Visualizzazione post con etichetta IQ molte intelligenze. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta IQ molte intelligenze. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 10 gennaio 2011

Quante intelligenze esistono?

Meglio spendere due parole su una scappatoia che spesso è solo un vicolo cieco:

The psychometric camp, which includes Herrnstein and Murray, Jensen, Eysenck, John Carroll (whose 1993 treatise, Human Cognitive Abilities, offers the most extensive factor-analysis of mental tests), and most psychologists who have traditionally studied the topic, hold to a conception of intelligence that closely matches what common sense and the dictionary tell us the term means. The opposing side, which sports a more eclectic set of disciplinary backgrounds and prides itself on a more sophisticated and inclusive perspective, divides human abilities into broad classes--logical, spatial, interpersonal, verbal, etc.--and labels each class an "intelligence." The two sides then proceed to talk past each other...