venerdì 17 novembre 2017

La regola di Varian

A simple way to forecast the future is to look at what rich people have today; middle-income people will have something equivalent in 10 years, and poor people will have it in an additional decade. Think of VCRs, flat-screen TVs, mobile phones, and the like. Today, rich people have chauffeurs. In 10 years or less, middle-income drivers will be able to afford robotic cars that drive themselves, at least in some circumstances. The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has been funding autonomous-vehicle research at engineering schools for more than a decade, and that research has produced several highly functional prototypes that are now being commercialized.

Fare predizioni è molto difficile, specie se riguardano il futuro.
Tuttavia, se volete provarci, uno strumento utile è la cosiddetta "regola di Varian":
"se vuoi guardare il futuro guarda cosa fanno i ricchi ora. Tra 10 anni lo farà la classe media e tra 20 i poveri".

p.s.: non vale per i jet privati e le case da 400 metri quadri

varian rule vdi wiki