2 The Lessons of the Playground - Fair Play: What Your Child Can Teach You About Economics, Values and the Meaning of Life by Steven E. Landsburg - #chisicontentagode #poverimeritevoli #retoricaredistributiva #condividereoredistribuire #cosainsegniaituoibimbi? #rubarepocofabene? #laredistribuzionedeigiocattoli
Read more at location 155
Note: La retorica redistribuzionista: i ricchi hanno troppo i povrri troppo poco. Occorre + equità. Domanda: ma i politici che indulgono a una simile visione ci credono veramente... Basta un'occhiata alla vita di cortile x smascherare la grande ipocrisia: noi spingiamo i ns figli a condividere ma mai ventiliamo il diritto al furto... Nella vita dei piccoli la parabol della cicala si ripete ossessivamente: chi sperpera ora poi si ripresenta all'incasso in lacrime. Al che il genitore è costretto al sermoncino. Purtroppo qs sermoncino ce lo scordiamo nel mondo degli adulti... C'è chi difende il canone dicendo: è poca cosa di fronte alle spese militari. Chissà come reagiscono qs apologeti del canone quando i loro figli parlano così: "ok, ho rubato un biscotto ma conosco un bambino che ha rubato una bicicletta"... Conclusione: da genitori riconosciamo subito gli argomenti difettosi anche se con qs continuiamo ad usarli tra adulti... Edit
the usual rhetoric: “The rich have too much and the poor have too little”; “They have more than they deserve,”Read more at location 159
The fact of the matter is that nobody really believes the rhetoric of redistribution.Read more at location 164
How do I know this? I know it because I have a daughter, and I take my daughter to the playground, and I listen to what the other parents tell their children. In my considerable experience, I have never, ever, heard a parent say to a child that it’s okay to forcibly take toys away from other children who have more toys than you do.Read more at location 167
We do, of course, encourage sharing, and we try to make our children feel ashamed when they are very selfish.Read more at location 171
Moreover, there is no such thing as a legitimate government with the moral authority to do your stealing for you.Read more at location 173
The lessons we teach our children reveal the truth that is in our hearts. If you want to know what a politician or a commentator really believes, look not to his speeches or his columns, but to the advice he gives his children.Read more at location 178
For dessert, each had a choice of ice cream now or bubble gum later. Alix chose the ice cream; Cayley chose the bubble gum.Read more at location 182
After Alix had finished her ice cream, we went off to buy Cayley’s gum. Cayley got her gum, Alix got nothing, and Alix cried foul.Read more at location 183
The same issues arise in adult life. Paul and Peter face the same range of opportunities in their youth. Paul chooses the easy life, working forty hours a week for a guaranteed wage. Peter devotes his youth to creating a new enterprise, working around the clock for risky rewards. Then, in middle age, when Peter is rich and Paul is not, Paul cries foul and assaults the system that fosters inequality.Read more at location 186
And what about differences in income that result not from choice but from pure chance? Once again, look to what you tell your children.Read more at location 192
If you’ve ever served cake to more than once child at a time, you’ve heard the refrain “No fair—my piece is smaller.” And if you were feeling very patient at the time, you might have tried to explain that a child who can enjoy his cake without regard for what’s on his sister’s plate can expect a lot more happiness in life than a child who is constantly distracted by the need to make comparisons.Read more at location 193
Because we want our children to be happy, we tell them that when somebody gives you a piece of cake, you have occasion to rejoice, and that if another child has more, you might remember that the world is also full of children who have less.Read more at location 196
The disconnect between the standards adults impose on themselves, and the standards they impose on their children, is rarely to the adults’ credit.Read more at location 199
NPR apologists (adults all) attempt to dismiss that small predation by pointing to others that are much larger: The Navy alone, for example, spends ten times as much for weapons procurement.Read more at location 201
“Sure, I stole the cookies, but I know another kid who stole a bicycle”?