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Visualizzazione post con etichetta peter smith. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 13 settembre 2011

Peter Smith sull’ aborto

… Consider the following “gradualist” view: As the human zygote/embryo/foetus slowly develops, its death slowly becomes a more serious matter. At the very beginning, its death is of little consequence; as time goes on, its death is a matter it becomes appropriate to be gradually more concerned about.

Now, this view seems to be the one that almost all of us in fact do take about the natural death of human zygotes/embryos/foetuses. After all, very few of us are worried by the fact that a very high proportion of conceptions quite spontaneously abort. We don’t campaign for medical research to reduce that rate (nor do opponents of abortion campaign for all women to take drugs to suppress natural early abortion). Compare: we do think it is a matter for moral concern that there are high levels of infant mortality in some countries, and campaign and give money to help reduce that rate. Continua…

L’ argomento impegna il cattolico; molto meno un libertario anti-abortista (che tra l’ uccidere e il lasciar morire mette un bel muro).  E i cattolici libertari?
