Visualizzazione post con etichetta psicologia ideologia. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta psicologia ideologia. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 13 dicembre 2012

Dove alligna lo stereotipo del nemico?

Soprattutto a sinistra:
Liberals tended to stereotype conservatives as uncaring, rather than realize that conservatives’ genuine concerns about harm and fairness are tempered by other moral values that have less value to the left, such as loyalty and respect for authority.
Distorting the picture further, liberals tend to underestimate the degree to which their fellow liberals take those “conservative” values into account when making moral evaluations. Although conservatives did this to some degree, liberals showed a stronger tendency to stereotype their political soul mates, assuming an exaggerated level of ideological purity.

venerdì 23 novembre 2012