venerdì 31 agosto 2018


Il Prof. John Finnis è riconosciuto come il massimo teorico vivente dei diritti naturali e da sempre fiero oppositore della pena di morte in quanto “essenzialmente sbagliata”. Un po’ a sorpresa, nemmeno lui gradisce la mossa di Francesco in tema. I due difetti che riscontra:
1) azzardate le affermazioni empiriche circa la mancanza di efficacia della pena di morte;
Nothing asserted in Scripture read in light of the New Testament excludes the conclusion that capital punishment is inherently wrong. Nor does any definitive Church teaching. But the new revision of the Catechism, while removing from view an evident instability, remedies none of the underlying tensi

Anche chi non accetta la pena di morte è in disaccordo con Papa Francesco

One of Finnis’s objections to the revision, and to the CDF cover letter that announced it, concerns their “unwarrantable confidence” in certain empirical claims about what is sufficient in order to defend society.  Another and more important objection is that the documents put too much emphasis on human dignity and too little on “God’s absolute lordship over life and death.”  And that they do so in a way that seems to reflect secular rather than Catholic thinking.
Finnis contra Francis