational interest. In the economic theory if you give people more time to think carefully about their actions you will on average get no change in crime (sometimes careful thinking will cause people to do less crime but sometimes it will cause them to do more). In the criminal as poorly-socialized-child theory, in contrast, crime is often not in a person’s interest but instead is a spur of the moment mistake.
Nota - Posizione 49
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 51
20 percent of our residents are criminals, they just need to be locked up. But the other 80 percent, I always tell them– if I could give them back just ten minutes of their lives, most of them wouldn’t be here.
Nota - Posizione 52
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 52
Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches people how to act in those 10 minutes– CBT
Nota - Posizione 53
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 55
Randomized controlled trials and meta-studies demonstrate that CBT can dramatically reduce crime.
Nota - Posizione 56
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 60
I favor more police on the street to make punishment more quick, clear, and consistent. I would be much happier with more police on the street, however, if that policy was combined with an end to the “war on drugs”, shorter sentences, and an end to brutal post-prison policies that exclude millions of citizens from voting, housing, and jobs.
Nota - Posizione 63
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 64
Let’s give Becker and the rational choice theory its due. When Becker first wrote many criminologists were flat out denying that punishment deterred. As late as 1994, for example, the noted criminologist David Bayley could write: The police do not prevent crime. This is one of the best kept secrets of modern life. Experts know it, the police know it, but the public does not know it.
Nota - Posizione 68
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 71
It’s a far cry, however, from police deter to twenty years in prison deters twice as much as ten years in prison.
Nota - Posizione 71
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 71
The rational choice theory was pushed beyond its limits and in so doing not only was punishment pushed too far we also lost sight of alternative policies that could reduce crime without the social disruption and injustice caused by mass incarceration.
Nota - Posizione 73

martedì 16 febbraio 2016

The Origins of Mass Incarceration Daniel D'Amico Adam Gelb Mike Riggs by Susanne Karstedt

The Origins of Mass Incarceration Daniel D'Amico Adam Gelb Mike Riggs by Susanne Karstedt
  • Sunti
  • Why Nations Jail by Daniel D'Amico
  • international context: Yes , we all know that we are a nation of jailers.
  • in recent years many other countries have dramatically increased their incarceration rates
  • proposed causes for our high incarceration rate, including racism, our free-market economic system, and our War on Drugs. He finds the latter the most persuasive
  • incarceration is particularly bad here - and in certain other countries - because of the public choice effects inherent in common law
  • Better Question: How Do We Unjail? by Mike Riggs
  • concentrated benefits and dispersed costs tend to operate in criminal justice policy
  • Politicians receive the benefits of the system, in that it pays to look tough on crime.
  • The purpose of our penal institutions impart respect for the law, to deter crime, and to reintegrate former offenders into society in ways that will ensure they do not offend again. Our current system is manifestly a failure
  • Riggs recommends that we turn to penalties other than prison for a significant number of crimes
  • Laboratories of Incarceration by Adam Gelb
  • Classica distorsione: state government often pays for the prison system, while the local government pays for community supervision. As a result, local governments send former offenders back to prison as a way of saving money
  • Great facts and new facts: The end of U.S. mass imprisonment? by Susanne Karstedt
  • Karstedt looks at the relationship between wealth and imprisonment.
  • Is it really the case that neoliberal nations prefer to warehouse their poor in jails? She finds that the evidence supporting this claim is weak.
  • Yet budget constraints seem to reduce incarceration rates, and she says it’s no coincidence that mass imprisonment seems to have peaked and come to a halt in 2009.
  • ......
  • Saggi
  • Why Nations Jail By Daniel D'Amico
  • The U.S. imprisonment trend also looks like a hockey stick.... in the 1970s, the line shot up, quintupling by the 2000s.
  • Culture, racism, and the drug war obviously matter. But I’d like to challenge some of these presumed causes by simply asking how much they fully explain global
  • Ecuador, Indonesia, Cambodia, Israel, Serbia, and Georgia don’t share much economic, partisan, or cultural American-ness, yet all doubled their prison populations in a decade, while Britain took
  • no data confirms a consistent relationship between more liberal market economies –or higher economic performance –and larger prison populations.
  • Is racism the primary driver of American mass imprisonment?
  • In fact, in England, Canada, and Australia, the minority to white inmate ratios all outpace the United States. [8]
  • The advent of American mass incarceration also occurred alongside measurable racial progress.
  • Is America’s vengeful culture responsible? Again maybe partially, but such features don’t explain why so many other nations have multiplied their prisons without similarly rugged individualists supporting
  • Most experimental evidence suggests vengeful preferences are common across identities,
  • economist Naci Mocan reports the opposite cultural relationship, with poor, war-torn, and collectivist countries hosting more vengeance.
  • shared timing of American incarceration with drug prohibition seems too tightly linked to be coincidence. But prohibition is not a sufficient explanation
  • drug violations only make up about 17% of state inmates and represent about 20% of the growth
  • Without drug convictions, American incarcerations would have quadrupled rather than quintupled.
  • And again, if uniquely American factors cause mass incarceration, then why is there a global
  • Current research emphasizes a general relationship between social institutions and incarceration.
  • many public choice scholars have noticed that by concentrating perceived deterrent benefits while dispersing costs, democratic politics rewards the expansive spending, employment, and voter appeasement accomplished through criminalization and prison growth.
  • Lacey [17] has observed the organization of electoral processes correlate with incarceration rates. Nations with winner-take-all elections host greater political incentives to appease punitive biases.
  • my recent paper coauthored with Claudia Williamson shows nations founded in the British common law tradition rather than civil law host larger incarceration rates. While the common law is typically more decentralized, we suspect criminal justice systems were historically founded and subsequently organized more hierarchically relative to other common law social
  • Common law: pm eletti.
  • From Ferguson to Baltimore we seem to be stuck with the worst of both worlds: racially biased local cops and a militarized national response.
  • Saggio
  • Great facts and new facts: The end of U.S. mass imprisonment? By Susanne Karstedt
  • Why do nations jail? It’s a rich man’s folly, says Jan van Dijk from Tilburg University
  • The richer countries are, the more they use imprisonment when meting out punishment to citizens.
  • Jan van Dijk has a point even from a historical perspective;
  • imprisonment is a tool of criminal justice not affordable to all and sundry.
  • United States is a visible outlier.... housing 25% of the world’s prisoners.... by far exceeds imprisonment in the poorest and cruellest dictatorships in the world,
  • unprecedented growth and unparalleled size of the U.S. prison population between 1970s and the first decade of the 21st century
  • Was this just another case of American exceptionalism, or was the United States in the vanguard... Most criminologists bought into the latter perspective.
  • This was the start of the search for the one magic-bullet variable... The emerging candidate was broadly labelled “neo-liberalism.”Neo-liberalism’s manifestations of deregulating the economy and downsizing the welfare state... Another master narrative was based on the observation that nations with majority rules in their electoral processes have higher imprisonment rates. In both cases, the empirical foundations were shaky:
  • American criminologist Frank Zimring argues that such “professionalization of punishment”combines several “leniency vectors”that keep imprisonment low.[ 3] It is a defining feature of civil law systems that decisions are made by professionals and according to professional standards, and criminal justice officials are not directly elected. In contrast, communities and the electorate seem to have been a driving force behind skyrocketing imprisonment in the United States.
  • Esempio. Voters in California supported criminal justice policies that lay the ground for ever increasing imprisonment in that state;
  • The year 2009 provides a reality check for all theorizing on mass imprisonment in the United States: It was the year when imprisonment growth in the United States came to a halt... 2009 was the year after the financial crisis, and this is no coincidence.
  • prisons were closed in California, Nebraska, and New York.... estimated savings of nearly $ 340 million
  • It comes as a surprise for many criminologists that the same neo-liberals and fiscal hawks who had been blamed for “mass imprisonment”were now in the driving seat for penal reform.
  • Right on Crime,”a conservative think tank, explains the turn in conservative penal policies: “How is it ‘conservative’to spend vast amounts of taxpayer money on a strategy without asking whether it is providing taxpayers with the best public safety return on their investment
  • If two trends look like hockey sticks there might be some common ground which kicks them off.
  • L'Europa ha meno carcerari xchè per ogni carcerato spende molto di più
  • My own research shows that values like liberal individualism and egalitarianism are not related to how many are sent to prison, but significantly to the treatment of prisoners.[ 15] Both might be nonetheless related: more care for the dignity and liberty of those who failed might make nations more cautious in the use of imprisonment, not the least because it increases the costs of imprisonment.
  • Many European countries, including Germany, have considerably lower recidivism rates then the United States. Spending on prisoners rather than on warehousing them seems a better way to deliver the goods.
  • Policy: x ridurre la mass incarceration promuovere programmi rieducativo. Il vincolo di bilancio fará il suo lavoro.

martedì 24 novembre 2015

The Origins of Mass Incarceration - cato

daniel d'amico: nei cfr internazionali, usa: nation of jailers. contagio: anche gli altri cominciano a incarcerare? cause. razzismo? free market? war on drug? soprattutto quest'ultima. c'è un legame tra common law e public choice: il politico usa (chi vince prende tutto) è più incline a rispondere ai votanti che vogliono carcere duro per i delinquenti.

mike riggs: costi dispersi benefici concentrati: punire duro paga il politico sotto giudizio dell elettorato.

adam gelb: ci sono stati che imprigionano molto più che altri coeteris. le prigioni private sono economiche e fanno pressioni politiche. qs spiegherebbe anche i cfr internazionali.

susanne karstedt: libertà e delinquenza, c'è un nesso? evidenza scarsa. anzi: budget scarsi riducono l'incarcerazione.

martedì 6 ottobre 2015

L'esperimento naurale

In USA i crimini sono crollati. A chi i meriti? Un candidato plausibile: il PM dalla manetta facile.

Link uno: la carcerazione di massa e il crollo dei crimini:

Link due: la carcerazione di massa e i PM dalla manetta facile:

domenica 4 ottobre 2015

Crimine e carcerati tesi: il carcere riduce la criminalità. Ricorda che il carcere facile è dovuto all orientamento dei pm