Visualizzazione post con etichetta videogiochi. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta videogiochi. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 15 febbraio 2020


Ora penso a YouTube come a un mezzo di comunicazione con costi (spesso, non sempre) elevati di "investimento nel contesto". Quindi, se molti video ti sembrano stupidi, a volte lo sono, ma altre volte non hai abbastanza contesto per capirli, o per quello motivo di condannarli per i giusti motivi. Questo modello di "alti costi iniziali" è coerente con il comportamento semi-avvincente mostrato da molti fedeli utenti di YouTube.

lunedì 8 febbraio 2016

Future Imperfect SUNTO di DAVID D. FRIEDMAN - realtà virtuale 20

Future Imperfect di DAVID D. FRIEDMAN - realtà virtuale - TWENTY All in Your Mind

  • Videonferenza. what I see is not what is in front of me but what they draw... The image from my video camera is processed by my computer before being sent on to everyone in my audience. That gives me an opportunity to improve it a little first, to replace my bathrobe with a suit and tie, give me a badly needed shave, remove a decade or so of aging.
  • Video games are our most familiar form of virtual reality.
  • However good our screens, this sort of virtual reality suffers from a serious limitation: It only fools two senses... Want to hear things? Vibrate air in the ear. Want to see things? Beam photons at the retina. Applying that approach to the remaining senses is harder.
  • Ostacoli alla VR. We all, automatically and routinely, judge the people around us not only by what they say but by how they say it - tone of voice, facial expression, gestures.
  • con men. They are people who, through talent or training, have mastered the ability to divorce what they are actually... on the Internet nobody knows you are a dog. Or a woman. Or a twelve year old. Or crippled. In virtual reality, once we have the real-time editing software worked out properly, you can be anything you can imagine... Giochi di gruppo: Have participants write and post physical descriptions of other participants they had never met. I gained almost nine inches. In virtual reality I never have to be short again.
  • My Contribution to Corpore Sano
  • One objection to video games is that they remove one of the few incentives modern people have to exercise.
  • If what you want is exercise, the obvious solution is bigger joysticks... you only notice how tired you are after you have won or lost.
  • Dance Dance Revolution, already exist.'
  • Altra funzione videogiochi. to do dangerous things while only getting virtually killed... Mariana trench... the lunar case,
  • Suppose we succeed in cracking the dreaming problem, figuring out enough about how the brain works so that we too can create full sense illusions.
  • a useful first step is to distinguish between information transactions and material transactions.
  • The book is a physical object. But reading an illusion of a book, with the same words on the virtual pages, would do just as well... For a material transaction, consider growing wheat.
  • A sufficiently advanced form of virtual reality can provide for all information transactions. It might assist with some material transactions; the wheat harvester could be run by an operator located somewhere else, giving real instructions to a real machine.
  • Beam Me Up, Scotty
  • Cosa conta? Why do I want to visit my friends? To see them, to feel them, to hear them, to do things with them. Unless one of the things is building a house or planting a garden that really has to be built or planted, the whole visit is an information transaction... consider a phone call.
  • Future Fiction
  • Fantasia depauperata? My daughter has so far refused to see the movie version of The Fellowship of the Ring because she prefers the product of her imagination to the product of the director's imagination.
  • Consider in contrast a symphony. It corresponds to nothing in nature. The composer has taken one sense, hearing, and used it to create an aesthetic experience
  • Fantasy: Substitute or Complement
  • Su WW nn c'è distinzione tra sessi, la violenza è anche sulle donne. That raises an obvious question: Having routinely punched out virtual females online, will he be more willing to punch out real females in the real world?
  • George Orwell, writing more than sixty years ago, worried about the corrupting effect on readers of the routine brutality of American crime fiction... Later writers worried about the effect of television. The latest concern is the effect of Internet porn.
  • Is virtual sex and violence a complement to or a substitute for real sex and violence?
  • Tod Kendall.' Correlate growth of access to the Internet, by state, with changes in the frequency of rape. It turned out that the correlation was negative;
  • What Matters
  • Mondo materiale. Stuff must be produced for real, but human beings do not need much stuff to stay alive. To check that for food, price the cheapest bulk flour, oil, and lentils you can find. Calculate how much 2,000 calories a day of each of them would cost... Viewed in realspace, it is not much of a world. Everyone is eating the cheapest food that will keep a human body in good condition, living in the human equivalent of coin-operated airport storage, exercising by moving against resistance machines, perhaps as part of virtual reality games...
  • Mondo virtuale. All women are beautiful, and enough are willing. All men are handsome. Everyone lives in a mansion that he can redecorate at will, gold-plated if he so desires.'
  • Which is true - slum or paradise? It depends on what matters. If all that matters is sensation, what you perceive, it is a paradise,
  • As evidence against, consider a very old form of virtual sex: masturbation. tion. In your mind you can be making love to the woman of your dreams, at least if you have a good enough imagination.
  • Having someone read a book I wrote, enjoy and be persuaded by my ideas, pleases me... But what about only thinking someone read my book?
  • Robert Nozick, in Anarchy, State, and Utopia, put the question in terms of an imaginary experience machine, his version of VR.'
  • You will have to decide for yourself.