mercoledì 24 giugno 2020

hl 2 Psychologists’ Travails

2 Psychologists’ Travails
Note:2@@@@@@@Il matrimonio tra logica e ragione sotto attacco.A. Psicologizza la.logica collegandola al ragionamento. Ma La.logica é esterna alla mente. Frege. La.mente nn ragiona, sono dodici teorie sul ragionamento umano. Una caporetto x qualsiasi disciplina scientifica.La scoperta del test di Wason. Molti hanno bias ma anche chi risolve nn risolve ragionando.Aggiungi una negazione e tutti risolvono facilmente.Bottom: eistono due inferenze. Una naturale una nn naturale. Le impieghiamo entrambe. Di solito la prima x risolvere un problema in modo errato. La seconda x giustificare la soluzione errata che abbiamo dato al problema.perche preferiamo l intuito? perché il rapporto successo/consumo eneegetico é.migliore. Qui logica e razionalitá si dividono.

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reason is what distinguishes humans from other animals

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Few unions indeed have lasted as long as that between logic and reason,
Note:Il matrimonio aristotelico

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Reason and Logic? It’s Complicated

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Logic, it was thought, describes good or correct reasoning.
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logic defines what reasoning is,
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Note:La scoperta di A.

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go from the intuition that some particular deductions happen to be valid—deductions, for instance, about the Greeks being mortal or about Jack having lent his umbrella to Susan—to a formal account of what makes valid
Note:Gli schemini di A

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For more than two thousand years, scholars felt no need to go beyond Aristotelian logic.
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plurality of logics.

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deductive logic
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many logicians saw logic as a purely formal system closely related to mathematics.

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the fallacy of “psychologism”:
Note:L idea che la logica riguardi il ragionamento

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thinking of reasoning as a “logical” process can seem quite natural.
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The very words “consequence” and “follows” used in logic evoke a time sequence.

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The order of propositions in a logical sequence is no more a genuine temporal order

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Psychological processes have duration
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from premises to conclusion?
Note:Nn é qs il viaggio che compiamo

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when you argue, you start by stating the conclusion
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think of a lawyer pleading her client’s innocence,
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Logic and the psychology of reasoning, which had been so close to one another, have moved in different directions.
Note:Bias bias

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Some of the Bakers Are Athletes

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Many eminent psychologists chose, for instance, to investigate how people perform with Aristotelian categorical syllogisms.
Note:Alla scoperta dei bias

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twelve competing theories of syllogistic reasoning,
Note:Si brancola

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(mental logic, mental models, more recently Bayesian inference, and so on)
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There is another group of scholars, apart from psychologists, committed to the idea that classical syllogisms are still highly relevant:
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“Never Do an Experiment If You Know Why You’re Doing It!”
Note:TtttttttttIl motto di peter wason

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Wason introduced a new experimental design, the four-card selection task,

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Figure 5. The four cards of the Wason selection task.

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“Each card has a letter on one side and a number on the other.
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Which of these four cards must be turned over to find out whether the following rule is true or false of these four cards: ‘If there is an E on one side of a card, then there is a 2 on the other side’?”
Note:E e T. Con E mi accerto che esista la relazione riguardo ad E. Con 7 che esista solo quella relazione riguardo ad E

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The correct answer, then, is to select just the E and the 7 cards.
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Only about 10 percent of participants make the right choice anyhow.
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Much of the early research aimed at improving people’s poor performance with the selection task.
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Monetary rewards for good performance? Forget it.
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the most important finding ever to come out of fifty years of work with the task is that people don’t even use reasoning to resolve a task
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La scoperta. I sillogismi di A nn sono impiegati.

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just add a “not” in the rule, like this: “If there is an E on one side of a card, then there is not a 2 on the other side.”
Note:Ma ecco la scoperta

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Now, a majority of participants give the right answer.
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a negation in the rule turns participants into good logical reasoners.
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in both conditions (with and without the negation in the rule), most participants make exactly the same selection, that of the E and the 2 cards,

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people’s answers to the Wason task are based not on logical reasoning but on intuitions of relevance: they turn over the cards that seem intuitively relevant.

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they are mentioned in the rule,
Note:Le due carte

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Dual Process?

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“dual process theory”:
Note:L unica scoperta eminente nel campo della psic del ragionamento

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there are two quite distinct basic types of processes involved in inference
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some other kind of process, faster than reasoning,
Note:Il primo processo

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less rule-governed.

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“system 1” and “system 2”
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“right brain” and “left brain”
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justify their intuitive solution.
Note:Viene chiestok alla cavia che sbaglia

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seemed to do was just provide a “rationalization” for a choice
Note:La giustificazione viene data fiduciosi

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two modes of inference, one occurring spontaneously and effortlessly and the other—reasoning proper—being on the contrary deliberate and effortful.
Note:Un idea giá di Hume

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most participants produce both a spontaneous selection of cards and a reasoned explanation of their selection.
Note:Spesso la razionalitá c é ma al posto sbagliati.

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what type 2 deliberative processes typically do is just rationalize a conclusion that had been arrived at through intuitive
Note:Ancora un osservazione

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Steven Sloman
Note:I protagonisti del dual

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Keith Stanovich,
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Daniel Kahneman
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Amos Tversky.
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table layout of contrasting
Note:Vedere pla figura

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True reasoning (type 2 processes), the theory claimed, is indeed “logical,” but it is quite costly in terms of cognitive resources.
Note:Ragionare stanca

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Type 1 processes are heuristic shortcuts that, in most ordinary circumstances, do lead to the right judgment.

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the lack of high reliability is a price rationally paid for day-to-day speed and ease of inference.
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Reason and logic have split,
Sillogismi e max utility