Visualizzazione post con etichetta david friedman legal systems very different. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta david friedman legal systems very different. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 8 luglio 2020


Avete anche voi la sensazione che certe minoranze non vogliano affatto integrarsi?
Non è solo una sensazione, ogni minoranza ha da sempre robuste motivazioni razionali per tirare il freno. Esempio: nei nostri ordinamenti giuridici l'applicazione delle norme è demandata allo stato, in altri si realizza spontaneamente. Zingari, Amish, Mormoni, Ebrei (per 2000 anni), Cattolici (oggi), Mafie, Gang carcerarie, tutte queste realtà non hanno a disposizione uno stato per applicare la propria legge, occorre quindi che la cosa avvenga in automatico. In casi del genere si ricorre spesso a pene come l'ostracismo, un istituto ispirato alla scomunica in cui il reo viene escluso dalla sua comunità di appartenenza. L'ostracismo ha la virtù di essere compatibile con altri sistemi giuridici, e questo lo rende così appetibile per chi deve inserirsi in un corpo sociale alternativo. Naturalmente, l'ostracismo è tanto più efficace quanto più le condizioni dell'escluso sono temibili. Qualora la minoranza ospitata sia ben integrata con la comunità ospitante l'ostracismo diventa una barzelletta, ecco allora che occorre combattere una simile evenienza. Insomma, gli zingari hanno ottimi motivi per non mandare i bambini a scuola: ostracizzare un ragazzo istruito è decisamente più difficile.

venerdì 12 giugno 2020

il ruolo degli avvocati.

Per organizzare la sua vita sociale l'uomo crea delle norme generali, poi si accorge che non funzionano per alcuni casi particolari e le rettifica. Questo processo presenta inconvenienti poiché implica trattamenti diversi per casi sostanzialmente uguali: perché sospendere l'applicazione della norma per il tuo caso e non per il mio?

Sospendere l'applicazione di una norma non funziona, meglio ricorrere ad una interpretazione che consenta un'applicazione differenziata della medesima norma, in questo caso si puo' sostenere che la norma è universalmente applicata. Ma per implementare questi virtuosismi linguistici occorrono dei virtuosi del linguaggi: i giureconsulti.

martedì 9 giugno 2020

hl 5. Islamic Law

5. Islamic Law
Note:5@@@@@@@@@@@@@Non c é legge di dio ma solo imperfetta interpretazione della stessa.piú una morale che un diritto. Le conseg giuridiche sono secondarieanalogia con la legge costituzionale x capired sahria vs fiqh.. Quattro scuole tutte ortodosse. La fonte primaria si é spostata dal corano all tradizione.. Problemi. Vaghezza. Incoerenza. Per i detti c é anche il prob dell autenticitá.il polilegalismo delle cittá garantismo estremo della shaaria.lo stato moderno centralizza il sistema e gli islamisti lo imitano evitando la tradizione decentralizzata e indipendente dalla politica.similitudini con la legge matrimonio islamico

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it is the law of God not of man.
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what traditional Islamic courts enforced was not Shari’a, God’s law, but fiqh, jurisprudence, the imperfect human attempt to deduce from religious sources what human law ought to be.

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four different but mutually orthodox schools of law.
Note:Si spiega il mistero

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more than one reasonable guess.
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An obligatory act
Note:Punito e premiato

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A recommended act
Note:Solo premiato.

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A permissible act
Note:Né punito né premiato.

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An offensive act
Note:Premiato se ti freni

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An unlawful act
Note:Punito se nn ti trattieni e premiati se ti trattieni

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Islamic law is more nearly a system of morality than a system of law, since its rules primarily describe how one ought to act, only secondarily the legal consequences
Note:Una morale

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what is constitutional
Note:Facciamoci la domanda. Per capire la diff tra sahria e fiqh

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what decisions the Supreme Court has made
Note:Risposta x il prof.

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The question for him is not how he and his colleagues will vote or have voted but how he should vote.
Note:Ma mettiamoci nei panni di un giudice

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he has to go back to whatever he sees as the sources
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deducing law.
Note:Il compito del giudice

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the Koran itself and the words and acts of Mohammed
Note:Il punto di partesnza x dedurre

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Over time, the scholars separated into four schools,
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building on the work of their predecessors,
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schools were generally similar but differed in the details
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each regarded the others as orthodox.
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looking at the work of previous generations of scholars.
Note:Una fonte sempre piú preziosa con il tempo.

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end of the process by which law was deduced,
Note:Al punto che... La tradizione come nuova guida.

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it was not always clear what the Koran commanded.
Note:Primo prob per l interprete

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In some cases, such as the rules with regard to wine, later verses were inconsistent with earlier ones.
Note:Secondo problema

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The traditions were at first transmitted orally, only later written down. Each came with its isnad, its pedigree,
Note:Prob amche conla tradiz. Il prob dell autenticitá

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reliability of each hadith depended on the number of independent chains
Note:Regola generale.

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several collections of authenticated hadith were produced by scholars who went through a much larger number, eliminating those they thought insufficiently well supported.
Note:L abilitá nel selezionare

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one more source of information on divine law—consensus.
Note:In addiction

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people would never be all agreed upon an error.
Note:La vcredenza dei profeti.

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Exactly what it meant for all the scholars to be agreed,

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all expressed positive agreement

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none expressed disagreement,

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The Separation of Law and State

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Law, in theory, was not made by the ruler but deduced by legal scholars.
Note:Common law

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political authority in the Islamic world was fragmented.
Note:Prima dell impero ottomano

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local rulers were frequently foreigners to the populations

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What they wanted from the legal scholars was support
Note:Lasciavano la legge nelle mani dei giuristi

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They were even willing to subsidize the scholars by endowing mosques and madrissahs,
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if law professors ran the world,

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A mufti was a legal expert who offered advice on legal questions to any who wanted it.
Note:Una figura intermedia

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like the Roman jurisconsult.
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The fatwa might amount to moral advice, an opinion as to what action it was right to take.
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It was not the mufti’s job to find out what had actually happened, only to report what would be the legal implications
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The final actor in the progress from divine revelation to a functioning court system was the qadi, the judge.
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he was appointed and paid
Note:L unico

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In their system, the opinion on the law came first, provided by the mufti, followed by the qadi’s application of the law to the facts as he saw them.
Note:Processo capovolto rispetto a noi. L appwllo ê chiesto x rettificare l accertamento dei fatti

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An Alternative View

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Joseph Schact,
Note:Via alteenativa. La scuola xdente

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In his view Muslim law was actually an amalgam of pre-existing Arabic legal rules, administrative regulations created by the first Muslim dynasty,
Note:Glu hadith sono inventati

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both sides to such disputes invented traditions to support their positions.
Note:Quando nascevano dispute.

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The Schools of Law
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Maliki, Hanbali, Shafi’i, and Hanafi.
Note:Le quattro scuole. Prendono il nome dai fondatori

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disagreed on the details.
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punishment for drinking wine was eighty lashes according to three of the schools, forty according to the fourth

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The schools of Hillel and Shammai tolerated each other for several generations,
Note:Similitudine con gli ebrei

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The two major branches of Islam are Sunni and Shia, a division that goes back to a dispute over the succession to the caliphate after the death of the Prophet.
Note:Sunniti e sciiti

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Ali, the Prophet's cousin
Note:Il suo successore per gli sciiti

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Abu Bakr, one of Mohammed's closest companions,
Note:Per i sunniti. Il successore effettivo. Alí fu il terzo successore.

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The split became permanent when Muawiya, nephew of the third caliph and governor of Syria, refused to accept Ali's succession to the caliphate,
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the first Muslim civil war
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the Shia have their own schools and legal rules,
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a medieval Muslim city could have had separate courts for the four Sunni schools, the Shia, and the other tolerated religions.
Note:Sistedma polilegale.

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Non-Muslims had to use Muslim courts for criminal cases but had choice of law for civil matters.
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What happened in a dispute between parties adhering to different legal systems is not entirely clear
Note:Varia nel tempo e nello spazio

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common rule was for the dispute to go to the defendant’s court.
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law was in theory independent of the state,
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Under the Abbasids, the second Islamic dynasty, the police (shurta) began to investigate, try and punish offenders outside of the fiqh courts.
Note:Talvolta la politica irrompeva sulla scena.

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Finally, the ruler was entitled to create administrative regulations to implement fiqh
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In theory all such courts functioned in Siyasa Shari’a, the general spirit of Shari’a,
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the desire of the ruler to maintain control.
Note:Primo motivo x un sistema parallelo

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fiqh had serious limits
Note:Secondo possibile motivo.

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its evidentiary standards were in some contexts too hard to meet
Note:Difetto. L eccessivo garantismo.

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proof required the eyewitness testimony of two adult, competent, male Muslims
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the role of oaths.
Note:Altro elemento problematico

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an oath by one party could replace one of the two required witnesses.
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What Happened to Islamic Law?

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Wael Hallaq, one of the most prominent of the modern scholars, argues that the Islamic legal system functioned better than most modern systems,
Note:Giustizia x tutti aggratis

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The scholars maintained their independence in part through the existence of waqfs,
Note:Un trust fund che finanzia le svuole

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the rise of the nation state
Note:L origine dela fine

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rulers replaced the traditional system of decentralized law independent of the state with a system of statutory law
Note:Il cambio

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modern “Islamists” who view themselves as wishing to reinstitute Shari’a are proposing something quite different and less desirable,
Note:Islamisti eredi dei modernisti.

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the destruction of the traditional system was due to western colonialism
Note:Tesi di Halkaq.

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the case of the Ottoman Empire.

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Hallaq blames that change on indirect western pressure,
Note:Gli stati cristoani

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But the shift began much earlier.
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Ottomans gave the Hanafi school of law a legal monopoly
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Sultans proclaimed their own legal rules, kanun,
Note:Sempre nell impero

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Thus fiqh, according to all four schools, forbade loans at interest. Kanun provided for a maximum interest rate.

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Under the Ottomans there was a Grand Mufti appointed by the Sultan with ultimate authority over the appointment of qadis
Note:Altra interferenza

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The breakdown of the traditional legal system may, as Hallaq argues, be due to the rise of the nation state, but the connection between that and western imperialism is accident not essence.
Note:Tirando le somme

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The annexation of the waqfs by the Ottoman authorities parallels the earlier confiscation of the lands of the monasteries by Henry VIII.
Note:Un parallelo

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The Content of Fiqh

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Hadd offenses, mostly derived from Koranic rules, have fixed punishments. Ta'zir offenses have punishments set at the discretion of the judge. Jinayat offenses, homicide and bodily harm, have outcomes determined in part by law, in part by decisions made by the victim or his kin,
Note:Le tre offese

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Unlawful intercourse

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false accusation of unlawful intercourse

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wine drinking

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highway robbery

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is either execution

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hundred lashes
Note:Per chi nn é sposato

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Proof of the offense requires either four eyewitnesses
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the pregnancy of a never-married woman can also be taken as sufficient proof.
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if they do not throw the first stones the punishment is not carried out.
Note:4 testimoni

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almost impossible to prove,
Note:Di fatto

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“false” is interpreted as “not proven,”
Note:Rischioso testimoniare

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If, for example, one of the four witnesses turns out to be a minor, the other three can be charged with kadhf.
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The penalty is eighty lashes.
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The husband who cannot prove the charge can protect himself from being charged with kadhf by swearing four times
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The wife can defend herself against the accusation by the same series of oaths.
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punishment is eighty
Note:Bere vino

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testimony of two adult

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The thief must be a competent adult.
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item of more than a specified minimum value.
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item must be one protected by its owner,
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Stealing perishable food does not count
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amputation of the right hand,
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Since the punishment was Koranic it could not be changed,
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it was unlikely to be applied―the
Note:resa troppo qualificata

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stoning a disobedient son.

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For ta’zir offenses, the punishment was up to the judge,
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from a private admonishment to death
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Proof is by the testimony of two witnesses, one of whom can be a woman,
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Kadhf is only a hadd offense if committed against a Muslim, but ta’zir can be
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based on the pre-Islamic rules of Arab blood feud.
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charge is brought by the victim if he is alive or his nearest relative
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Retaliation occurs only at the request of the victim if alive, his nearest kin if the victim is dead, and is to be inflicted by victim or kin.
Note:Prima pena

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the victim or his closest kinsman may demand blood money
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Most schools include as homicide false testimony at trial that results in death.
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ridda, apostasy, the crime of converting away from Islam.
Note:Un crimine nn classificato

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The usual view is that apostasy is a capital offense,
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Some authorities hold that it may be punished without trial,
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the apostate must be given three days to repent
Note:Secondo una scuola

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beaten until they recant.
Note:Se donna

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The Koran sentences the apostate to hell but prescribes no punishment.
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belief alone was not to be punished.
Note:Secondo alcuni

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apostasy from any of the other religions of the book.
Note:Nn solo l apostasia dell islam

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Marriage Law

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marriage is treated as a contract.
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each entitled to own property.
Note:Marito e moglie

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wife’s property includes the dowry
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Pagata dall uomo

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part, sometimes a large part, may be due only after divorce or the death of the husband.
Note:Dissuasores x i divorz

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A wife does not have the right to divorce
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offering to give up part of what he would owe her as a result.
Note:Per aggirare la proibizione del divorzio

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the right of the wife to be divorced if the husband took a second wife.
Note:Contrattato nel matrimonio

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husband obedience and sexual access,
Note:I doveri della donna

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adequate intercourse and support at a level suited to her station,
Note:I doveri dell nuomo

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an annual head tax paid by non-Muslims under Muslim rule,

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tax on productive property owned by Muslims.

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the payment goes to the high-level religious scholar whose interpretation of law the individual taxpayer has chosen to follow,
Note:Mille x mille

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Jewish and Muslim Law: Similarities

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Islamic law permits a man only four wives.

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a man should not marry more than four wives,

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the conjugal schedule is every night.
Note:Pee chi nn lavora...le frequenze di maimonide

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for sailors, once in six months;
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for disciples of the wise, once a week,
Note:Lo studio indebolisce

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every four nights,
Note:To fiqH

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In Jewish law a wife who refuses intercourse with her husband is a “rebellious wife.”
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A man who is unwilling to have intercourse with his wife is obligated to divorce her
Note:In entrambi i diritti

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Both systems sometimes allow oaths as part of the legal process.
Note:Altra similitudine

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Jewish law is based on the written Torah and the oral Torah,
Note:Altra similitudine. Le fonti.

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Islamic law is based on the written Koran and the hadith, statements and practices of Mohammed
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During the period when there were two schools of Jewish law, some authorities held that one could choose either but should then follow all of its rulings,
Note:Similitudine con le 4 scuole.musulmane

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The solution chosen by Joseph Caro for the Bet Yosef was to base his position on the view of the majority of the three most eminent authorities.
Note:Se le opinioni dei saggi divergono.

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Working Around God’s Law

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“the reward I wish from the Prince of the Muslims is that he should send instructions to his officials in the city of Medina, commanding that when I am found dead drunk upon the pavement and brought in by the city guard, I be let off from the punishment prescribed for that offense.”
Note:Il premio richiesto dal poeta x il suo bel canto Ma ola olegge divina nn si puõ cambiare.

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Al-Mansur thought a little, then sent instructions to his officials in Medina commanding that if anyone found the poet ibn Harma dead drunk upon the pavement and brought him in for punishment, ibn Harma should receive eighty strokes of the lash as the law commands. But whoever brought him in should receive a hundred.
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L ordine inviato

mercoledì 13 novembre 2019

3. The Amish

3. The Amish102

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not relics
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a different form of modernity.”
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protestant sect
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split off from the Swiss Anabaptists
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population has expanded rapidly,
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high birth rate,
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modern medicine,
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retention rate;
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5000 Amish in 1920 and about 249,000 in 2010.
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plain dress
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rejection of many of the devices of modern technology,
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not that modern technology is wicked but that some specific technologies are likely to disrupt their social system
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Amish use battery
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refuse to connect to the power grid,
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tractors but only if they have metal rather than rubber wheels
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Amish have succeeded in maintaining their own systems of rules (Ordnung)
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the threat of excommunication and shunning
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The Congregation

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congregation, typically of twenty-five to forty households;
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unwilling to build churches or meeting houses,
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the number that will fit in a large farmhouse
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marriage partners are largely, but not entirely, from the same affiliation.
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congregation has a bishop,
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serve for life
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any formal training.
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church members whisper a candidate’s
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selected by lot
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When a congregation becomes too large to fit in a house it splits,
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The Ordnung

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filing a law suit, serving on a jury
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use of those modern technologies
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details of what is prohibited and how strictly vary
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driving automobiles
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having a telephone
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people interacting primarily with those close to them.
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church frowns on central heating systems: ‘A space heater in the kitchen keeps the family together.
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Heating all the rooms would lead to everyone going off
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features of dress,
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Buttons may be forbidden
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bright colors
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hair styles are prescribed (uncut hair for women, hair down to the earlobe, beard and no mustache for married men).
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The principle
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individuals ought to be humble,
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unwilling to be photographed.
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clear boundaries between ingroup and outgroup,
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Twice a year, all members of the congregation gather to take communion.
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What changes the ordnung is the practice of the members and the response to it by the leadership.
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existing rules without complaint,
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reduces the resulting inconvenience by permitting members to use freezers or telephones of their non-Amish neighbors.
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first step is to visit him.
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expresses regret,
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If violation continues, the ministers hold a meeting at the next Sunday worship
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followed by a public hearing
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the bishop proposes the punishment to the congregation, which votes on it.
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“sitting” confession
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“kneeling” confession
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six week ban.
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congregation avoids social contact
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Do you believe the punishment was deserved? Do you believe your sins have been forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ?
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excommunication, shunning,
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not required to leave the community but is strictly limited in his interaction with other Amish.
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cannot sit at the dinner table with baptized adults
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The wife
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refrain from sexual relations with him;
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the spouse may request excommunication in order that the couple will not have to shun
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not accept a ride in the car
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business dealings with those 'under the ban.'
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expected to help the rest of the family
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They go to school, but only through eighth grade,
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exemption from compulsory schooling laws.
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members of the congregation when, as adults, they are baptized.
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from about sixteen until twenty
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free to act in ways normally forbidden,
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going to town to see a movie, party, work in town at jobs that would otherwise be seen as inappropriate,
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drive a car.
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an opportunity for youth to compare
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That final decision is whether to accept baptism
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four out of five, choose to take the vow.
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courting their future mates.
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nominally secret.
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refers to her as “she” rather than by name;
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becomes public knowledge when they are about to marry.
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Intermarriage is permitted among congregations that are in fellowship with each other;
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Democracy or Competitive

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decisions require the unanimous assent of the members, so one might view the congregation as a very small democracy. Alternatively, observing that the members almost always support the decision of the bishop, one might describe the congregation as a de facto dictatorship,
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If it is a dictatorship, it is a competitive dictatorship.
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free to shift
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In the case of a major split within the Amish, such as occurred in the Lancaster settlement in 1910 and again in 1966,
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Such a system can be viewed as a competitive market for legal rules,
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122 Competitive dictatorship is the mechanism we routinely use to control hotels and restaurants;
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Relations with the “English”

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the Amish resemble the Romani described in the previous chapter. One difference is their relation with non-members. Romani in most places have been subject to hostility from outsiders and themselves regarded outsiders as ignorant and unclean.
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Non-Amish may view them as quaint but for the most part without hostility and even with some admiration.
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In 1955 Social Security became mandatory for self-employed persons. The Amish objected to participating, in part on the basis that they believed they were religiously obligated to take care of each other and should not be transferring that obligation to the state,
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Many refused to pay Social Security taxes, with the result that the IRS eventually began filing liens on farm animals and other assets.
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1965, when federal legislation exempted
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The Amish, who are pacifists, have usually been granted conscientious objector status by the Selective Service System.
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engage in civilian service,
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outside the Amish culture,
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“Many boys go with good intentions but by having so much idle time, become involved with amusements, with the nurses
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Amish response was the National Amish Steering Committee,
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putting many Amish conscientious objectors on farms run by Amish or Mennonites,
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Another conflict was over schooling.
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Children normally attended school only through eighth grade, thereafter assisting their parents.
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most Amish saw as intolerable, both because their children were to be kept off the farm too long and because they would be attending schools dominated by cultural attitudes very different
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Some went to jail as a result.
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conflict began in 1937 and was finally settled in 1955 by a reinterpretation of the school code.
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Finally, in 1972, the Supreme Court, in Wisconsin v. Yoder, ruled in favor of the Amish right to have their children leave school
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building and staffing their own local schools.
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one-room schoolhouses without central heating or running water, most of the Amish teachers had only an eighth-grade education—arose
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Conflicts between the Amish and the state over Social Security, schooling, conscription and a variety of other issues were eventually dealt with in a fashion acceptable to the Amish.
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non-Amish to view the Amish in a favorable light—as
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Amish frequently have non-Amish friends and often engage in business transactions with non-Amish. Some non-Amish operate “Amish taxi services,” providing automobile or van transportation for Amish
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chapter, I suggested that in North America toleration might eventually destroy the status of the Romani as self-governing communities by making it too easy for unhappy or ostracized members to defect into the surrounding community. Along similar lines, it is arguable that the emancipation of European Jews, starting in the late eighteenth century, was responsible for the decline of the Jewish communities as effectively self-ruling polities. Yet the Amish have maintained their identity, culture,
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there are a lot of jobs in the modern world for which the willingness to work and the training produced by an apprenticeship starting at age fourteen are better qualifications than a high school diploma.
Note:come campano?

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It would be interesting to know whether, when Amish do choose to leave prior to baptism, they usually do it one by one or in couples.
Note:vita di coppia

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One could also argue that the close bonds of Amish families create a form of lock-in.

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Reading books on the Amish, all positive, all written by sympathizers,137 one is struck by how dark their picture of the outside world is.
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Perhaps the Amish are correct in believing that they have a superior lifestyle,
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6. When God is the Legislator


Per alcuni sono un relitto del passato, per altri solo un modo diverso di vivere la modernità. Il libro mi ha concesso di approfondirne la loro conoscenza. Ci tenevo, anche perché alcuni autorevoli cattolici in conflitto col papato consigliano ai dissidenti di "ritirarsi dal mondo" ispirandosi (anche) a loro.
Gli Amish sono una setta protestante originata da uno scisma con gli anabattisti svizzeri. Il loro successo ha del clamoroso: una combinazione tra alta fertilità, medicina moderna e permanenza in comunità ha fatto esplodere la popolazione che, solo negli USA, è passata da 5000 anime nel 1920 a 246.000 nel 2010.
Sono noti per l'abbigliamento semplice e il ripudio della tecnologia ma vale la pena di andare oltre. Innanzitutto non considerano la tecnologia malvagia di per sé ma solo come una minaccia per la coesione sociale. Usano pile e batterie senza collegarsi alla rete elettrica, usano il trattore purché non abbia ruote gommate. La scomunica e l'ostracismo costituiscono la pena massima del loro ordinamento. Una congregazione è formata da 25/40 famiglie, vivono in una casa comune (in genere fattorie), non hanno chiese, si sposano tra loro, hanno un capo (bishop) in carica a vita, privo di formazione specifica e di compenso, viene nominato tirando a sorte tra i candidati "suggeriti" informalmente dagli anziani della congregazione (vox populi). La loro legge (Ordnung) è una sequela di proibizioni che preservano dal contatto con il mondo moderno, non possono guidare un'auto, avere un telefono, devono interagire solo con persone della comunità. Tanto per dire: il sistema di riscaldamento deve essere costituito da un'unica stufa collocata in cucina, in modo da tenere unita la famiglia, stufette collocate nelle varie stanze disperderebbe il gruppo. Nell'abbigliamento sono proibiti i bottoni e i colori sgargianti. Le donne non si tagliano i capelli ma li raccolgono all'orecchio, l'uomo ha la barba ma, se è sposato, non puo' avere i baffi. Niente trucchi, niente televisione, niente liceo, niente gioielli, niente aereo, niente fotografie, ma soprattutto tenere le distanze dai non-Amish! Principio generale: bisogna essere umili. Bandito l'orgoglio. La Comunione si prende 2 volte l'anno e la Messa una volta ogni due settimane. La legge viene cambiata di fatto, ovvero quando le violazioni sono ripetutamente tollerate, finché la variante diventa a sua volta legge. Chi viola la legge riceve la visita del capo che si aspetta delle scuse. Se le scuse non arrivano il capo con i suoi amici più stretti ne parlano dopo la messa della domenica successiva e risolvono l'affare. Se l'affare non si risolve, il terzo step è un'udienza pubblica in cui ci si puo' difendere. Il capo emette una sentenza che deve essere votata all'unanimità per passare all'applicazione. Le pene in ordine di severità: 1) confessione e pentimento da seduti, 2) confessione e pentimento in ginocchio, 3) ostracismo di sei settimane, 4) scomunica e 5) scomunica con vergogna. Nel corso dell'ostracismo il condannato non viene cacciato ma non puo' avere contatti con i suoi pari, mangia con i bambini in un tavolo a parte, nessuno puo' parlargli e occorre che osservi l'astinenza sessuale. Nessuno puo' nemmeno fare affari con lui, anche se gli espedienti per aggirare la proibizione non mancano, tipo lasciare i soldi sul tavolo e andarsene, oppure consegnare il compenso al capo che lo darà al bannato. Al termine del periodo gli viene chiesto: 1) "pensi di essertelo meritato?" e 2) "pensi che il sangue di Gesù possa lavare i tuoi peccati?". Rispondendo con un duplice "sì" si viene riammessi. Per la scomunica "con vergogna" non si viene mai riammessi, anche se si puo' restare in condizioni di ostracismo. E' buona norma che la moglie si faccia scomunicare anche lei per poter servire il marito scomunicato più da vicino. Dai giovani ci si aspetta che lavorino fin da bambini, sebbene siano autorizzati a frequentare la scuola fino alle medie (gli Amish sono esentati dalla scuola obbligatoria). Vengono battezzati da adulti e tra i 16 e i 20 sono liberi di violare le proibizioni (Rumspringa). Vanno in città, al cinema, alle feste, guidano auto... in questo modo fanno un confronto tra il mondo degli altri e il loro per poter scegliere se ricevere il Battesimo e quindi giurare (4 su 5 optano per giurare). Anche il corteggiamento avviene durante la Rumspringa ed è segreto, lui parla di lei chiamandola solo "lei", senza mai usare il suo nome. L'identità diviene pubblica solo nel giorno del matrimonio. Il matrimonio fuori dalla congregazione è concessa solo se il coniuge appartiene a una congregazioni affiliata.
Siamo di fronte a una democrazia o una dittatura? Le sentenze del bishop vengono messe ai voti, il che depone a favore della prima ipotesi, ma l'unanimità è sempre assicurata, il che depone a favore della seconda. E' comunque una dittatura competitiva poiché si puo' lasciare la propria congregazione per unirsi ad un' altra (più rigida o più liberale), in questi casi i costi non sono elevati. Ci sono anche secessioni pacifiche, come a Lancaster nel 1910 e nel 1965 dove una congregazione si divise in due dopo la fuoriuscita dei "rigidi". Nei fatti si tratta di un libero mercato delle regole. La "dittatura competitiva" in fondo è il sistema che comunemente adottiamo per legiferare negli hotel o nei ristoranti.
Gli Amish assomigliano un po' agli zingari, la grande differenza sta nei rapporti con l'esterno. Mentre i secondi sono giudicati sporchi e ladri, gli Amish sono spesso ammirati, magari ritenuti un po' bizzarri ma tutto sommato brave persone e gran lavoratori. Spesso gli Amish hanno amici non-Amish e questi ultimi hanno organizzato in passato servizi taxi per i primi o concluso affari con loro.
Con lo stato hanno avuto problemi che sembrano risolti. Per esempio, quando divenne obbligatoria la previdenza sociale misero in chiaro che la loro religione già li obbligava a prendersi cura dei vecchi e non c'era bisogno di altre costrizioni, cosicché fecero obiezione fiscale ai contributi subendo anche dei pignoramenti. Nel 1965 furono finalmente esentati da ogni pagamento. Poiché sono pacifisti hanno sempre disertato il servizio militare, ma anche quello civile negli ospedali delle grandi città inquinava il loro stile di vita corrompendo i giovani. Ottennero che i loro obbiettori lavorassero presso le fattorie locali in modo da non abbandonare la comunità e subire le tentazioni irresistibili della metropoli. Un altro conflitto ci fu sulla scuola poiché si riteneva intollerabile che un bambino Amish stesse a scuola tutte quelle ore, e magari anche oltre i 14 anni. Primo, doveva lavorare in comunità, secondo, nelle scuole urbane veniva corrotto da stili di vita incompatibili. Prima del 1955, molti genitori conobbero il carcere pur di obbiettare alla legge scolastica dello stato, successivamente il codice venne reinterpretato e infine, nel 1972, la Corte Suprema riconobbe loro un'esenzione dagli obblighi scolastici. Le scuole Amish hanno una sola aula, sono prive di riscaldamento e acqua corrente, in genere il corpo docente è costituito da un unico insegnante con il diploma di scuola media.
E' giusto riconoscere che si tratta di una comunità unica. La tolleranza USA è stata fatale per i ROM poiché offriva una vita facile agli ostracizzati, lo stesso è successo con le comunità ebraiche. Gli Amish invece tengono duro e conservano una loro spiccata identità. Tanto di cappello.
Come campano nel mondo moderno? Non è poi così difficile, ci sono ancora un sacco di mestieri in cui la voglia di lavorare duro e un solido apprendistato dopo i 14 anni sostituiscono in modo eccellente qualsiasi diploma di scuola superiore. Dopodiché, il segreto è avere poche esigenze una volta a casa.
Come si vive il fatto di corteggiare la propria moglie a 14 anni o poco più sotto la pressione della famiglia? Boh, difficile penetrare nei meandri della comunità, sarebbe interessante sapere se il quinto che esce in occasione del Battesimo lo fa da solo o in coppia.
Altri critici sostengono che una relazione comunitaria così profonda imprigioni di fatto i giovani. Altri ancora parlano di indottrinamento. In effetti i libri che circolano in comunità parlano in modo tetro del mondo esterno. Tuttavia, come escludere che il "mondo esterno" non sia proprio così? Che il loro stile di vita sia effettivamente superiore?
This book looks at thirteen different legal systems, ranging from Imperial China to modern Amish: how they worked, what problems they faced, how they dealt with them. Some chapters deal with a single legal system, others with topics relevant to several, such as problems with law based on divine r...