Visualizzazione post con etichetta neuroscienze uomo/scimmia. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta neuroscienze uomo/scimmia. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

Perchè l' uomo è un essere speciale

Chimps and some other species have also demonstrated "theory of mind," which allows them to understand the thoughts or motivations of another creature. But they fall short of humans when considering secondary theory of mind – understanding what another person thinks of a third party... Empathy is also not unknown among chimp troops, as evidenced when members of a troop groom an "innocent bystander" that was pummeled by an aggressive alpha chimp. Yet humans can commonly extend empathy over time and space, even experiencing feeling on behalf of other species. People can understand the terror in the eyes of a horse in Picasso's Guernica painting, or even feel sympathy for the fictional blue-skinned Na'vi aliens of the 3D film "Avatar."...
Even rarer neurobiological problems exist... Certainly no chimp or baboon ever suffered from so-called Jerusalem syndrome. The bizarre instances of temporary insanity almost exclusively afflict devout Christians on pilgrimage to Jerusalem who tend to be traveling alone, jetlagged and experiencing disappointment with a modern Jerusalem that does not resemble their dreamy vision of the Holy Land. These individuals typically end up wrapping a white sheet around their naked bodies like a toga and preaching on street corners in the belief that they are the messiah or an apostle...

... Some people may still worry about neuroscientists slowly stripping away the uniqueness of humans and reducing human motivations and behaviors to equations or chemical formulas... Two reasons not to worry... First, explaining everything in purely mechanistic terms would not diminish our appreciation of classical music composed by Johann Sebastian Bach or the sight of a leaping gazelle, Sapolsky said. But he added that the second and more crucial reason to have no fear is that researchers will never somehow figure out an answer for everything... Every time neuroscience comes up with an answer, it's attached to 10 new questions, and nine of them are better than the original... that idea of science being meant to encourage a sense of mystery rather than cure seemed to infect the audience of scientists and laypeoplewhen it came time for questions.

L' idea per cui la scienza incoraggerebbe il senso del mistero (e quindi la sensibilità religiosa) mi piace e l' avevo già incontratta nelle parole del matematico Ambrosetti.