Visualizzazione post con etichetta capitalismo etica. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta capitalismo etica. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 2 dicembre 2019


I moralisti scuotono il ditino dicendo che l'amore per il denaro è la radice di tutti i mali. Presumono che fare un sacco di soldi implichi lo sfruttamento degli altri e che il modo migliore per lavarsi la coscienza consista nel dedicarsi alla filantropia. Ma è facile mostrare che i moralizzatori hanno torto, e che è vero l'esatto contrario. In generale, più soldi guadagni, più fai per gli altri. Chi è produttivo restituisce alla società semplicemente facendo il suo lavoro. Inoltre, la ricchezza ci consente di condurre una vita autenticamente nostra, ci rende più coscienti e responsabili. Le società capitaliste che mettono al centro il denaro ospitano cittadini più affidabili, più empatici e più cooperativi. Tutto cio' non è un caso: chi non ha queste caratteristiche affonda. Magari è un'apparenza ma è comunque un'apparenza benefica per molti. Se vengo accolto in un negozio con tutti gli onori subodoro l'ipocrisia ma intanto mi sento bene. La storia poi mostra che le nazioni ricche sono diventate tali a causa delle loro cultura e delle loro istituzioni sane, NONOSTANTE le vicende legate alla schiavitù e al colonialismo. I popoli africani e medio-orientali hanno praticato lo schiavismo su larga scala ma non si sono arricchiti. Noi non siamo nati con un debito perpetuo verso la società, non ha senso postulare che "il ricco è tenuto a dare", il ricco - essendo ricco - è quello che già oggi dà di più. Essere ricchi è ok, diventare ricchi è ancora più ok.

Finger-wagging moralizers say the love of money is the root of all evil. They assume that making a lot of money requires exploiting others, and that the best way to wash off the resulting stain is to give a lot of it away. In Why It’s OK to Want to…

mercoledì 21 agosto 2019


Note:2@@@@@@@@ no profit

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a lot of people just don’t trust business.

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put profit ahead of acting ethically.

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Volkswagen’s blatant circumvention

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and Wells Fargo employees creating phony accounts
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Wells Fargo employees creating phony accounts

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It is widely understood that the profit motive can lead people to take bad actions,

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We must first acknowledge the bad news—namely, that entire sectors of our corporate economy are based primarily on ripping off consumers.

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customers for these items spend their money to buy false hope,
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spend their money to buy false hope,

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Many dentists insist you get X-rays every year,

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Doctors get kickbacks for overprescribing antidepressants

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I would start with the assumption that the sellers are trying to rip me off.

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33 percent of packaged fish in the supermarket was inaccurately labeled regarding type or origin.
Note:SI SA

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Another study showed that between 15 and 75 percent of the salmon claimed as wild actually was farmed;

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The propensity of business to commit fraud is essentially just an extension of the propensity of people to commit fraud.

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To paraphrase Cassius from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our corporations, but in ourselves.”

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Businesses often limit fraud by creating institutional structures to constrain the worst sides of their managers

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digital communication has raised the price of corporate dishonesty,

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You’re more likely to be ripped off by your local TV repairman, your local doctor, or maybe even your cousin than you are likely to be cheated by McDonald’s or Walmart.

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Big businesses have more to lose from fraud,

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internet dating profiles.

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53 percent of people admitted to having lied in their online dating profiles.
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Cccccc c

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If you think of love, romance, and sex as especially important matters—

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60 percent of adults will lie at least once within the course of a ten-minute conversation,

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And that is only what people admitted to.

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And how good should we feel about customer applications? What percentage of mortgage applications contain lies or half-truths?

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How many resumes present an accurate picture?

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at least 40 percent of resumes contained outright falsehoods.

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According to one estimate, retailers lost $32 billion to shoplifting and employee theft in 2014, and often it is the consumer who ultimately pays the bill,

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In 2014, 4.7 percent of American workers failed to pass their workplace drug tests,

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Personally, I would be hard-pressed to find a big business that lies to me as much as—presumably—my friends, family, and closest associates do.

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The books that are most likely to be stolen from libraries are books on ethics, especially those that are likely to be read by faculty and advanced students in moral philosophy.

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Nietzsche are among the most likely to be snatched,

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businesspeople are not the most dishonest group after all.

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The participants at the ethics sessions are just as likely to talk audibly while the speaker is presenting, let the door slam shut while entering or leaving a session, and leave behind clutter or garbage at the end of a session.

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Stephens-Davidowitz: Everybody Lies.

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to look at tax fraud.

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For the category “individual income tax,” the average tax gap for those years is $264 billion.

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the personal income gap is more than six times larger than the corporate gap.

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if we look at total revenue collected from personal income tax and from corporate income tax for 2010, the ratio is about 4.7 to 1.

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Ernst Fehr and John A. List,

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set up what is called a “trust game” and compared the performance of CEOs to non-CEOs.

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how people from different cultures behave in economic games based on the choice to cooperate or not.

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Joseph Henrich,
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the ultimatum game.

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conclusion is that well-developed market societies have the strongest norms for fairness and sharing,

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people from the more commercialized societies are much more willing to cooperate

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Frenchman Montesquieu, and others who were observing the rise of commercial society

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the most effective way to boost profits in a business is to have employees who believe in working toward something other than pure profit maximization.

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If you deliberately set out to be happy, you’ll probably end up less happy than if you focus on concrete achievements and building human connections. If you try to relax, or try too hard to fall asleep, or try too hard to fall in love, you may find those ends harder to accomplish.

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optimization is done indirectly,

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When business puts some social goals ahead of profit, at least for some particular decisions, business itself is often the biggest beneficiary.

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corporate culture is a major driver of corporate success

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corporate culture as the ultimate source of competitive advantage

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There is yet further evidence that wealthier, more business-oriented nations are more likely to induce higher levels of trust.

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Paul J. Zak and Stephen Knack,

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which nations’ citizens demonstrate the most trust, using questionnaire answers from the World Values Survey.

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study shows a clear relationship between levels of trust and per capita income.

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Norway, Sweden, South Korea, and much of the Anglo-American world are relatively high-trust

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difficult to disentangle cause and effect.

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Most likely, both effects operate in a mutually reinforcing fashion,

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If you think profits induce corruption, you might then conclude that nonprofits should be especially trustworthy.

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for-profits and nonprofits, at least if we are comparing enterprises in the same basic economic sector, usually operate in pretty similar ways

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charities typically are funded by wealth earned through business and donated by businesspeople.

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dishonesty and fraud are rife at nonprofits.
Note:MA POI..

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many nonprofits manipulate metrics so that the resources devoted to fundraising or to overhead appear lower than they really are.

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Plenty of charities and nonprofits don’t actually change or improve the world or deliver any useful product at all,
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If we look at hospitals, we see that for-profits and nonprofits just aren’t that different,

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after one set of hospitals switched to for-profit status, their mortality rates did not change,

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There is one area where the for-profits appear to be considerably more fraudulent than the nonprofits, and that is higher education.

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British physician and science writer Ben Goldacre’s well-known book Bad Pharma.

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Pharmaceutical companies often promote drugs that in specific situations are unlikely to help; they bribe doctors, either explicitly or implicitly, to overprescribe medications; they keep trial results secret when they should not;

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Not Nearly as Good as It Could Be Pharma: How Corruption Is Diminishing One of Our Great Benefactors.

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Frank Lichtenberg

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drug companies are saving human lives at remarkably low cost—roughly $12,900 per year of life gained.

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two-thirds of the life expectancy boost for elderly Americans over the period 1996–2003 was due to prescription drugs

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Just ask the HIV-positive people who were preparing to die in the early 1990s when a new class of drugs allowed those receiving timely treatment a life expectancy close to the average for all people.

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researchers Nathan Brooks and Katarina Fritzon, rates of psychopathy among business leaders may range from 4 to 20 percent compared with a possible estimate of about 1 percent for the population as a whole.

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leader can be put into the diagnostic category of psychopath without being harmful or dangerous in any way. It suffices, for instance, for a business leader to show signs of “grandiosity, glibness, and entitlement.”

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with the rise of the internet and social media they have had an increasing incentive to behave honestly.

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high reputational penalties.

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As for professional services, the spread of information previously only available to experts has made it harder for dentists to push unneeded treatments. If you Google “Do I really need that root canal?”

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ask whether government has become more honest in recent times.

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Approval ratings for Congress have been at all-time lows, often below 10 percent.

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Overall, I see that the trustworthiness of mainstream business is going up and that of government is going down.

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venerdì 6 aprile 2018

L'impresa gentile

Perchè le multinazionali pendono sempre a sinistra sulle questioni sociali e si profondono in mille scuse ogni volta che involontariamente potrebbero offendere la sensibilità progressista? Perchè a sinistra stanno i clienti migliori, più danarosi e spendaccioni.
Opinion: They're following their customer base.

martedì 20 febbraio 2018

Contro lo spreco dell'etica

Mercato: 20% etica, 80% egosmo.
Il mercato non escude la virtù, la economizza.
The principal findings of experimental economics are that impersonal exchange in markets converges in repeated interaction to the equilibrium states implied by…

La moralità del mercato

Giochino: ti consegno 100 euro, offrirai parte del tuo patrimonio a un terzo che è al corrente di tutto, se costui accetta intascherete l'intera somma, in caso contrario restituirete i 100 euro.
Dato empirico: chi proviene da paesi con economie di mercato offre di più.
Il mercato e la cultura degli affari ci rende più sensibili alla reciprocitá.
The principal findings of experimental economics are that impersonal exchange in markets converges in repeated interaction to the equilibrium states implied by…

venerdì 28 aprile 2017

La città dei Santi

Why Not Capitalism? di Jason F. Brennan
Tesi: il capitalismo è difendibile sul piano etico?
A prima vista si direbbe di no: basta aprire un giornale o accendere la TV ed è tutto un susseguirsi di scandali, malaffare e corruzione.
Poi, quando vai in Chiesa, le accuse si moltiplicano: consumismo, tentazioni, azzardi… Siamo praticamente sulla soglia dell’inferno.
Certo, oggi la parola "socialismo" è tabù, tuttavia ce n'è una che la sostituisce in modo subdolo: "democrazia"...
... Michael Moore ends his film Capitalism: A Love Story (2009) with a catechism: “Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil. You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people, and that something is democracy.” By “democracy,” Moore means collective control of the means of production—that is, socialism... The term “socialism” appears on, but is buried deep within, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) 1 website, despite its repeated invections against the economic status quo and its vague call for “a new socio-political and economic...
Perché la parolina sia tabù si capisce subito: il socialismo reale è stato un inferno reale in terra...
... countries that tried socialism—the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, and North Korea—were hellholes...
E’ stato per il novecento quello che la peste nera è stata per il trecento...
... Socialist governments murdered about 100 million (and perhaps many more) of their own citizens, making socialism about as lethal as the 14th-century Black Death...
Insomma: se il capitalismo reale ha problemi il socialismo reale è disastroso.
Nonostante questo il capitalismo manca ancora di attrattiva morale: dobbiamo beccarcelo perché "ce lo meritiamo", è questo che pensano anche molti suoi sostenitori...
... Yet, despite this, many people who oppose socialism and support markets find capitalism morally uninspiring. Sure, capitalism performs better than socialism. But, we worry, that is just because we are so selfish...
Non siamo abbastanza "buoni" per il socialismo...
... But many people worry this just shows we are not altruistic enough for socialism...
La colpa è di Stalin (o di Mao, o di Pol Pot o di Mussolini) non del socialismo...
... Socialism asks us to supply benevolent philosopher-kings, but the best we can come up with is a Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot. It seems the problem is with us. Since we are selfish, greedy, and fearful, maybe market-based economies are the best we can do...
Il socialismo reale è disastroso? C'è sempre quello utopico, che è meraviglioso.
I socialisti chiacchieroni (ovvero mai saliti al potere), mantengono immutato il loro prestigio, pensiamo solo all'Italia e al santino di Berlinguer.
Molti difensori del capitalismo rafforzano questa visione delle cose. Pensiamo al macellaio di Smith...
... Even capitalism’s greatest defenders seem to agree. Adam Smith tells us, “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest...
Oppure ai vizi privati che diventano virtù pubbliche...
... Bernard Mandeville, in his famous poem “The Grumbling Hive,” says capitalism runs on vice much like biodiesel engines run on food waste...
O all'elogio esplicito dell'egoismo...
... Finally, there’s Ayn Rand, “Goddess of the Market,” 7 who defends capitalism by arguing that selfishness is a virtue and altruism is evil...
Opinione comune: del socialismo salviamo l'afflato etico...
... Socialism seems to answer to a higher moral calling. Perhaps the best evidence of this is that socialists so often defend their view in moral terms...
Il problema del socialismo? Ci chiede troppo, non ne siamo all'altezza...
... The problem with socialism thus seems to be that it asks too much of us—it asks us to love our neighbors as ourselves, to share, and to never take advantage of power...
Basta confrontare i motti per farsi un'idea. Dove sta la superiorità morale?...
... Socialism says, “All for one and one for all.” But we’re more comfortable with something like, “Every man for himself.”...
Una teoria meravigliosa per una specie derelitta.
E il mercato? Un triste ma necessario compromesso...
... you probably accept the view just described: That markets are a kind of moral compromise, and that if we could harness the best within us, we would dispense with capitalism...
Chi sostiene questa visione nel modo più argomentato?...
... The best spokesperson of this widely shared view is the philosopher G. A. (“Jerry”) Cohen...
La sua è una critica morale del capitalismo. L'abbiamo sentita tante volte – ultimamente anche da Papa Francesco - ma con Cohen si fa sul serio.
Qui dimostreremo che è vero il contrario: il capitalismo è moralmente superiore...
... I debate Cohen in order to undermine the widespread belief that socialism is morally superior to capitalism...
Il libro di Jerry Cohen ha un pregio, è semplice e lineare, non si rifugia in gerghi incomprensibili...
... Unlike many Marxists, he doesn’t rely on convoluted dialectics or postmodernist piffle...
La tesi è difesa facendo ricorso ad un semplice esperimento mentale: immaginate una vacanza in campeggio con i vostri amici. Come vi organizzate? Se ci fate caso adotterete i tipici principi socialisti. Quando si è tra amici fidati e rispettosi il socialismo si impone...
... Cohen first has us imagine a camping trip among friends. Everyone wants everyone to have a great time. When the campers bring their equipment to the campsite, they stop asserting ownership rights over their stuff, and instead treat everything as a common bounty... The campers maintain a perfect community of perfect equality... campers are living by socialist principles...
Il campeggio informato ai principi capitalistici sarebbe un disastro...
... Now, Cohen says, imagine what the camping trip would look like if the campers began to act like people do in real-life capitalism. Imagine Harry demands better food because he is good at fishing. He refuses to put his skills to use unless he gets the best fish. Sylvia demands privileges after she finds an apple tree in the woods. She refuses to share unless she gets a break from the communal chores. Leslie demands extra payment for her special knowledge of how to crack nuts. Morgan, whose father left him a well-stocked pond 30 years ago, gloats over having more food than the others.... these repugnant behaviors are just what we see in real-life capitalist societies...
Morale: se fossimo buoni il capitalismo ci ripugnerebbe.
Qui si offre un controesperimento: il Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (MMC). Chi non ha mai visto questo cartone in TV con i propri bambini? È altamente istruttivo e fa il nostro caso.
Topolino, Pippo, Nonna Papera ecc… sono tutti buoni amici con interessi diversificati...
... Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Clarabelle Cow, Pete (defined as a cat), and Professor Ludwig Von Drake, and many other characters, live together in a village. There is no hierarchy among them. 2 They have separate goals and projects, but also share common aims, such as the goal that each of them should have a fulfilling life...
Nel MMC ci sono spazi comuni...
... For example, there are communal spaces, such as amphitheaters, racetracks, obstacles courses, and parks...
Ma anche molta proprietà privata: ognuno conduce una sua attività autonoma: Nonna Papera fa le torte e si dedica alla fattoria, Minnie gestisce una palestra, Topolino è impegnato nelle sue indagini…
... There are also privately owned spaces and things. Mickey Mouse owns a clubhouse that he shares with his friends. Minnie owns and runs a “Bowtique,” a hair-bow factory and store. Clarabelle Cow owns and runs a “Moo Mart” sundries store and a “Moo Muffin” factory. Donald Duck and Willie the Giant own farms. Professor Von Drake owns various inventions, including a time machine and a nanotech machine that can manufacture “mouskatools” on command...
Tutti lavorano duro e con passione, ognuno persegue un suo progetto di vita. Tuttavia, tutti sono gentili col prossimo e aiutano chi è nel bisogno.
Massima armonia, nessuna coercizione...
... There is no violence or any threats of violence—force is not necessary to maintain social order...
Nel mondo di Topolino non ci si limita a lavorare, ci si diverte anche…
… Village life is not all about work! The villagers spend much of their time having fun. They enjoy lightly competitive or non-competitive games, going on adventures, and producing art and music. Sometimes they do these activities alone, sometimes together in small groups, and sometimes with everyone as a whole…
E quando qualcuno è nei guai ci si aiuta
… When bad luck strikes—e.g., when some baby ducks must be taught to fly, or when a baby dragon is lost, or when the Tick Tock Time Machine accidentally turns half the villagers into babies, or when a Gooey Goo spill creates five copies of Goofy—the villagers happily come together as a team to solve the problem, making use of their different skills and abilities…
principi che informano la vita del MMC:
… Everyone operates on principles of mutual concern, tolerance, and respect…
Immaginate ora un governo socialista del MMC…
… You could imagine instead a version of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Village in which—as in socialism—the collective (or its representative, the socialist government) asserts its rights over all pieces of land or equipment, or over everyone’s bodies, minds, and talents. 3 You could imagine that the collective or the socialist government decides who will be allowed, for example, to use the hot-air balloons, or what color bows Minnie will make…
Nonna Papera sarebbe costretta da un burocrate (e da un soldato) ad andare in palestra e Minnie a fare torte.
Nessuno di noi esporrebbe i propri bambini ad uno spettacolo tanto obbrobrioso…
… Now, most people would hate that. We probably wouldn’t let our children watch that kind of show…
Ora è il capitalismo a sembrare armonioso e desiderabile…
… And this means that most people are drawn to the capitalist ideal, at least in certain restricted settings…
Tutti ammettono che il capitalismo funziona meglio quando gli uomini sono cattivi (fa leva sui loro vizi). Ma quando sono buoni? E’ questa la domanda cruciale.
Perché il capitalismo è moralmente superiore? Perché in un regime capitalista chi vuole fare il socialista puo’ farlo. Il contrario non è possibile. Israele è un paese capitalista ma chi vive nel kibbutz vive in un mondo socialista…
… The moral principles realized in the Clubhouse Village include the principle of voluntary community, the principle of mutual respect, the principle of reciprocity, the principle of social justice, and the principle of beneficence…
Il rispetto capitalista è fondamentalmente rispetto per la diversità
… Part of what it means to have mutual respect is to believe that every individual matters as an end in herself…
La cooperazione è una gran bella cosa. Tuttavia, la cooperazione coercitiva (socialismo) non puo’ essere messa sullo stesso piano di quella volontaria (capitalismo)…
… In the USSR, Venezuela, or Cuba, cooperation is based largely on greed and fear. A person does not care fundamentally, within socialist interaction, about how well or badly anyone other than herself fares…
Obiezione: ma il MMC è pura utopia capitalistica!…
… many others would instead say that while it is all right for the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Village to be run on capitalist lines, there are features special to the Clubhouse Village that distinguish it from the normal life in a modern society and that consequently cast doubt on the desirability and/or feasibility of realizing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse principles in a modern society…
Vero: se usciamo dalla dimensione del villaggio difficilmente potremo ricreare la medesima situazione idilliaca.
Gli amici di Topolino sono troppo virtuosi…
… The idea is that the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Village is a small village, inhabited by unusually virtuous characters, removed from the complexities of everyday life…
Forse la natura umana forse è incompatibile con il MMC…
… The first putative reason why capitalism is infeasible is that people, so it is often said, are insufficiently cooperative, generous, tolerant, and respectful to meet its requirements, however cooperative, generous, tolerant, and respectful they might be in contexts as special and limited as the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Village…
Senza dire che c’è anche un problema organizzativo: come ci si coordina su larga scala?…
… Yet many political scientists say that once we move past the confines of a small village, like the Clubhouse Village, we cannot make do without a powerful central authority, which maintains a powerful police force and military, imposes rules through commands, backs up these commands through violence and threats of violence, and that maintains a monopoly on the use of violence as a method of social control….
Invero alcuni autori hanno avanzato ipotesi realiste di una società pienamente libera in stile MMC.
Per esempio Michael Huemer in “The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey” (2015). Oppure – in misura ridotta (stato minimo) - Robert Nozick in Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974). O John Tomasi in “Market Fairness” (2008).
L’ anarco-capitalismo del MMC o lo stato minimo sono progetti difficili da realizzare senza un miglioramento etico dell’uomo, restano al momento delle utopie. Cio’ non toglie che domani potrebbero trovare una loro incarnazione…
… Perhaps in the distant future, with advances in human moral motivation and social technology, the principles of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Village could be realized…
Ma ammettiamo pure che il MMC sia utopia. Rilievo: anche il mondo ridotto ad un campeggio tra amici è mera utopia.
Un confronto omogeneo richiede di fare un parallelo tra utopie.
E’ lo stesso Cohen a decantare le virtù dell’utopia: non si realizza ma funge da bussola…
… G. A. Cohen contends that we should not rest content with what we have. We can envision a better world free of oppression. We should strive to achieve that vision, if we can. I agree…
Ebbene: chi desidera avere un’utopia di riferimento, adotti senza indugio il MMC…
… Capitalism is not just better than socialism from an economic point of view, but inherently better from a moral point of view….
La società dei virtuosi non sarà mai socialista ma capitalista, anzi, anarco-capitalista…
… even if everyone were morally perfect, capitalism would still be preferable to socialism…
Ora vediamo meglio perché.
Immaginiamoci una città di Santi: la Gerusalemme Celeste
… Imagine a world much like ours, but with one big difference: in this parallel world, everyone is morally perfect…
Come governarla?
Qui l’utopia è possibile, siamo tutti buoni, il realismo puo’ essere messo da parte…
… Some philosophers think there is no point asking Cohen’s question. They say the answer might provide us with little practical advice about what to do here and now…
L’errore di Cohen è stato comparare il socialismo idealizzato del campeggio tra amici con il capitalismo reale pieno di Wanne Marchi truffaldine
… When I first read Cohen’s Why Not Socialism?, I realized that the essential flaw was that he was not comparing like to like. I recognized that he argued for the inherent moral superiority of socialism by comparing idealized socialism to realistic capitalism…
Cohen ha imbrogliato: ha senso solo comparare socialismo ideale (del campeggio) con capitalismo ideale (del MMC).
Di solito si giunge a preferire il capitalismo per altra via, ovvero comparando socialismo reale e capitalismo reale…
… Arguments for capitalism, private property, and market economies often rely upon the idea that these institutions are a response to human failings, and that under utopian conditions, we would have no need of them…
David Hume, per esempio.
Ma anche, più di recente, un autore come Schmidtz: la proprietà privata risolve “la tragedia dei beni comuni”…
… More recently, Schmidtz has argued, in his “The Institution of Property,” 4 that private property is justified in order to ensure that people maintain rather than destroy resources. Private property prevents what ecologist Garrett Hardin calls the “tragedy of the commons.”…
Sia Schmidtz che Papa Francesco (e Cohen) vedono il capitalismo come una leva per i vizi, il primo fa notare come sia il male minore, il secondo come sia comunque un male…
… And so, again, Cohen concludes that private property and markets are merely useful social technology in light of human vice…
Massima concessione dei critici: per l’uomo vizioso forse è l’unica soluzione, ma non accontentiamoci, andiamo oltre!
Ma cosa c’è oltre? Forse il socialismo?
E qui sta il loro errore: il capitalismo (anzi, l’anarco-capitalismo) è l’ideale anche in un mondo di Santi…
… I noticed that the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse presented the capitalist ideal: a voluntaryist, anarchist, non-violent, respectful, loving, cooperative society…
La proprietà privata esalta la santità. Non solo: la santità garantisce dal cattivo uso della pp…
… The Clubhouse Villagers are close enough to morally perfect (and their society was small enough) that they could dispense entirely with private property. Many of the instrumental justifications for markets and private property do not apply to them. Nevertheless, even though the villagers are even more virtuous than Cohen’s socialist campers, the villagers have private property in the means of production. They have privately owned stores, farms and factories. And, in watching the show, I saw that it makes sense that they would have private property and markets, even if, strictly speaking, they don’t need to do so… Private property makes their lives better. The best way to see that it makes sense is just to watch the show, and see if you have any moral complaint against their capitalist activities…
Ve lo immaginate un burocrate che costringe Madre Teresa, che ne so, a lavorare al tornio anziché ad impegnarsi nei ghetti di Calcutta?: “devi contribuire al pari di tutti, non puoi scegliere la tua via!”.
Anche i Santi sono diversi tra loro: hanno dei propri progetti di vita, delle vie personali per realizzarsi. Nel linguaggio religioso si dice che ognuno possiede un proprio carisma.
Ecco: la pp consente a ciascuno di seguire il proprio carisma
… The philosopher Loren Lomasky points out that people (and by extension people-like mice, ducks, and giants) are project-pursuers. They have ideas and visions that they want to implement. Pursuing projects over the long term is often part (if not the only part) of what gives coherence and meaning to our lives…
Nel MMC questo è immediatamente visibile…
… Willie the Giant wants to farm. In an imaginary ideal socialist economy, the nice socialists would no doubt let Willie plow the collectively owned fields with the collectively owned plow. But that’s not good enough. Willie wants a farm that he can shape according to his vision…
La pp serve anche a qualcos’altro: ad evitare l’umiliazione di chiedere continuamente permesso…
… Another closely related reason for having private property, even in utopia, has to do with the sheer aggravation of always having to ask permission…
Ognuno di noi ha bisogno di una “casa”, di una dimensione privata. E’ nel mix tra privato e relazioni che costruiamo la nostra identità…
… People have a need to feel “at home” in the world… The important point is that most of us need both—we need at times to participate in a larger community, and we need at times to escape to our private ventures and spaces. Without private property, we cannot do the latter… We form relationships with some objects, with some of the things we own, with the books we write, with the artwork our children make us, and so on…
Essere così non è affatto un vizio, anzi, è segno di salute. Appartiene anche ai santi. Ebbene, la pp è al servizio di tutto cio’.
C’è poi un terzo fattore: l’informazione. Posso essere il più buono del mondo ma posso non conoscere le reali esigenze degli altri…
… There is another reason for private property, when we try to practice utopia on a grand scale: The limits of our knowledge. We have imperfect information… I don’t know enough about other people, what their needs and desires are, or how different objects fit into their plans or projects…
Ecco, la pp risolve al meglio anche questo problema.
Morale: la Gerusalemme Celeste – come del resto il Paradiso - è anarco-capitalista, sfido a pensare il contrario.
E ditelo al Papa.