mercoledì 30 gennaio 2008

Recensire Paul Krugman

Il microscopio di Daniel Klein al lavoro.

"...Harika Barlett and I3 have made a complete review of Krugman’s New York Times columns 1997 through 2006—in all, 654 columns. Here I interpret his ideological sensibilities. I think they are quite wrongheaded, but that claim is not something I attempt to defend. I do not dispute isolated statements. My critique assesses the 654 NYT columns as a whole.

I may treat omissions as evidence of Krugman’s ideological character and sensibilities.

My main contention is that his social-democratic impetus sometimes trumps people’s interests, notably poor people’s interests. The tension surfaces in what Krugman has written about immigration and the threat it is poses to the US welfare state..."