martedì 16 giugno 2020

Commandment 5 Don’t Think Like a Lawyer

Commandment 5 Don’t Think Like a Lawyer
Note:5@@@@@@@@Ci immaginiamo mille xicoli e i professionisti del settore ci aiutano di brutto!!! . Lo scenario peggiire il ns scenario.. Scuola: il terrore della denuncia. Le assurditá sono giustificate. I warning sui prodotti.

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fifth graders at my sons’ grammar school go on an overnight to a nature preserve.
Note:L avventura

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rain poncho, hat, water bottle, bug repellent
Note:La lista di quel che serve

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sun block, flashlight, antibacterial wipes
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dad who wants all the chaperones to carry cell phones he can reach
Note:Genitori molto tesi alla riunione

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the proximity of an emergency room.
Note:Cosa vogliono sapere

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“At night, there’s going to be a campfire!”
Note:Detto con entusiasmo. Ascoltato con sospetto.

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the kids sit twenty-five feet away,”
Note:Aggiunta provvidenziale

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pictures of little Jenna or Jayden going the way of Joan of Arc.
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What terrible thing could possibly happen?
Note:Ogni volta che il figlio esce di casa.

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we’ll see you in court.
Note:La minaccia del genitore

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The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook
Note:Il bbest seller

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We are “worst case” parents,
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What has changed over the past generation or so is that now people worry like that about every activity,
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Se vado in moto metto il casco. Se vado in barca il salvagente.

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Parents feel they must be super prepared for the worst of the worst,
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“Get on the bus, sit down fast, buckle your seat belts,
Note:Quello che si diceva ad un bimbo

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“And we tell them to make sure their backpacks aren’t fastened at the waist.”
Note:Quello che si aggiunge.

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just in case they’re getting off the bus and the bus driver isn’t paying attention and he closes the door too fast and their backpack gets caught inside
Note:Il motivo

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“Has that ever happened?” “Well, not that I know of. But . . .”
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Just. In. Case.
Note:Parola d ordine

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Just in Case mentality
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The problem is, the checklist just keeps growing.
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Worries multiply because we are an imaginative species,
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parents are more imaginative than anyone
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But our worries also get a big boost from professionals:
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Meanwhile, schools ban activities. Parks ban games.
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the dangers of . . . hula hoops.
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I am trying really hard to imagine how a rolling plastic hoop could possibly hurt anyone except, perhaps, an ant in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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“Something like 40 percent of schools have gotten rid of recess,”
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That’s why so few schools have those ropes we used to climb in gym.
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An elementary school in Attleboro, Massachusetts, has gone so far as to outlaw the game of tag
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most kids not only survive recess, they need it to survive the rest of the day.
Note:The big recess

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lose one lawsuit and, instead of buying pencils and paper, the whole school system could end up paying for someone’s château in Provence.
Note:I presidi hanno ragione

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A nationwide survey of five thousand principals found that 20 percent of them spend five to ten hours a week writing reports or having meetings just in order to avoid litigation.
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The people who run these activities have understandably become so fearful of financial ruin that they keep curtailing what’s allowed.
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“I fully understand my minor’s participation may involve risk of serious injury or death.”
Note:Firme firme firme. Es recita

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“Remove child before folding.”
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“This product moves when used.”
Note:Adesivo su scooter

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“Do not use soft wax as ear plugs or for any other function that involves insertion into a body cavity.”
Note:Sulle candele

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It’s because they actually do have to protect themselves from being sued for the weirdest, most ridiculous reasons.
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even a two- or three-block walk is considered way too dangerous.
Note:Alla fermata dello scuolabus deve esrci un adulto

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That very, very, very, very small chance is one we’re not willing to take anymore,
Note:Le piccole probabilitá

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we know that in a court of law, a jury would probably find someone or something guilty.