lunedì 21 giugno 2010

La "grande divergenza" che creò l' Occidente

Occidente... radici... una questione infinita.

Anche gli economisti ora scavano a mani nude nella storia.

Chi indaga con metodi quantitativi sulla "grande divergenza" tra Europa e Cina, rende omaggio al ruolo decisivo della Chiesa Cattolica medioevale:

"The Chinese clan is a kinship-based hierarchical organization in which strong moral ties and reputation among clan members are particularly important in sustaining cooperation. In Medieval Europe, by contrast, the main example of a cooperative organization is the city. Here cooperation is across kinship lines and external enforcement plays a bigger role

In Europe...tribal tendencies were gradually undone by the Church which...advanced a marriage dogma that...discouraged practices that sustain kinship groups, such as adoption, polygamy, concubinage, marriages among distant kin, and marriages without the woman's consent. By the ninth century, the nuclear family predominated."

versione (ancora) gated