venerdì 16 dicembre 2011

Elogio della tortura

Non fa poi così male.

Kyle Bean

… altri strumenti di tortura…


Comunque, il rischio di essere stuprati e maltrattati in carcere è tale che sostituire la detenzione con punizioni fisiche, oltre a essere più economico, è molto più umano. 

US folk often express pride that their nation tortures and executes criminals less than other “medieval” nations.  But, honestly, torture and execution look pretty good to me when compared with our actual prisons; I might rather be branded with an iron, or hang in a stockade for a few days, than suffer at large chance of rape.  Branding or stockades seem less cruel than rape in pretty much any book.

Compared to prison, punishments like torture, exile, and execution are not only much cheaper (the US spends $68B/yr on prisons), but they can also be monitored more easily, letting citizens better see just how much punishment is actually being imposed.  And alas, I suspect that is the real problem.  With prison, citizens can more easily pretend that they have the prisons they wished for, rather than the prisons they actually have… leggi tutto.