Visualizzazione post con etichetta scuola privato statale crimine. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta scuola privato statale crimine. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 26 settembre 2018

La scuola privata e il crimina

jason brennan

Reading papers today on impact of school choice on crime and risky behavior. Not a huge number of well-designed empirical papers. But the good ones--the ones that examine lottery-based systems (and thus have natural experiments)--find significant reductions in crime, risky behavior, and teen pregnancy. One paper finds that winning the lottery and being sent to the first or second choice school predicts cutting students' expected days incarcerated and the expected social costs of their crimes in half.[0]=68.ARDWfpAnWgubtveqAIVVhjEI_3lNiLwx9iMSD4pY5_KY0cctTdFwNHxR6X99BFRpbFL7m-eT63x3jTp2o0rHxBYeIeyBsQeC_W_qAYbbRSoucoGIN7Z0q7gac38WnZ_l1t8zPzb5jJ7i_ZHvEv442_mg84LtCh6mWDSQYOwezFSVbYGfbq-a4PI3X6mS-67MG_HzWEZllzeB3Ep84MUvn2eaVyzlUtWOIY0xQeOK&__tn__=-R

Dobbie, Will, and Roland G. Fryer Jr. "The medium-term impacts of high-achieving charter schools." Journal of Political Economy 123.5 (2015): 985-1037.

Deming, David J. "Better schools, less crime?." The Quarterly Journal of Economics 126.4 (2011): 2063-2115.


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Jason Brennan Cullen, Julie Berry, Brian A. Jacob, and Steven Levitt. "The effect of school choice on participants: Evidence from randomized lotteries." Econometrica 74.5 (2006): 1191-1230.