martedì 30 gennaio 2018
Dogma e senso
lunedì 22 gennaio 2018
4 L'ipocrisia della cultura critica
La cultura critica, quando non è ipocrisia, è controsenso.
4. Struttura della personalità
caos e rituali. Il rito rafforza dell'identità e lo protegge dal caos.
Punto cultura come paradigma. Accettare un numero limitato di assiomi. agire come se fosse assoluto. Come se fosse un gioco in cui le regole non si mettono in discussione.
Da un numero finito di passi ma mi si produce un numero infinito di sentenze.
Esempio dei 5postulati di Euclide
Certezza inconscia di validità.
I postulati si fanno immagine. Si fanno vedere.
Si tira una linea. Oltre non si discute.
Si offre stabilità.
Base di conoscenza tacita. La geometria di Euclide è stata considerata completa per secoli.
Esistono oggetto e la sua rappresentazione. L'oggetto trascendente è la somma delle proprietà inosservabili quell'oggetto. La conoscenza è stabilequando si ritiene che l' esplorazione è sufficiente.
ogni filosofia morale si inscrivein un mito
Ogni codice morale è supportato da una narrativa.
Ogni single personalità nidifica all'interno di un labirinto. I muri della la cultura. Protezione della cultura.
Minaccia interna eresia. Minaccia esterna barbarie.
Cultura ci guida anche quando la neghiamo.
Mancata Armonia tra cultura e credenze. Confusione.
Minaccia. Lo status-quo sotto assedio.
venerdì 14 aprile 2017
Il senso della vita
… Jung’s propositions was that whatever a person values most highly is their god. If people think they are atheistic, it means is they are unconscious of their gods…
... Something we cannot see protects us from something we do not understand. The thing we cannot see is culture... The thing we do not understand is the chaos that gave rise to culture...
... The world can be validly construed as forum for action, or as place of things....
... The former manner of interpretation-more primordial, and less clearly understood-finds its expression in the arts or humanities, in ritual, drama, literature and mythology...
... The latter manner of interpretation-the world as place of things-finds its formal expression in the methods and theories of science...
... No complete world-picture can be generated without use of both modes of construal. The fact that one mode is generally set at odds with the other means only that the nature of their respective domains remains insufficiently discriminated....
... Adherents of the mythological worldview tend to regard the statements of their creeds as indistinguishable from empirical “fact,” even though such statements were generally formulated long before the notion of objective reality emerged. Those who, by contrast, accept the scientific perspective—who assume that it is, or might become, complete-forget that an impassable gulf currently divides what is from what should be...
... Human beings are prepared, biologically, to respond to anomalous information—to novelty. This instinctive response includes redirection of attention, generation of emotion (fear first, generally speaking, then curiosity), and behavioral compulsion (cessation of ongoing activity first, generally speaking, then active approach and exploration)...
... The philosophy attributing individual evil to the pathology of social force constitutes one such partial story… Although society, the Great Father, has a tyrannical aspect... the also shelters, protects, trains and disciplines the developing individual...
... Subjugation to lawful authority might more reasonably be considered in light of the metaphor of the apprenticeship. Childhood dependency must be replaced by group membership...
... membership provides society with another individual to utilize as a “tool,” and provides the maturing but still vulnerable individual with necessary protection (with a group-fostered “identity”)...
... The capacity to abide by social rules, regardless of the specifics of the discipline, can therefore be regarded as a necessary transitional stage in the movement from childhood to adulthood...
... Discipline should therefore be regarded as a skill that may be developed through adherence to strict ritual, or by immersion within a strict belief system or hierarchy of values...
... Adoption of this analytic standpoint allows for a certain moral relativism, conjoined with an absolutist higher-order morality. The particulars of a disciplinary system may be somewhat unimportant. The fact that adherence to such a system is necessary, however, cannot be disregarded...
... integrated morality lends predictability to behavior, constitutes the basis for the stable state, and helps ensure that emotion remains under control. The emergence of anomaly constitutes a threat to the integrity of the moral tradition governing behavior and evaluation. Strange things or situations can pose a challenge...
... A prolonged drought, for example, destructive at the social level—or the occurrence of a serious illness or disability, destructive at the personal—can force the reconstruction of behavior and the reanalysis of the beliefs that accompany, follow, or underlie such behavior...
... The appearance of a stranger—or, more commonly, a group of strangers—may produce a similar effect...
… Cultures may be upset internally, as well, as a consequence of the “strange idea”—or, similarly, by the actions of the revolutionary…
… the capacity to abstract has also undermined the stability of moral tradition. Once a procedure has been encapsulated in image—and, particularly, in word—it becomes easier to modify, “experimentally”; but also easier to casually criticize and discard… Our capacity for abstraction is capable of disrupting our “unconscious”—that…
… Such disruption leaves us vulnerable to possession by simplistic ideologies, and susceptible to cynicism, existential despair, and weakness in the face of threat…
… We are conscious enough to destabilize our beliefs and our traditional patterns of action, but not conscious enough to understand them. If the reasons for the existence of our traditions were rendered more explicit, however, perhaps we could develop greater intrapsychic and social integrity. The capacity to develop such understanding might help us use our capacity for reason to support, rather than destroy, the moral systems that discipline and protect us…
… He faces the unknown with the presumption of its benevolence—with the (unprovable) attitude that confrontation with the unknown will bring renewal and redemption…
… This “spirit of unbridled rationality,” horrified by his limited apprehension of the conditions of existence, shrinks from contact with everything he does not understand. This shrinking weakens his personality, no longer nourished by the “water of life,” and makes him rigid and authoritarian, as he clings desperately to the familiar, “rational,” and stable. Every deceitful retreat increases his fear; every new “protective law” increases his frustration… The fascist wants to crush everything different, and then everything…
… Anomalies manifest themselves on the border between chaos and order, so to speak, and have a threatening and promising aspect. The promising aspect dominates, when the contact is voluntary, when the exploring agent is up-to-date—when the individual has explored all previous anomalies, released the “information” they contained, and built a strong personality…
… The threatening aspect dominates, when the contact is involuntary, when the exploring agent is not up-to-date—when the individual has run away from evidence of his previous errors, failed to extract the information lurking behind his mistakes…
… Pursuit of individual interest means hearkening to this spirit's call, journeying outside the protective walls of childhood dependence and adolescent group identification, and returning to rejuvenate society. This means that pursuit of individual interest—development of true individuality—is equivalent to identification with the hero…
… Such identification renders the world bearable, despite its tragedies, and reduces neurotic suffering, which destroys faith, to an absolute minimum…
… I concentrated on Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. I was particularly interested in what led people to commit atrocities in service of their belief…
… The motto of the Holocaust Museum in Washington is “we must never forget.”… People don’t understand the Holocaust, and they don’t understand what happened in Russia…
… One of the things that I’m trying to convince my students of is that if they had been in Germany in the 1930s, they would have been Nazis. Everyone thinks “Not me,” and that’s not right…
… Part of the reason I got embroiled in this [gender identity] controversy was because of what I know about how things went wrong in the Soviet Union. Many of the doctrines that underlie the legislation that I’ve been objecting to share structural similarities with the Marxist ideas that drove Soviet Communism. The thing I object to the most was the insistence that people use these made up words like ‘xe’ and ‘xer’ that are the construction of authoritarians. There isn’t a hope in hell that I’m going to use their language, because I know where that leads…
… Social constructionism is the doctrine that all human roles are socially constructed. They’re detached from the underlying biology and from the underlying objective world…
… compelled speech is unacceptable for two reasons. One is to protect the rights of the speaker, the other is to protect the rights of the listener. The listener has the right to be informed and instructed without being unduly influenced by hidden sources. If your speech is compelled, it isn’t YOU who is talking, it’s some other entity that’s compelling your speech…
… They say ‘what you said hurt my feelings’ – and this is part of the assault on the objective world – your intent is irrelevant. My subjective response is the determining factor…
… So we shouldn’t call someone ‘your majesty’ just because they ask for it?…
… They say that your identity is nothing more than your subjective feeling of what you are. Well, that’s also a staggeringly impoverished idea of what constitutes identity. It’s like the claim of an egocentric two-year old, and I mean that technically…
… Your identity isn’t just how you feel about yourself. It’s also how you think about yourself, it’s what you know about yourself, it’s your educated judgement about yourself. It’s negotiated with other people if you’re even vaguely civilized because otherwise no one can stand you. If your identity isn’t a hybrid of what you are and what other people expect, then you’re like the kid on the playground with whom no one can play…
… The social justice people are always on the side of compassion and ‘victim’s rights,’ so objecting to anything they do makes you instantly a perpetrator. There’s no place you can stand without being vilified, and that’s why it keeps creeping forward…
… The thing is if you replace compassion with resentment, then you understand the authoritarian left…
… Assigned identity is oppression. Assigned identity is the identity that’s assigned to you by the power structure – the patriarchy. The only reason the patriarchy assigns you a status is to oppress you. And so the language that frees you from that status is revolutionary language…
… This is why free speech is so important. You can struggle to formulate some argument, but when you throw it out into the public, there’s a collective attempt to modify and improve that. So with the hate speech issue – say someone’s a Holocaust denier, because that’s the standard routine – we want those people out there in the public so you can tell them why they’re historically ignorant, and why their views are unfounded and dangerous…
… The conversations that are the most curative are simultaneously the ones that are most difficult and most dangerous. Most normal people will not have those conversations…
… That’s why so many marriages dissolve. People don’t like to have those conversations…
… Nietzsche say: ‘you can judge a man’s spirit by the amount of truth he can tolerate.’…
… What happens when that truth actually does contribute to violence against groups? You pick your poison, and free speech is the right poison. There are groups that advocate for hate, but that’s not the issue. The issue is whether repressing them makes it better or worse. I would say that [repressing them] just makes it worse….