Why People Disagree About Health PolicyRead more at location 795
Note: X' ti interessa sapere se sono assicurato sulla salute e non se sono assicurato sulla vita? Prevenire l' opportunismo? X' nn può essere qs la risposta Considera: un povero USA riceve + servizi sanitari di un povero canadese (sistema universalistico) Chi difende l' universalismo ama i processi + che i risultati Edit
Most of us basically don't care whether people insure to protect their own assets (at least we don't care enough to try to make them insure). But we do care about decisions that could create external costs for the rest of us.Read more at location 914
Implicitly, we have a social contract that socializes the downside of certain risks. If we leave the upside to individual choice, we have privatized the gains and socialized the losses. When people don't bear the social cost of their risk-taking, they will take more risksRead more at location 922
Another way to think about the problem is in terms of the opportunity to become a “free rider” on other peoples' generosity.Read more at location 924
How does all of this apply to health? Considering the extensive interest in insuring the uninsured, you would expect an exhaustive literature. But aside from Robin Hanson's thesis that healthcare is different,14 there is virtually nowhere you can go to find a rational, well-thought-out, consistent analysis of why you should care whether or not I have health insurance.Read more at location 928
Of course, the extra taxes the uninsured pay tend to go to Washington, while uncompensated care tends to be delivered locally.Read more at location 934
People who have, say, $1 million or more in assets—and that's about 1 in every 30 people—can afford to pay their own medical bills without insurance.Read more at location 936
People who cannot afford health insurance anyway are not willful free riders. They are not making choices that impose new costs on others.Read more at location 938
What is the best way to get healthcare to people with low incomes and few assets? Not Medicaid or state-run Children's Health Insurance PlansRead more at location 940
Why are so many people in health policy obsessed with health insurance, while remaining almost indifferent about the actual delivery of healthcare?Read more at location 947
uninsured Americans get as much as or more preventive care than insured CanadiansRead more at location 953
low-income whites in the United States are in better health than low-income whites in Canada,Read more at location 954
Have I ever convinced anyone to change his mind with such arguments? What I discovered after many frustrating conversations was that people who like the way healthcare is organized in Canada do not like it because of any particular result it achieves. They like it because they like the process.Read more at location 958