Siete un governante e dovete investire sulla gioventù del vostro Paese.
Dove mettete i soldi?, nei Licei?, nelle Università?
No, se avete il senso degli affari punterete tutto sugli asili per bambini provenienti da famiglie svantaggiate.
...Nobel Prize winner James Heckman of the University of Chicago and Dimitriy Masterov of the University of Michigan argue that by waiting until kindergarten, we throw money at kids when it's too late. Their evidence urges shifting educational spending to younger children... Recent developments in neuroscience have shown that the early years are vital to cognitive development, which in turn is important to subsequent success and productivity in school, life, and work... while many people advocate spending on these kids for reasons of fairness or justice, Heckman and Masterov make a different case. They're saying this preschool spending is a sound economic investment...