martedì 20 marzo 2018


Note:t @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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Note | Location: 634
In sala d'aspetto all'ospedale con gli altri due bambini in attesa di buone nuove sull'arrivo del fratellino...I fratelli sono un rischio: niente allieta la famiglia come la loro armonia ma la loro guerra è una iattura...Il conflitto tra fratelli è il fallimento della paternità che nn ha saputo introdurli al mondo esterno della sana concorrenza...Caino, Abele e Madre Natura: iene e pellicani...Come domare la rivaltà tra fratelli? I consigli degli esperti o sono assurdi o sono banali...Conclusione: nn ci sono ricette, quindi, se vi sembra che vs padre abbia fagto un buon lavoro, imitatelo...

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I HAD ONLY a second to decide.
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it was February. So I was fat.
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I have to rock back and forth a few times whenever I want to get out of my Volkswagen Jetta—in order to generate some momentum.
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“When are you having your baby?”
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how much time and attention the baby would take from them, which is the central dilemma all parents face when having more than one child.
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Very few things bring greater happiness than sibling harmony. But the inverse is also true: There are few things more irritating than listening to children bicker and few things more dispiriting than sibling-on-sibling violence.
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the older kid was jealous of the attention his parents lavished on his baby brother.
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many species of birds and some mammals.
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channeling negative energy into “some form of creative expression.”
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Where the advice from the professionals isn’t absurd, it’s obvious:
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it helps to have been born into a good family.
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we missed out on an entire generation of classic television:
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with nothing better to do, we spent our childhood years outside, together. There were countless hours of cops and robbers, Wiffle ball, capture the flag, and driveway basketball, along with some now politically incorrect pastimes.
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Injuries were common and sometimes serious.
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I shared a bedroom with Andy for virtually all of my childhood.
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there’s virtually nothing we can do to prepare for it.
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So it’s natural to rely on the example of our own fathers—to
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We never feared punishment, but we were afraid of disappointing him.
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comparisons to Atticus Finch.