giovedì 20 dicembre 2007

I ghetti dell' università americana

La carriera di insegnante è' poco appetitosa e viene scelta dai peggiori, specie nei paesi dove il business offre alternative succulente. E allora, ecco che proprio in quei paesi si scatena la crisi.

American education will never be improved until we address one of the
problems seen as too delicate to discuss. That problem is the overall quality of
people teaching our children. Students who have chosen education as their major
have the lowest SAT scores of any other major. Students who have graduated with
an education degree earn lower scores than any other major on graduate school
admissions tests such as the GRE, MCAT or LSAT. Schools of education, either
graduate or undergraduate, represent the academic slums of most any university.
As such, they are home to the least able students and professors with the lowest
academic respect. Were we serious about efforts to improve public education, one
of the first things we would do is eliminate schools of education