Visualizzazione post con etichetta #tabarrok demografia. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta #tabarrok demografia. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 2 agosto 2016

Demographics and Growth

Demographics and Growth - Marginal REVOLUTION:

"Younger people are more likely to pursue new ideas, take risks, and start new businesses. So an aging population is likely to lead to a less dynamic economy.

Slower population growth can also be a source of economic stagnation in its own right. A rapidly growing population means rising demand for products of all kindsnew homes, restaurants, shopping malls, and so forth. So more businesses will be started in general, which means more opportunities for experimentation. Successful stores, restaurants, and other businesses can be expanded or franchised to other metropolitan areas, allowing good ideas to spread quickly.

In contrast, in a country with a more stagnant population, starting a new business requires replacing an existing business. Even if a young person has an innovative idea for a new company, the practical difficulties of getting the business started might be too great for putting the idea into practice. And so change can only happen by convincing existing business owners to change their behavior — an inherently slower and more difficult process."

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