mercoledì 29 giugno 2016

PROLOGUE The Purchase of Intimacy by Viviana A. Zelizer

PROLOGUERead more at location 72
Note: 1@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Intimità e denaro: due forze incompatibili. I. corrompe l'economia (storie sul posto di lavoro) e l'ec. corrompe i.... Scopo del libro: l'incompatibilità viene spesso aggirata in modo ingegnoso... Tesi: c'è molta economia dietro la formazione di solidi legami sociali... Un luogo dove i nodi vengono al pettine e si getta la maschera: i tribunali... Indizio: quanto denaro viene investito nella costruzione del legame. Molto, sebbene le modalità siano cruciali... Quando il connubbio cuore e denaro si rende necessario x noi si fa presto a trasformare il significato che diamo a concetto che prima ritenevamo incompatibili... Come l'onnipresenza del mercato influenza la ns vita intima?... Policy: nn serve a molto una politica tesa a preservare il sacro. Sono altre le forze che si muovono... Che tecniche si usano per dividersi i lavori domestici, le risorse familiari, la cura dei bimbi, le incombenze varie? Edit
couple’s divorce settlement,Read more at location 73
fails to meet important economic obligations,Read more at location 74
proposals to cut funding for day-care centers.Read more at location 74
When any of those things happens, we enter the territory in which economic activity and intimacy meet. In that territory, many people feel that two incompatible forces clash and wound each other: economic activity—especially the use of money—degrades intimate relationships,Read more at location 75
Nevertheless, this book shows that the territory includes many a surprising corner.Read more at location 78
analyzing the relationship between everyday practices and legal disputes when it comes to intimate economic interactions.Read more at location 80
the maintenance of intimate personal relations and the conduct of economic activity.Read more at location 82
Note: OGGETTO Edit
intimacy corrupts the economy and the economy corrupts intimacy.Read more at location 83
insight into how and why people worry so much about mixing intimacy and economic activity, for example, by fearing that introducing money into friendship, marriage,Read more at location 89
The book shows that people lead connected lives, and that plenty of economic activity goes into creating, defining, and sustaining social ties.Read more at location 92
It documented, for example, the widespread employment of money in a large number of interpersonal relations and posed the question of how people manage the conjunction.Read more at location 94
The Social Meaning of MoneyRead more at location 96
But it also documented that instead of turning away from money or letting their social relations wither in the headlong pursuit of lucre, Americans actually incorporated money into their construction of new social ties and transformed its meaning as they did so.Read more at location 98
Here eco nomic activity includes uses of money, but goes far beyond money into production, consumption, distribution, and transfers of non-monetary assets.Read more at location 101
Does the penetration of an ever-expanding market threaten intimate social life?Read more at location 105
Many people have thought so. They have insisted that public policy must insulate household relations, personal care, and love itself from an invading, predatory, economic world. This book rejects such views.Read more at location 106
In everyday life, people invest intense effort and constant worry in finding the right match between economic relations and intimate ties: shared responsibility for housework, spending of household income, care for children and old people, gifts that send the right message, provision of adequate housing for loved ones, and much more.Read more at location 108
Here are some very general questions the book raises and tries to answer: • What explains the fears and taboos that surround the mixingRead more at location 112
how do people manageRead more at location 115
How do people balance the short-term economic requirements of intimate relations (for example, a cohabiting couple’s food, rent, and transportation) with their long-termRead more at location 116
What happens when the mixing becomes a matter of legal dispute,Read more at location 118
Note: LITE Edit
The Purchase of IntimacyRead more at location 123