martedì 30 marzo 2010

La nostra piccola rivoluzione

Sono contrario alla mentalità rivoluzionaria e alla rivoluzione, benchè l' unica sperimentata sulla pelle, quella neo-liberista, mi abbia segnato ed esaltato al contemo.

Ma come descriverla?

La parola a Scott Sumner:

The Economist magazine, which I’ve read for 35 years, was my guide to the neoliberal revolution. By the end of the 1980s I understood that it was a global phenomenon and that it was bi-partisan. This inoculated me against Krugman’s conspiracy theories that the Reagan revolution was all a right-wing Republican plot to grab Southern whites by playing the race card. Even if true of the US, it doesn’t explain why the same policy trends occurred in 200 out of 204 countries. And then there is Krugman’s argument that economies often did not do better after the free market reforms. From The Economist I learned that you have to look at things cross-sectionally. Almost everywhere in the world economic growth slowed after 1973. The important point is that growth slowed much more in countries that did little reform, and much less in the more free market economies. It doesn’t matter whether Chile grew faster or slower after 1973, what matters is that after 1973 Chile became the most successful economy in Latin America.