Steve Randy Waldman
Citation (APA): Waldman, S. R. (2020). interfluidity � Four functions of markets [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from
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Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 2
interfluidity » Four functions of markets
Nota - Posizione 2
@@@@@@é la fine del neoliberismo? pedriodizzazione 80 08 e dopo ora la continuitá é rotta. Vale la pena ricordare le 4 funzioni del mercato per poterle sostituire. 1 info 2 pacificatore 3 incentivo 4 astrazione e scelta etica adulta pagando il prezzo (Molti di noi amano gli animali ma non diventano vegetariani. Se dovessimo uccidere personalmente l'animale che mangiamo, probabilmente in tanti si convertirebbero. L'astrazione resa possibile dal mercato ci fa scegliere con la testa anziché con la pancia.)
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 4
end of the “neoliberal era”.
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that markets are in general the most capable institution for organizing human affairs;
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I cardini neolib
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filling in gaps (“ safety net”), addressing “market failures”
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Ruolo stato
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the period from about 1980 until the 2008
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L epoca d oro
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absent consensus on some new set of social heuristics,
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dopo il 2008 neolib sopravvive
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Continuity now is broken.
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it is useful I think to understand the variety of functions that markets serve,
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I. Markets serve as Hayekian information processors
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economists emphasize.
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gigantic computation
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No formal match, no central tabulator is required, because any unit’s choice to purchase puts upward pressure on prices
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Widely dispersed information about preferences and abundance are continuously summarized
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Distortions of inequality may corrupt the computation
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Potere d acquisto
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Hayekian information processors.
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II. Markets naturalize outcomes, defusing social conflict
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by an invisible hand”.
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it is usually not obvious who decided the outcomes,
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Nessun colpevole
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“Market forces” shape our fortunes and misfortunes,
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we respond very differently to a terrorist attack than to an even more devastating hurricane,
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Alla natura ci rassegnamo
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many of us accept unfortunate market
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winners and losers.
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Facile da accettare
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If some politician dictated the allocation, the losers might get mad,
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Market outcomes are no longer perceived as natural,
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Nn sempre funziona
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No one except perhaps Jamie Dimon attributes JPMorgan Chase’s success or continued existence to the dispassionate operation of an invisible hand.
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“Democratic legitimacy” is the most commonly posited alternative to markets’
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III. Markets “flip the incentives” surrounding resource utilization
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people’s incentives are usually to hoard utilization of resources they possess.
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Senza mercato
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If you AirBnB your guest room, all of a sudden you spend hours on the website futzing, trying to ensure that bed is occupied almost every night.
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intensive use of a resource by many creates more value
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Environmentally, intensively shared resources can have a much smaller footprint than widely replicated, infrequently used resources.
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Altri benefici
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The most important resources for which markets “flip the incentives” are, well, us.
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It’s not obvious how to design effective public-sector institutions with flipped incentives. Neoliberal politicians have frequently attempted cargo-cultish, superficial mimicry of businesses, like having government employees refer to the people and businesses they interact with as “clients” or “customers”.
Nota - Posizione 135
Pi mercato nello stato
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IV. Markets launder history
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to hide details surrounding the provenance of commodities,
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Apple can shift the location of its production across the globe,
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Outside of market processes, nothing is like this.
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every item has a history.
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Fuori dal mercato
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it is the same iPhone whether the cobalt inside it was mined by well-treated workers or child slaves.
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that one makes the product cheaper, which we prefer. But human beings are moral animals.
Nota - Posizione 145
Il sapere ci fa giudicare
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it allows producers the flexibility to alter and improve the internals of ethical production processes without fragmenting markets.
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The producer’s brand becomes the only history that matters,
Nota - Posizione 151
Demandare a terzi la scelta etica. Il procurAtore. Il marchio. La responsabilitá sociale
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In ordinary times, lots of us are fond of animals but do not become vegetarians. If we were required to personally kill the animals we eat, many of us would enjoy our carnivore lifestyle quite a bit less.
Nota - Posizione 159
L astrazione ci arricchisce. Niente appelli alla pancia
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abstraction markets offer make us richer, in the sense that we enjoy what we otherwise would not.
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boycotts or such.
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ethical production,