la retorica buoni cattivi e le etichette stereotipate sono un male o un bene. alcuni affermano che pensare in quei termini abbassa il vs IQ
There are obviously many labels and many good-versus-evil stories that drain your effective IQ. Think Leninist, creationist, or astrologer. But it is equally obvious that many labels and many good-versus-evil stories boost your effective IQ. Think behavioral economist, Darwinian, or astronomer. ("And yet it moves.") Will and Tyler act as if these differences don't exist.
Yes, it's better to suspend judgment rather than embrace error. But intellectual progress only occurs after someone discovers and publicizes good reasons to adopt an ism
Tyler's implicit good-versus-evil story is "the never-ending war between the good people who don't believe in good-versus-evil stories and the evil people who do."
Do Labels and Good-versus-Evil Stories Drain IQ?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty: "Why am I so inclined to defend labels and good-versus-evil stories? Because when I review my life's work, I realize that I owe my life's work to my labels and stories. You don't have to be a libertarian to appreciate The Myth of the Rational Voter, but without my libertarian goggles I would never have conceived the project. The same goes for virtually everything I've written. You might point to something like "Why I Am Not an Austrian Economist" as a counter-example, but you shouldn't. I couldn't have written that piece if I weren't a lapsed Austrian, and wouldn't have written it if I didn't have a superior alternative (and label) to offer.
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