sabato 21 settembre 2019

IL MISTERO DELLA QUALITA' MINIMA - hl Quality Regs Say ‘High Is Good’ Robin Hanson

Ma come è possibile che esistano norme che impongono un livello di qualità minima nei prodotti in commercio e nei servizi? Dagli albi professionali alla sicurezza la cosa non è affatto chiara, anche perché è supportata anche da chi ne viene danneggiato.
Abbiamo a disposizione solo spiegazioni lacunose. Forse se ne salva una: fare quello che fanno i migliori è la cosa giusta da fare, talmente giusta che va imposta a tutti. Lo desidera l'élite - che vuole mettere in chiaro come sia lei ad agire correttamente - ma lo desidera anche chi vuole essere accomunato all'élite, ovvero il popolo.
Paris Hilton viaggia in Limousine mentre Jessica Cuzzocrea, commessa esselunga, in Panda. Paris guarda schifata la Panda di Jessica parcheggiata e commenta: "non è possibile che circolino ancora mezzi del genere, fanno schifo, sono piccole, sono sporche, sono rumorose, sono insicure... bisognerebbe vietarle per legge". Ne parla al suo amico deputato che propone la legge per bandire le auto di piccola cilindrata. Applaude anche Jessica perché sa che dietro questa misura c'è il suo idolo Paris.
One of the main ways that our world is not libertarian is that it is full of government rules requiring minimum quality levels for many kinds…
Overcoming Bias : Quality Regs Say ‘High Is Good’
Robin Hanson
Citation (APA): Hanson, R. (2019). Overcoming Bias : Quality Regs Say ‘High Is Good’ [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

Parte introduttiva
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 2
Overcoming Bias : Quality Regs Say ‘High Is Good’
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 6
our world is not libertarian is that it is full of rules requiring minimum quality levels
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food, drugs, building codes, auto/ plane rules, allowed investments, censorship, professional licensing, school accreditation, sports equipment,
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why do we have so many min quality rules? Here are some clues to
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Though these rules limit consumer choices, they have strong support
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rules were far less common in the ancient world.
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Poor nations tend to have lower standards,
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we see few exceptions for poor people or neighborhoods.
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such rules are retained even when they seem quite ineffective,
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We don’t make exceptions for customers who can show that they clearly understand
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One explanation is that producers lobby for such rules, to limit competition.
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However, this often doesn’t actually reduce competition much;
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Another explanation is externalities in product use. Shoddy cars can cause more car accidents,
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But use externalities are pretty minimal
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In simple supply-and-demand models, product quality is always optimal.
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Another possible explanation is that customers are ignorant of product quality, while legislators, regulators, or courts know more about quality.
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However, such customers should appreciate even more just being told the product quality level;
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Sloppy and error-prone customers, who do not always do what they intend to do, have an additional reason to appreciate product bans.
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And if this were the key problem then a simple solution would be to create “would have banned” stores, stores which only offer products that would usually be banned.
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Imagine that, to shop in such a store, you had to get a license by passing a test showing that you really understand
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The explanations that we’ve discussed so far all assume rational, if ignorant, consumers. But one might instead postulate that consumers are just proud and stubborn, and so just won’t listen to advice. Perhaps most consumers consider regulators to be arrogant
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However, if these proud folks don’t respect regulators enough to take advice from them, why do they as voters support creating such regulators
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people have been eager to (1) know their place in the local status hierarchy, (2) get people below them to acknowledge their higher status, and (3) find ways to rise to higher levels and to avoid falling to lower levels.
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Long ago, relative status was often overtly acknowledged in more direct ways, such as via accent, dress, formal greetings, who steps aside
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Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 75
Thus another possible explanation for min-quality regulations is that, by officially declaring common lower class choices to be bad choices, regulators support upper class claims to be better people. As elites believe lower classes get there in part by making bad choices, and intuitively feel that the usual elite choices are good choices, elites find it easy to conclude that the different odd-to-elites choices made by lower classes are in fact bad choices.
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helping lower classes by banning bad choices,
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a great many of the different choices made by lower classes can be framed as their choosing lower quality,
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elites often tell themselves things like “it just doesn’t make sense to buy cheap goods, as quality goods last much longer”
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Elites are high because they are right, and they are good and helpful to force others to follow their lead.
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quality regs might make elites feel good, but why would so many non-elites support these policies as voters? Plausibly because they aspire to elite status, and by publicly displaying their agreement
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And those who are inconvenienced may not want to publicly admit this fact if it signals their low status.
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