Visualizzazione post con etichetta viviana zelizer the purchase of intimacy. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta viviana zelizer the purchase of intimacy. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 8 maggio 2017

L'intimità comprata

Se io voglio qualcosa che tu hai e tu vuoi qualcosa che io ho, stipuliamo un contratto, lo eseguiamo realizzando lo scambio e tutti vivremo più felici.
Tuttavia, se io volessi in dono cio’ che tu hai e tu volessi in dono cio’ che io ho, non potremmo procedere nella stessa maniera.
Non possiamo infatti stipulare un contratto: il contratto obbliga le parti e rende quindi impossibile il dono.
Cio’ non implica che lo scambio sia impossibile, solo che non puo’ realizzarsi contrattualmente.
Potremmo strizzarci l’ occhio con fare allusorio, comprenderci secondo un codice particolare, procedere allo scambio e vivere più felici.
Quella dell’ “occhiolino” è solo una caricatura: l’uomo ha inventato mille forme per aggirare l’ostacolo contrattuale e vivere felice realizzando ugualmente lo scambio.
Quanto detto è importante poiché gli scambi non “contrattualizzabili” costituiscono una parte importante della nostra vita, forse la più importante: riguardano le relazioni intime, per esempio.
Di fronte al problema dello scambio di doni ci sono due posizioni tradizionali che però sembrano inadeguate.
La prima è quella riduzionista: ogni scambio è contrattualizzabile senza perdite di rilievo. Insomma: realizziamo questo scambio con un contratto e non se ne parli più, quel che va perso nel momento in cui “contrattualizziamo” è irrilevante. Tutto è economia!
La seconda è quella sacralista (o dei mondi avversi): il dono è dono, nulla ha a che vedere con i contratti ma nemmeno con gli scambi. I due mondi devono restare separati e non contaminarsi. Il dono – se è vero dono – è gratuito e non attende ricompense.
Quel che occorre è una via intermediaViviana A. Zelizer ha sviscerato il fenomeno nel suo libro “The Purchase of Intimacy”
Prendiamo il caso di Hildegard Lee Borelli e Michael J. Borelli
… Hildegard Lee Borelli and Michael J. Borelli were married in 1980. Three years later, as Michael’s health began to falter, he went to the hospital repeatedly with heart trouble. In 1988, after he suffered a stroke, Michael’s doctors recommended round-the-clock institutional care. But Michael resisted the move. Instead, he promised his wife that if she cared for him at home, at his death he would leave her a large share of his estate…
Hildegard ha curato in casa il marito ma poi l’eredità promessa a lei è andata ai figli di primo letto.
I ricorsi legali di H. sono stati respinti dalla Corte d’ Appello Californiana. Una decisione ben nota alle femministe dell’epoca.
La cura della moglie è dovuta, e quindi non meritoria di compenso. La moglie fa dono della sua cura al marito. Che vuole ora? Un dono è un dono, non sottende uno scambio. E’ la posizione che ho chiamato “sacralista”.
Il collegio della Corte ha registrato anche un’opinione dissenziente
… in this day and age spouses should have every right to contract with each other for services and their compensation…
Cosa vuole evitare la Corte con il suo verdetto: che il matrimonio diventi un business.
Cosa desidera la Corte: che il matrimonio resti una relazione personale di natura intima.
Cosa non considera la corte: che anche una relazione intima è fatta di scambi. Di scambi particolari, di scambi non contrattualizzabili, ma sempre di scambi…
… every relationship of coupling, caring, and household membership repeatedly mingles economic transactions and intimacy, usually without contamination…
Sia la tesi dei mondi avversi che quella economicista lasciano fuori troppe cose…
… As long as we cling to the idea of hostile worlds we will never recognize, much less explain, the pervasive intertwining of economic activity and intimacy. Yet nothing-but reductionism fails to allow for the distinctive properties of coupling, caring, and households. The prominence of intimacy in those social relations transforms the character and consequences of economic activity within them…
Non possiamo metterci le fette di salame davanti agli occhi: i legami intimi e le transazioni economiche si mescolano in modo inscindibile producendo qualcosa di molto particolare.
La vera domanda da farsi…
… question, therefore, is not whether intimate partners can or should engage in economic transactions but what sorts of economic transactions match which intimate relations…
Come deve realizzarsi lo scambio affinché sia compatibile con l’intimità?
Non tutto è compatibile, molti atteggiamenti, magari nella sostanza simili ad altri, susciterebbero indignazione.
Chi ricorda la novella di Guy de Maupassant “Au bord du lit”?…
… In the Bedroom (Au bord du lit) tells the tale of the Comte de Sallure, who once had dallied with various mistresses, offering the women “money, jewels, suppers, dinners, theatres.” After ignoring his wife for some time, Sallure suddenly developed a renewed and powerful infatuation for the Comtesse. The newly smitten Sallure became jealous of his estranged wife’s many admirers. One evening, returning home from a reception, Sallure resolved to seduce her by declaring his reborn passion. After reminding her husband of his infidelities and his earlier claims that “marriage between two intelligent people was just a partnership,” the Countess agreed to rekindle their relationship, but at a price. Sallure would have to pay her five thousand monthly francs, approximately what he had spent on each of his mistresses… By putting a price on our lawful love you’ll give it a new value . . . the spice of wickedness”…
Il contratto tra gli sposi esiste ma non puo’ essere esplicitato. Il problema non sono i soldi dati alla moglie…
… The point was not that spouses never passed money from hand to hand in nineteenth- century French households. It was that the terms of the proposed contract blurred existing boundaries between prostitution and marriage…
… ma i modi e i tempi della dazione. Nulla di sostanziale ma tutt’altro che un “nulla”. Su queste “formalità” i matrimoni funzionano o collassano.
La famiglia è un contratto (implicito) a lungo termine che puo’ essere minacciato da maldestri contratti (espliciti) a breve termine…
… Why, then, do participants in intimate relationships create elaborate stories and practices for situations that mingle economic activity and intimacy? For essentially the same reasons.Within households, for example, every bargain struck has significance both for the transaction at hand and for longer-term relations among household members. To the extent that household members have spun a web of reciprocity, a community of fate, and a set of obligations to mutual, collective protection, confusing household interaction with routine market transactions would, indeed, signal a threat to household viability…
L’intimità non regge senza una sua economia, è cio’ che non capiscono i “sacralisti”. Tuttavia, bisogna mantenere una distinzione tra economia e intimità, è quello che non comprendono i riduzionisti.
Ma cos’ è l’ intimità, ovvero la dimensione in cui vale quanto abbiamo detto finora?…
… Intimate ties include all those in which at least one party obtains information or attention that if widely available would damage one or both of the parties…
E’ un legame in cui ci si scambiano attenzioni e informazioni cruciali in modo da creare una “comunanza di destino”.
Relazioni intime sono possibili anche sul lavoro, tra cliente e professionista. Mi è capitato di parlare con clienti con una gran voglia di “svuotare il sacco”, mi sentivo più come un confessore che come un commercialista.
L’intimità è una risorsa scarsa: non si puo’ essere “intimi” con tutti…
… Most interactions have implications for third parties who are intimately connected with at least one of the interacting persons, and often with both…
Anche per questo è preziosa.
L’intimità – quando è seria - implica una dimensione temporale di lungo termine: non si puo’ essere “intimi” occasionalmente…
… Members of intimate settings are engaged not only in short-term quid pro quo exchanges but also in longer-term reciprocity—commitments… each transaction matters not only for the instant but also for future… minor failures take on major significance to the parties: they cast doubt on membership’s meaning and future…
Dopo la disgrazia del 9/11 il governo USA decise di risarcire le vittime, bisognava decidere quali parametri osservare. Le perdite emotive avevano un valore economico? La giurista Thane Rosenbaum era di parere contrario…
… Taking the example of compensation for 9/11 survivors, he condemns a legal system that assigns monetary values to moral and emotional losses. What victims of such losses need, Rosenbaum argues, is a chance to tell their stories, to grieve with others, to receive moral counsel from the law. “People look to the law,” he declares, “to provide remedies for their grievances and relief from their hurts, to receive moral lessons about life…
E’ vero, nessuno di noi scambierebbe mai del denaro con cio’ che ha perduto in termini affettivi nella tragedia. L’affetto andato perduto era un dono che le vittime non possono più fare alle loro famiglie, e un dono del genere non puo’ essere rimpiazzato da una somma in denaro perchè un dono non è mai dovuto. Tuttavia, nemmeno si puo’ negare che quel dono fosse parte di uno scambio e che la sua mancanza amputasse questo scambio. Vedendo in questi termini la faccenda, il risarcimento è dovuto poiché c’è una parte rimasta senza corrispettivo.
Problemi del genere non sono tipici solo della nostra epoca storica. Facciamo qualche esempio.
Le etère, nella società dell'antica Grecia, erano particolari donne di compagnia, per alcuni aspetti assimilabili a cortigiane e prostitute. Si trattava, tuttavia, di sofisticate figure che, oltre a prestazioni sessuali, offrivano compagnia e spesso intrattenevano con i clienti relazioni prolungate.
Come contrattare con loro? Non erano né mogli, né prostitute. Erano quasi-mogli e quasi-prostitute….
… Hetaeras were capricious, felt free to refuse prospective lovers, offered sexual liaisons to those suitors who pleased them, expecting seduction rather than bargaining. They also insisted on receiving gifts rather than quid pro quo payment: “He-taeras had a powerful interest in this game. Upon the fragile status of the gift depended their fragile status as ‘companions’ rather than common prostitutes”… “women who worked in brothels were registered and had to pay the pornikon telos, the whore-tax. Flute girls could charge no more than two drachmas a night and were forced to go with whomever the Astynomos [a public order board] allotted them”…
Erano le particolari modalità del compenso che segnavano i confini tra moglie, etèra e prostituta.
Ma ci sono situazioni altrettanto ambigue anche nel nostro mondo, Florence Weber si occupa della famiglia contadina francese, in particolare dell’istituto del “reddito differito”…
… Consider the legal arrangements of “deferred income” in which a child of an agricultural family eventually receives compensation for unpaid labor contributed to the farm’s increase in value. In France, agricultural deferred income has served as a model for the creation of similar arrangements in retail trade, crafts, and wives’ unpaid contributions to their husband’s professional success…
Oppure dell’ “arricchimento indebito”…
… this French doctrine raises the question of whether the unpaid contribu- tions of a child to the care of elderly parents establishes rightful claims to compensation from the parents’ estate. While some courts rejected such claims, declaring filial help a moral duty, in 1994 the country’s highest appeals court (Cour de Cassation) ruled in favor of compensating unpaid assistance that exceeded filial duty…
La premessa di questi istituti è la presenza di contratti non stipulati in modo esplicito, non per una dimenticanza o una trascuratezza, ma perché si tratta di contratti oggettivamente non stipulabili qualora si volesse realizzare un certo scambio (vedi primo paragrafo).
Lista delle questioni dove la dottrina dello scambio intimo ha qualcosa da dire…
… questions of child support, alimony, foster care and adoption, or surrogacy and the sale of female eggs for reproduction. Others might analyze the practical impact of law on intimate economic practices, such as legalization of gay marriage or the parental rights of unwed fathers…
Per i sacralisti nessuno scambio è possibile affinché un dono sia tale. Per i riduzionisti tutto è monetizzabile. Una via di mezzo è possibile.
L’utero in affitto potrebbe essere trattato con questa sensibilità: lo scambio deve essere consentito – poiché anche l’intimità più intima è fatta di scambi - ma non deve esaurirsi con la monetizzazione. In questa sede evito i particolari.
Tre punti: 1) Il servizio di cura implica spesso una relazione intima, 2) i servizi di cura sono spesso svolti da donne, 3) per le donne l’impostazione appena presentata è estremamente interessante.
Le femministe, in particolare, hanno abbracciato con entusiasmo la teoria dello “scambio intimo”, tuttavia l’applicazione che chiedono in molti casi lascia perplessi. Un breve elenco delle politiche considerate ingiuste (secondo loro)…
… unjust policies, such as the following: • Denial of compensation to women for household work in a range of areas • Low pay for caregivers, such as nannies and home-health aides • Condemnation of welfare to unmarried mothers, as a spur to dependency • Prohibitions on child labor that actually harm households or hinder children’s acquisition of valuable skills…
Prendiamo la prima: diniego di compensi alle casalinghe.
Ma perché mai le casalinghe dovrebbero essere compensate per il loro lavoro? Già ricevono il loro compenso all’interno dello scambio intimo del matrimonio! Evidentemente, qui, la teoria dello scambio intimo c’entra poco.
Prendiamo la secondo: il lavoro relazionale è sottopagato. Esempio: la bancaria che sta allo sportello e incontra i clienti è sottopagata. Oppure: l’insegnante che sta faccia a faccia con i bambini è sottopagata. Oppure: la babysitter è sottopagata. In generale: il lavoro di cura e relazione è sottopagato.
Qui si confonde l’entità della paga con chi deve pagare: l’insegnante è compensata in parte dalla scuola e in parte dalla sua classe. Allo stipendio monetario si aggiunge un compenso affettivo che riceve dalla classe con cui si relaziona. Se sommiamo le due cose non è affatto sottopagata. Lo stesso dicasi per la sportellista come per la babysitter.
L’equivoco di cui abbiamo appena fatto cenna si ripete nel caso di chi si assenta sul lavoro per curare un familiare malato…
… Although the record of decisions was mixed, the study nevertheless found frequent disciplinary action, including firing, against employees who missed work to take care of family obligations to children, spouses, grandchildren, and parents. Employees defended by their unions in the arbitration hearings experienced a wide range of such obligations: the cases included a janitor who had missed one day of work to take care of a disabled child, a mechanic who stayed home attending to his cancer-stricken wife, and a worker at a psychiatric center who refused to work mandatory overtime because she was unable to find child care for her two young children…
Il lavoro di cura in famiglia svolto dall’assenteista è senz’altro meritevole, e la teoria dello scambio intimo arriva a dire che merita un compenso poiché il dono non è da considerarsi gratuito. Ma non arriva certo a dire che questo compenso sia a carico del datore di lavoro! Lo scambio intimo si svolge nella famiglia e lì deve trovare il suo do ut des.
Lo stesso errore si registra allorché si rivendicano privilegi sul lavoro per i genitori (come si fa nel passaggio sotto citato) in nome della dottrina dello “scambio intimo”…
… Joan Williams and Nancy Segal provide ample proof of continuing stereotyping and unequal workplace treatment for parents, both women and men. In fact, they discovered startling evidence of blatant bias, with some employers openly declaring mothers to be unfit workers and others deriding fathers’ requests for parental leave…
Il compenso che manca al genitore/lavoratore in busta paga è saldato in termini di affetto filiale nella relazione intima che ha la fortuna di aver potuto instaurato con il nuovo nato.

venerdì 17 febbraio 2017

CHAPTER 6 INTIMATE REVELATIONS The Purchase of Intimacy by Viviana A. Zelizer

CHAPTER 6 INTIMATE REVELATIONSRead more at location 4495
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Hildegard Lee Borelli and Michael J. Borelli were married in 1980. Three years later, as Michael’s health began to falter, he went to the hospital repeatedly with heart trouble. In 1988, after he suffered a stroke, Michael’s doctors recommended round-the-clock institutional care. But Michael resisted the move. Instead, he promised his wife that if she cared for him at home, at his death he would leave her a large share of his estate.Read more at location 4496
He did not keep the promise.Read more at location 4499
he had bequeathed the bulk of his estate to Grace Brusseau, his daughter by an earlier marriage.Read more at location 4500
legal appealsRead more at location 4500
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failed.Read more at location 4501
California Court of Appeals turned down Hildegard’s claims.Read more at location 4501
decision became notorious among feminist legalRead more at location 4502
Michael’s wife, Hildegard owed him nursing care free of charge and therefore had no right to ask compensationRead more at location 4503
implication that Hildegard “had a preexisting . . . nondelegable duty to clean the bedpans herself”Read more at location 4505
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in this day and age spouses should have every right to contract with each other for services and their compensation.Read more at location 4506
modern marriage has become like a businessRead more at location 4509
personal relationshipRead more at location 4510
marriage must remain sacred,Read more at location 4513
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marriage is a commercial transaction.Read more at location 4513
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every relationship of coupling, caring, and household membership repeatedly mingles economic transactions and intimacy, usually without contamination,Read more at location 4514
As long as we cling to the idea of hostile worlds we will never recognize, much less explain, the pervasive intertwining of economic activity and intimacy. Yet nothing-but reductionism fails to allow for the distinctive properties of coupling, caring, and households. The prominence of intimacy in those social relations transforms the character and consequences of economic activity within them.Read more at location 4516
question, therefore, is not whether intimate partners can or should engage in economic transactions but what sorts of economic transactions match which intimate relations.Read more at location 4518
social ties and economic transactions mingle,Read more at location 4521
By no means do all matches work well. Some properly excite indignation,Read more at location 4522
Guy de MaupassantRead more at location 4523
story illustrating precisely this point.Read more at location 4523
In the Bedroom (Au bord du lit) tells the tale of the Comte de Sallure, who once had dallied with various mistresses, offering the women “money, jewels, suppers, dinners, theatres.” After ignoring his wife for some time, Sallure suddenly developed a renewed and powerful infatuation for the Comtesse. The newly smitten Sallure became jealous of his estranged wife’s many admirers. One evening, returning home from a reception, Sallure resolved to seduce her by declaring his reborn passion. After reminding her husband of his infidelities and his earlier claims that “marriage between two intelligent people was just a partnership,” the Countess agreed to rekindle their relationship, but at a price. Sallure would have to pay her five thousand monthly francs, approximately what he had spent on each of his mistresses.Read more at location 4523
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By putting a price on our lawful love you’ll give it a new value . . . the spice of wickedness”Read more at location 4531
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Maupassant caught the incongruity of a quid pro quo contract—sexRead more at location 4534
The point was not that spouses never passed money from hand to hand in nineteenth- century French households. It was that the terms of the proposed contract blurred existing boundaries between prostitution and marriage.Read more at location 4535
Economic practicesRead more at location 4555
appropriate media for payment,Read more at location 4556
marking boundariesRead more at location 4556
Why, then, do participants in intimate relationships create elaborate stories and practices for situations that mingle economic activity and intimacy? For essentially the same reasons.Within households, for example, every bargain struck has significance both for the transaction at hand and for longer-term relations among household members. To the extent that household members have spun a web of reciprocity, a community of fate, and a set of obligations to mutual, collective protection, confusing household interaction with routine market transactions would, indeed, signal a threat to household viability.Read more at location 4558
intimate settings do not stand out from others by the absence of economic activity. Nor do they lack connection with the commercial world.Read more at location 4565
We must, however, maintain the distinction between intimate ties and intimate settings.Read more at location 4567
Intimate ties include all those in which at least one party obtains information or attention that if widely available would damage one or both of the parties.Read more at location 4568
have seen intimate ties appearing in professional-client relationsRead more at location 4570
“communities of fate”Read more at location 4575
assume the continuing availability of shared resourcesRead more at location 4575
Most interactions have implications for third parties who are intimately connected with at least one of the interacting persons, and often with both.Read more at location 4580
Members of intimate settings are engaged not only in short-term quid pro quo exchanges but also in longer-term reciprocity—commitmentsRead more at location 4582
each transaction matters not only for the instant but also for futureRead more at location 4584
minor failures take on major significance to the parties: they cast doubt on membership’s meaning and future.Read more at location 4587
weakened allegiances,Read more at location 4589
How does the American legal system deal with these intimateRead more at location 4590
Legal theorist Thane Rosenbaum notices the differences between legal proceedings and everyday practice,Read more at location 4593
deplores that differenceRead more at location 4594
Taking the example of compensation for 9/11 survivors, he condemns a legal system that assigns monetary values to moral and emotional losses. What victims of such losses need, Rosenbaum argues, is a chance to tell their stories, to grieve with others, to receive moral counsel from the law. “People look to the law,” he declares, “to provide remedies for their grievances and relief from their hurts, to receive moral lessons about life. .Read more at location 4594
Rosenbaum wants to erase the distinction between legal proceedings and everyday practice,Read more at location 4598
legal specialists and everyday practitioners of intimacy are pursuing quite different objectives.Read more at location 4600
Legal specialists are usually seeking ways to apply available rules to contested problems, while most of the time participants in intimate relations are simply trying to pursue their lives more or less satisfactorily.Read more at location 4601
overlapRead more at location 4602
To be sure, the law changes as general practices of intimacy change,Read more at location 4603
Legislators and courts also change the law in response to political shifts and popular mobilization.Read more at location 4605
HOW FAR DO THESE LESSONS GO?Read more at location 4607
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What about non-American experiences?WeRead more at location 4618
back as classical Athens.Read more at location 4618
strangely familiar set of distinctions separating the women they called hetaera from other sex workers.Read more at location 4619
Hetaeras were capricious, felt free to refuse prospective lovers, offered sexual liaisons to those suitors who pleased them, expecting seduction rather than bargaining. They also insisted on receiving gifts rather than quid pro quo payment: “He-taeras had a powerful interest in this game. Upon the fragile status of the gift depended their fragile status as ‘companions’ rather than common prostitutes” (Davidson 1998: 125).Read more at location 4619
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“women who worked in brothels were registered and had to pay the pornikon telos, the whore-tax. Flute girls could charge no more than two drachmas a night and were forced to go with whomever the Astynomos [a public order board] allotted them”Read more at location 4623
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distinctive sorts of payment to mark crucial boundaries.Read more at location 4626
the rest of the world in our own time.Read more at location 4627
Florence Weber (2003) takes up the case of agricultural households,Read more at location 4627
Consider the legal arrangements of “deferred income” in which a child of an agricultural family eventually receives compensation for unpaid labor contributed to the farm’s increase in value. In France, agricultural deferred income has served as a model for the creation of similar arrangements in retail trade, crafts, and wives’ unpaid contributions to their husband’s professional success.Read more at location 4629
the doctrine of “undue enrichment.”Read more at location 4632
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this French doctrine raises the question of whether the unpaid contribu- tions of a child to the care of elderly parents establishes rightful claims to compensation from the parents’ estate. While some courts rejected such claims, declaring filial help a moral duty, in 1994 the country’s highest appeals court (Cour de Cassation) ruled in favor of compensating unpaid assistance that exceeded filial duty.Read more at location 4632
the case of a man who took complete charge of his aging and ailing parents at the cost of his own career,Read more at location 4635
enriching the family by saving the expense of a nursingRead more at location 4636
The lower courts tried to defend something like a doctrine of separate spheres, but the higher court clearly ruled in favorRead more at location 4637
they actually set legal limits on the obligations of filial piety.Read more at location 4638
triple lesson.Read more at location 4639
systems of law have their own inbuilt conventions, doctrines, and traditions.WeRead more at location 4639
law evolves through contestation and adaptation.Read more at location 4641
all legal systems interact with ordinary practices in their areas of application.Read more at location 4643
questions of child support, alimony, foster care and adoption, or surrogacy and the sale of female eggs for reproduction. Others might analyze the practical impact of law on intimate economic practices, such as legalization of gay marriage or the parental rights of unwed fathers.Read more at location 4647
we often see what we might call reverse hostile worlds reasoning: the presence of intimacy, in this view, corrupts proper standards, as exemplified by cronyism, nepotism, insider trading, and sexual harassment.Read more at location 4651
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WHAT ABOUT POLICY?Read more at location 4655
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battles between the worlds of sentiment and rationality, of market and domesticity,Read more at location 4661
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hostile worlds arguments shape legal decisions.Read more at location 4663
unjust policies, such as the following: • Denial of compensation to women for household work in a range of areas • Low pay for caregivers, such as nannies and home-health aides • Condemnation of welfare to unmarried mothers, as a spur to dependency • Prohibitions on child labor that actually harm households or hinder children’s acquisition of valuable skillsRead more at location 4664
Looking at coupling, care, and households we did not find separate worlds of economy and sentiment, nor did we see markets everywhere. Instead we have observed crosscutting, differentiated ties that connect people with each other.We witnessed people investing energy and ingenuity in marking differences among their relations to each other and regularly including economic transactions in those intimate relations.Read more at location 4672
challenge is to create fair mixtures.Read more at location 4678
A LAST LOOK AT CARERead more at location 4683
let us return to the contested topic of paid care,Read more at location 4684
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aging of the baby-boom generation,Read more at location 4685
the care of children, the elderly, and the sickRead more at location 4685
Arlie Hochschild argues, a “care deficit” crisisRead more at location 4686
economic exploitation of underpaid formal caregivers,Read more at location 4688
What will happen, many worry, if paid care substitutes for informal assistance?Read more at location 4692
turn households into impersonal minimarkets?Read more at location 4694
Should grandmothers receive compensation when they care for grandchildren while their daughters work elsewhere?Read more at location 4695
critics of commercialization.Read more at location 4697
practices where payments and care fruitfully coexist.Read more at location 4701
Nancy Folbre and Julie Nelson:Read more at location 4706
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Pointing to the child-care market as thickly social and relational, Julie Nelson argues that parents or caregivers seldom define that market “as purely an impersonal exchange of money for services. . . . The parties involved engage in extensive personal contact, trust, and interpersonal interaction. . . . The specter of the all-corrupting market denies that people—such as many child-care providers—can do work they love, among people they love, and get paid at the same time.” Paid care, she insists, should not be treated as “relationally second rate”Read more at location 4710
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Carol SangerRead more at location 4714
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surrogate childbearing deserves recognition as serious women’s work deserving full rewardsRead more at location 4715
economic discrimination against those allegedly intangible caring activities.Read more at location 4717
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Although the record of decisions was mixed, the study nevertheless found frequent disciplinary action, including firing, against employees who missed work to take care of family obligations to children, spouses, grandchildren, and parents. Employees defended by their unions in the arbitration hearings experienced a wide range of such obligations: the cases included a janitor who had missed one day of work to take care of a disabled child, a mechanic who stayed home attending to his cancer-stricken wife, and a worker at a psychiatric center who refused to work mandatory overtime because she was unable to find child care for her two young children.Read more at location 4720
Joan Williams and Nancy Segal provide ample proof of continuing stereotyping and unequal workplace treatment for parents, both women and men. In fact, they discovered startling evidence of blatant bias, with some employers openly declaring mothers to be unfit workers and others deriding fathers’ requests for parental leave.Read more at location 4727
“the principle that money cannot buy love may have the unintended and perverse consequence of perpetuating low pay for face-to-face service work”Read more at location 4735
such as teachers, counselors, healthcare aides, and child-care workersRead more at location 4738
Historians have long since documented the nineteenth-century ideology of separate spheres segregating domestic from market worlds (see Boydston 1990; Cott 1977), nineteenth-century movements advocating wages for housework moved the issue into practical politics, and developmental psychologists (see Chodorow 1978; Gilligan 1982) have debated extensively the cognitive gendering of such worlds.Read more at location 4749
MONY, MONEYRead more at location 4769
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Fund administrator Kenneth FeinbergRead more at location 4772
I have received . . . and have read in the newspapers, comments from a few American citizens expressing the opinion that the victims and their families are “greedy” in seeking additional compensation. As I have repeatedly stated . . . I believe that characterization is unfair. This Fund, and the comments of distressed family members, are not about “greed” but, rather, reflect both the horror of September 11 and the determination of family members to value the life of loved ones suddenly lost on that tragic day. (U.S. Department of Justice 2002: 11,234).Read more at location 4773
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