mercoledì 9 aprile 2008

Aborto e selezione dei sessi

Un problema che accomuna società arcaiche e società tecnologicamente avanzate.

Intanto è partita la campagna per difendere il consumatore di test genetici. Come risarcire una donna che se avesse saputo di aspettare una bambina avrebbe abortito?

"...women are up in arms over home genetic tests that erred in predicting the sex of their kids. More than 100 women are suing one company...

An unexpected pregnancy presented the couple with a dilemma.

"...She wanted to keep the baby, but Rohit wasn't sure. With two daughters already, the family's finances were a bit strained. Could they really afford a third child?

Geeta countered with another question: What if the baby were a boy?

In traditional Indian culture, sons are prized because they will grow up to manage the family resources and support their parents in old age, even lighting their funeral pyres.

All Geeta had to do was prick a finger and mail a sample of dried blood to the company's laboratory..."

Si potrebbero prevedere risarcimenti elevati. Cio' prudurrebbe un taglio drastico delle forniture in questo servizio. Non tutti, scommetto, lo riterrebbero un dramma.