martedì 23 maggio 2017

Pinochet: un tiranno illuminato

Chile's Presidential election - Nothing is Sacred: Economic Ideas for the New Millennium by Robert J. Barro
Il Cile: un paese da record
… Since the mid-1980s, Chile has been one of the world's fastest-growing countries, despite the recession in 1999-2000… growth rate of 5 percent annually from 1985 to 2000…
Vale la pena di guardare da vicino il miracolo cileno.
Su cosa si è puntato?
Lotta alla povertà, non alle diseguaglianze…
… This growth lowered substantially the fraction of the population living in poverty, even though indexes of the distribution of income did not change much… infant mortality fell from around 80 per thousand in the early 1970s to about 11 in 2000, and life expectancy climbed from sixty-four to seventy-five years…
Un tiranno illuminato: Pinochet…
… Undoubtedly, Chile's outstanding economic performance derived from the free-market reforms instituted by the administration of General Augusto Pinochet from 1973 to 1989…
Le colpe di Pinochet: tra il 1974 e il 1976 violazione non necessaria dei diritti umani…
… Some of this antipathy derives from the general's poor human rights record, especially in the 1974-1976 period after the coup against President Salvador Allende. The crimes of these years did not seem necessary for preventing revolution…
Il merito: la rinuncia ai poteri…
… Pinochet ought to receive credit for peacefully relinquishing most of his authority in 1989…
Perché è tanto odiato? Si oppose al socialismo proponendo alternative che si rivelarono di successo…
… no one has done more than Pinochet and his economic teams to demonstrate the superiority of free-market capitalism over socialism…
Dopo la dittatura i cileni realizzarono un buon compromesso a cui si deve il successo a venire della nazione…
… An amnesty law allowed the country to achieve sufficient consensus to consolidate democracy without destroying the pro-market economic system…
Ma presto il patto subì delle aggressioni da alcuni zelanti attori sulla scena internazionale…
… This consensus was disturbed by the propensity of the administration of President Eduardo Frei to prosecute retired generals for crimes of the 1970s. Further trouble came in London in October 1998 when Pinochet was arrested… Chilean government responded with only mild objections. Fortunately, a Chilean panel of judges decided in 2001, after Pinochet had been returned to Chile, that the former general could not be tried for his alleged crimes because of his poor health…
Dopo anni di successi economici che rinforzarono la democrazia, la sinistra moderata andò al potere. Il programma di Lagos
… Lagos's economic program was summarized by his motto "growth with equality"…
Coseguenze: stallo…
… Thus, the policies would not cause great economic harm but would also not lead to further economic improvements…