martedì 18 ottobre 2016

CHAPTER THREE A Closer Look at the Standard Narrative of Human Sexual Evolution - Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships by Christopher Ryan, Cacilda Jetha

CHAPTER THREE A Closer Look at the Standard Narrative of Human Sexual EvolutionRead more at location 836
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Homo sapiens evolved to be shamelessly, undeniably, inescapably sexual. Lusty libertines. Rakes, rogues, and roués. Tomcats and sex kittens. Horndogs. Bitches in heat.1Read more at location 841
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these preconscious impulses remain our biological baseline, our reference point, the zero in our own personal number system.Read more at location 844
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Willpower fortified with plenty of guilt, fear, shame, and mutilation of body and soul may provide some control over these urges and impulses.Read more at location 845
there are costs involved in denying one’s evolved sexual nature,Read more at location 849
They are paid in what E. O. Wilson called “the less tangible currency of human happiness that must be spent to circumvent our natural predispositions.”2 Whether or not our society’s investment in sexual repression is a net gain or loss is a question for another time.Read more at location 850
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Why is conventional marriage so much damned work?Read more at location 856
We don’t claim that men and women experience their eroticism in precisely the same ways, but as Tiresias noted, both women and men find considerable pleasure there. True, it may take most women a bit longer to get the sexual motor running than it does men, but once warmed up, most women are fully capable of leaving any man far behind. No doubt, males tend to be more concerned with a woman’s looks, while most women find a man’s character more compelling than his appearance (within limits, of course). And it’s true that women’s biology gives them a lot more to consider before a roll in the hay.Read more at location 859
Perhaps for many women libido is like the hunger of a gourmand. Unlike many men, such women don’t yearn to eat just to stop the hunger. They’re looking for particular satisfactions presented in certain ways. Where most men can and do hunger for sex in the abstract, women report wanting narrative, character, a reason for sex.Read more at location 867
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The relatively weak female libido Male parental investment (MPI) Sexual jealousy and paternity certainty Extended receptivity and concealed (or cryptic) ovulationRead more at location 877
The standard model posits that sexual exclusivity is crucial because in evolutionary times this was a man’s only way of ensuring his paternity. According to evolutionary psychology, this is the grudging agreement at the heart of the human family.Read more at location 881
Men offer goods and services (in prehistoric environments, primarily meat, shelter, protection, and status) in exchange for exclusive,Read more at location 883
Helen Fisher called it The Sex Contract.Read more at location 884
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So, if a woman becomes pregnant by a guy who has no intention of helping her through pregnancy or guiding the child through the high-risk early years, she likely is squandering the time, energy, and risks of pregnancy.Read more at location 887
Steven Pinker calls this way of looking at human reproduction the genetic economics of sex: “The minimum investments of a man and a woman are…unequal,” explains Pinker, “because a child can be born to a single mother whose husband has fled but not to a single father whose wife has fled. But the investment of the man is greater than zero, which means that women are also predicted to compete in the marriage market, though they should compete over the males most likely to invest…”3 Conversely, if a guy invests all his time, energy, and resources in a woman who’s doing the nasty behind his back, he’s at risk of raising another man’s kids—a total lossRead more at location 890
This is why evolutionary psychologists Margo Wilson and Martin Daly argue that men take a decidedly proprietary view of women’s sexuality:Read more at location 897
As attentive readers may have noted, the standard narrative of heterosexual interaction boils down to prostitution: a woman exchanges her sexual services for access to resources.Read more at location 903
Darwin says your mother’s a whore. Simple as that.Read more at location 910
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The Adapted Mind, a book many consider to be the bible of the field, spells out the sex contract very clearly: A man’s sexual attractiveness to women will be a function of traits that were correlated with high mate value in the natural environment…. The crucial question is, What traits would have been correlated with high mate value? Three possible answers are as follows: The willingness and ability of a man to provide for a woman and her children…. The willingness and ability of a man to protect a woman and her children…. The willingness and ability of a man to engage in direct parenting activities.Read more at location 912
The Famously Flaccid Female LibidoRead more at location 920
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in his now classic work The Evolution of Human Sexuality, psychologist Donald Symons confidently proclaimed that “among all peoples sexual intercourse is understood to be a service or favor that females render to males.”Read more at location 929
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geneticist A. J. BatemanRead more at location 932
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natural selection encourages “an undiscriminating eagerness in the males and a discriminating passivity in the females.”Read more at location 933
Hundreds, if not thousands, of studies have claimed to confirm the flaccidity of the female libido.Read more at location 935
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Male Parental Investment (MPI)Read more at location 945
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The objective of the game is to send your genetic code into the future by producing the maximum possible number of offspring who survive and reproduce. Whether or not this dispersal leads to happiness is irrelevant.Read more at location 947
Robert WrightRead more at location 949
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“We are built to be effective animals, not happy ones.Read more at location 949
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This perspective on life incorporates the Protestant work ethicRead more at location 953
Old TestamentRead more at location 954
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life must be endured, not enjoyed.Read more at location 955
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Ethologist/primatologist Frans de Waal, one of the more open-minded philosophers of human nature, calls this Calvinist sociobiology.Read more at location 955
“Women’s reproductive resources are precious and finite, and ancestral women did not squander them on just any random man,” writes evolutionary psychologist David Buss. “Obviously, women don’t consciously think that sperm are cheap and eggs are expensive,” Buss continues, “but women in the past who failed to exercise acumen before consenting to sex were left in the evolutionary dust; our ancestral mothers used emotional wisdom to screen out losers.”Read more at location 958
theorists believe that Homo sapiens is uniquely high in male parental investment (MPI) among primates. They argue that our high level of MPI forms the basis for the supposed universality of marriage.Read more at location 964
“In every human culture in the anthropological record, marriage…is the norm, and the family is the atom of social organization. Fathers everywhere feel love for their children…. This love leads fathers to help feed and defend their children, and teach them useful things.”Read more at location 966
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Biologist Tim Birkhead agrees, writing, “The issue of paternity is at the core of much of men’s behaviour—and for good evolutionary reasons. In our primeval past, men who invested in children which were not their own would, on average, have left fewer descendents than those who reared only their own genetic offspring.Read more at location 969
note a few of the questionable assumptionsRead more at location 973
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A hunter could refuse to share his catch with other hungry people living in the close-knit band of foragers (including nieces, nephews, and children of lifelong friends) without being shamed, shunned, and banished from the community.Read more at location 979
Not only have males evolved to compete for scarce female eggs; females have evolved to compete for scarce male investment.”Read more at location 986
Mixed Strategies” in the War Between the SexesRead more at location 989
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power is the greatest aphrodisiacRead more at location 990
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the Kissinger effect),Read more at location 991
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Conventional theory suggests she’ll marry a nice, rich, predictable, sincere guy likely to pay the mortgage, change the diapers, and take out the trash—but then cheat on him with wild, sexy, dangerous dudes, especially around the time she’s ovulating, so she’s more likely to have lover-boy’s baby. Known as the mixed strategyRead more at location 993
David Buss and his colleagues.Read more at location 998
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Their hypothesis holds that if males and females have conflicting agendas concerning mating behavior, the differences should appear in the ways males and females experience sexual jealousy.Read more at location 998
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These researchers found that women were consistently more upset by thoughts of their mates’ emotional infidelity, while men showed more anxiety concerning their mates’ sexual infidelity, as the hypothesis predicts.Read more at location 999
According to the standard model, the worst-case scenario for a prehistoric woman in this evolutionary game would be to lose access to her man’s resources and support.Read more at location 1004
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From the man’s perspective, as noted above, the worst-case scenario would be to spend his time and resources raising another man’s childrenRead more at location 1008
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The male’s mixed strategy would be to have a long-term mate, whose sexual behavior he could control—Read more at location 1016
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Meanwhile he should continue having casual (low-investment) sex with as many other women as possible, to increase his chances of fathering more children.Read more at location 1017
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dirty, lying bastards.Read more at location 1019
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cheat on his pregnant wife while being insanely—even violently—jealous of her.Read more at location 1019
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The woman’s mixed strategy would be to extract a long-term commitment from the man who offers her the best access to resources, status, and protection, while still seeking the occasional fling with rugged dudes in leather jackets who offer genetic advantages her loving, but domesticated, mate lacks.Read more at location 1023
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“war between the sexes”—Read more at location 1029
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basic underlying dynamic between men and women is mutual exploitationRead more at location 1031
Extended Sexual Receptivity and Concealed OvulationRead more at location 1044
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a foundational premise of the standard narrative is that men have no way of knowing when a woman is fertile.Read more at location 1047
humans are thought to be almost unique in this ignorance.Read more at location 1048
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Among primates, the female capacity and willingness to have sex any time, any place is characteristic only of bonobos and humans. “Extended receptivity” is just a scientific way of saying that women can be sexually active throughout their menstrual cycle, whereas most mammals have sex only when it “matters”—that is, when pregnancy can occur.Read more at location 1050
If we accept the assumption that women are not particularly interested in sex, other than as a way to manipulate men into sharing resources, why would human females have evolved this unusually abundant sexual capacity? Why not reserve sex for those few days in the cycle when pregnancy is most probable, as does practically every other mammal?Read more at location 1052
What anthropologist Helen Fisher has called “the classic explanation” goes like this: both concealed ovulation and extended (or, more accurately, constant) sexual receptivity evolved among early human females as a way of developing and cementing the pair bond by holding the attention of a constantly horny male mate.Read more at location 1056
because she was always available for sex, even when not ovulating, there was no reason for him to seek other females for sexual pleasure.Read more at location 1058
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because her fertility was hidden, he would be motivated to stick around all the time to maximize his own probability of impregnating her and to ensure that no other males mated with her at any time—Read more at location 1059
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“Silent ovulation kept a special friend in constant close proximity, providing protection and food the female prized.”18 Known as “mate guarding behavior” to scientists, contemporary women might call it “that insecure pest who never leaves me alone.”Read more at location 1061
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Anthropologist Sarah Blaffer Hrdy offers a different explanation for the unusual sexual capacity of the human female. She suggests that concealed ovulation and extended receptivity in early hominids may have evolved not to reassure males, but to confuse them. Having noted the tendency of newly enthroned alpha male baboons to kill all the babies of the previous patriarch, Hrdy hypothesized that this aspect of female sexuality may have developed as a way of confusing paternity among various males. The female would have sex with several males so that none of them could be certain of paternity, thus reducing the likelihood that the next alpha male would kill offspring who could be his.Read more at location 1064

lunedì 17 ottobre 2016

Why I Am Not an Objectivist Huemer, Michael - PRIMA PARTE

Notebook per
Why I Am Not an Objectivist
Huemer, Michael
Citation (APA): Huemer, M. (2014). Why I Am Not an Objectivist [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

Parte introduttiva
Nota - Posizione 1
i randiani derivano la loro etica da osservazioni oggettive obiezione: violano la legge di hume nn si passa impunemente dall essere al dover essere
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 30
five claims:
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 36
I agree with 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 40
Nota - Posizione 40
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 41
failing to distinguish sense and reference.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 43
Oedipus, famously, wanted to marry Jocaste,
Nota - Posizione 43
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 43
The following sentence, in other words, describes what Oedipus both wanted and believed to be the case: (J) Oedipus marries Jocaste.
Nota - Posizione 45
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 46
The following sentence, then, describes what Oedipus did not want or believe to be the case: (M) Oedipus marries Oedipus' mother.
Nota - Posizione 47
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 48
if the meaning of a word is simply what it refers to, then "Jocaste" and "Oedipus' mother" mean the same thing. And if that is the case, then (J) and (M) mean the same thing. But then how could it be that Oedipus could believe what (J) asserts without believing what (M) asserts, if they assert the same thing?
Nota - Posizione 50
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 60
Thus, "Jocaste" and "Oedipus' mother" have the same reference, but different sense.
Nota - Posizione 60
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 72
Nota - Posizione 72
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 72
Objectivism's rejection of the analytic/synthetic distinction is based on the failure to distinguish the sense and the reference of a word.
Nota - Posizione 73
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 88
There are sentences like "Every rectangle has 4 sides," "Every bachelor is male," "Every cat is a cat," etc., which certainly appear, prima facie, to have something in common and to be different in some way from "Every rectangle is blue," "Every bachelor is a slob," etc. Every philosopher is able to reliably classify certain specimens of each category and to produce indefinitely many additional examples each of 'analytic' and 'synthetic' propositions that have never been explicitly discussed by any other philosopher before ("Every dodecahedron has 12 faces"). Is this not strong evidence that there is some distinction here?
Nota - Posizione 92
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 94
If this is the case, what accounts for their intersubjective reliability?
Nota - Posizione 95
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 101
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 102
A priori knowledge is that which is not empirical
Nota - Posizione 102
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 104
I do not say that the concepts required to understand it are innate or formed without the aid of experience. I only maintain that a priori knowledge is not logically based on observations.
Nota - Posizione 105
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 113
we have a lot of a priori knowledge, to wit:
Nota - Posizione 114
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 114
Nota - Posizione 114
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 131
Nota - Posizione 131
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 172
Nota - Posizione 172
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 173
(1) Moral principles are not observations. The content of every observation is descriptive.
Nota - Posizione 174
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 199
(2) Moral principles can not be inferred from descriptive premises.
Nota - Posizione 199
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 209
the truth of Hume's Law,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 211
Communism causes poverty, makes people miserable, and takes away people's freedom. Therefore, communism is bad. The premise is apparently a descriptive and empirical fact, while the conclusion is evaluative. Assume the premise is true. My question: Does the conclusion follow from thatalone? No, the conclusion also depends upon the suppressed premises that poverty and misery are bad,
Nota - Posizione 214
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 216
Freedom is necessary to our survival. Therefore, freedom is good. Again, assume the premise is true, and ask, Does the conclusion follow from that alone? No, because the argument presupposes that survival is good, and that survival is good is an evaluative premise.
Nota - Posizione 219
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 220
want to live. Eating is necessary to live (and also will not interfere with anything else I want). Therefore, I should eat. This requires the assumption that I ought to act on my desires, and/or that my desire to live is a morally acceptable one.
Nota - Posizione 222
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 232
(iv) Social cooperation increases our evolutionary fitness. Therefore, we should cooperate. This presupposes that evolutionary fitness is good. One could try to prove this like so: (v) The process of evolution tends toward the survival of the fittest. Therefore, fitness is good. But this presupposes that survival is good and/or that what evolution tends towards is good.
Nota - Posizione 236
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 237
If one tries to show that x is good because it produces y, one must presuppose that y is good.
Nota - Posizione 237
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 257
(b) Moral principles can not be inductively inferred from descriptive premises.
Nota - Posizione 258
NolzNo induzione
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 265
Nota - Posizione 266
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 291
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 292
I have here two white pieces of paper. They are not the same piece of paper, but they have something in common: they are both white.
Nota - Posizione 293
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 296
A universal is a predicable: that is, it is the kind of thing that can be predicated of something. A particular can not be predicated of anything.
Nota - Posizione 297
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 311
Whiteness is not a concept; it is a color. When I have the concept of whiteness in my mind, I do not have whiteness in my mind (no part of my mind is actually white).
Nota - Posizione 312
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 315
A universal can also be the subject of a judgement, and universals can possess properties of their own.
Nota - Posizione 316
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 332
Nota - Posizione 332
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 333
(1) Do universals (as defined above) exist? (2) If not, why does it seem as if they do? (i.e., why do we have all these words and ideas apparently referring to them and knowledge apparently about them?) (3) If they do, does their existence depend on the existence of particulars? The people who answer #1 "Yes" are called "realists", and those who answer #1 "No" are called "nominalists". The nominalists then have to go on to answer #2. How they answer it determines what kind of nominalists they are. The realists have to go on to answer #3. Those who answer #3 "Yes" are called "immanent realists" (Rand: "moderate realists"), while those who answer #3 "No" are called "Platonic realists" or "transcendent realists".
Nota - Posizione 339
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 343
I am not going to try to refute nominalism here, because it is just obviously false. It is obvious that there is such a thing as whiteness, and that's all I have to say about that. (David Armstrong does a good job on it though in Nominalism and Realism.) It also seems clear to me that universals exist in particulars, and so immanent realism is true.
Nota - Posizione 346
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 379
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 379
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 380
Rand's attempted derivation of ethics is that it requires the evaluative presupposition that life is good, which has not been and cannot be inferred purely from observations.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 383
this view has the same problem as all attempts to bridge the is/ought gap,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 439
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 479
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 494
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 545
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 621
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 653
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 677
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 697

essenze: riconoscere delle verità a priori è concessione necessaria per un pensiero essenzialista ma non lo implica. alla teologia essenzialista (deduttiva) si contrappone quella naturalista (induttiva) con un carattere scientifico.

Mangiate la balena SAGGIO

La quarantennale campagna moralizzatrice degli animalisti ha sortito effetti quanto meno ambigui: da un lato siamo tutti  più sensibili alla sofferenza degli animali, dall'altra ne ammazziamo molti di più.
Il nostro desiderio collettivo volto al benessere degli animali è cresciuto di pari passo al nostro desiderio di mangiarli. Il consumo è passato da 80 kg pro capite (1975) a 110 (oggi). Per famiglia si ammazzavano 56 animali all'anno, oggi 132.
Paradosso: gli sforzi degli animalisti per migliorare le condizioni di vita negli allevamenti hanno reso il consumo di carne più, anziché meno, moralmente accettabile.  La vendita al dettaglio di pollame etichettato come biologico, ad esempio, fra il 2003 e il 2007 è quadruplicata! Si tratta di carne priva di ormoni, priva di antibiotici, esente da crudeltà . In altre parole, immune dal senso di colpa.
Ma c'è di più: sono cambiati anche i gusti. L'impennata nel numero degli animali abbattuti nei macelli  rispecchia il passaggio dal mangiare mammiferi al mangiare uccelli.
In un’ottica animalista, la campagna «Lasciate in pace le mucche» ha avuto esiti disastrosi. Quando viene portato al macello, il manzo medio pesa circa 500 kg, di cui il 62 per cento è carne utilizzabile. Un pollo Cobb 500, per contro, produce circa 1,4 kg di carne. Occorre uccidere 221 polli per ottenere il corrispettivo di un manzo. 221 morti contro 1. La bilancia morale pende a favore dei polli.
Per giunta, i bovini vivono meglio e più a lungo dei polli allevati industrialmente. Mentre un pollo medio respira ininterrottamente vapori di ammoniaca in un capannone, il manzo medio trascorre un anno e mezzo brucando erba nei pascoli.
In base a questa logica, il cibo d’elezione per il 40 per cento degli animalisti che dichiarano di mangiare carne sarebbe la balena: una balenottera azzurra è l’equivalente di 70.000 polli morti amazzati. Un affarone, in termini etici.
Si scherza? Tutt'altro. Giá nel 2001, Ingrid Newkirk, cofondatrice e presidente del PETA, fra la costernazione di alcuni dei suoi sostenitori,  aveva lanciato una campagna che invitava la gente a mangiare cetacei: "pappati la balena”! C’è il vantaggio aggiuntivo che questi animali vivono liberi, non hanno contrassegni pinzati alle orecchie o la coda tagliata, non sono castrati o privati del becco.
Piccolo inconveniente: la carne di balena è dura, grassa e piuttosto disgustosa.
Lettura consigliata: “Amati, odiati, mangiati: Perché è così difficile agire bene con gli animali” Hal Herzog (è da qui che ho preso i dati che sono relativi agli USA, sebbene il trend europeo sia simile)
P.S. Dietro l'impennata nei consumi di carne non c'è solo il paradosso etico appena descritto, pesa pure l'aumento di ricchezza. Ma anche il fatto che essere sensibili alla sofferenza animale non significa essere vegetariani, quelli autentici restano pochi. Il vegetariano tipo -  donna, bianca, progressista, con elevato livello di istruzione, di classe media o alta, poco incline verso i  valori tradizionali - rappresenta una quota che va dall'1 al 3% della popolazione, senza dire che molti di costoro nascondono dietro l'opzione vegetariana solo un disturbo alimentate. Gli ex vegetariani, tanto per capirsi, sono il triplo dei vegetariani. In secondo luogo, i vegetariani mangiano carne, e parecchia. Nei sondaggi abbiamo a che fare per lo più di vegetariani "autoriferiti", da qui le iniziative del PETA implicitamente rivolte ai "vegetariani di nome” e " carnivori di fatto".

Va' e non peccare più

Sembra che nella prossima enciclica Papa Francesco adombri la riabilitazione di Lucifero, in fondo è un buon diavolo, nella sua bestemmia riecheggia una presenza divina ma soprattutto non è pettegolo (il che non è secondario). E poi, solo così l’inferno puo’ essere davvero vuoto.
I suoi oppositori (dai sedevacantisti alla fondazione Lepanto) invece affermano che l’inferno non è mai stato tanto gremito come oggi: il mondo moderno è essenzialmente diabolico e il diavolo è un gran seduttore.
Per avere una visione più equilibrata del peccato, meglio rivolgersi al mondo laico, per esempio al Tyler Cowen di “Avoiding the Seven Deadly Sins”: oggi si pecca molto di più, è vero, ma non è detto che i flussi verso l’inferno siano aumentati, ad essere aumentate sono le tentazioni che porta con sè la  strepitosa ricchezza che stiamo accumulando da duecento anni. Bello fare i santi senza tentazioni!: ma il giudizio divino fa la tara a queste cose. Insomma, i peccatori di oggi sono solo più visibili rispetto a quelli di ieri, non più numerosi.
Cosa rende tanto peccaminoso il mondo contemporaneo?: tra le altre cose, la rete.
La rete realizza una barocca moltiplicazione del possibile, facilita l’incontro tra domanda e offerta e fa fiorire mercati con oggetto peccaminoso che prima non potevano nemmeno esistere per mancanza di clienti rintracciabili. 
Il web “crea” persino peccati nuovi: il peccato di “bolla”, per esempio. Chi si costruisce e vive nella propria “bolla” taglia le sue relazioni con l’esterno adattandosi ad un comodo quanto sterile isolamento.
Solo oggi, tanto per dire, puoi avere una fidanzata immaginaria
… Instead of courting a real woman, some men prefer “imaginary girlfriends.”…Once a week these imaginary girlfriends—played by real women— will send you cards, e-mail, letters, or whatever else is needed to establish proof of a long-distance relationship. The idea started when a twenty-two-year-old named Judy, from Wichita Falls, Texas, posted her “imaginary” services on eBay; since then the idea has spread. At, after the period of hire has ended, the customer is responsible for splitting up with the imaginary girlfriend. The girlfriend will write a letter expressing her sorrow and begging to be taken back… The very beautiful Erica, from Vancouver, offers: Services: Letters, e-mail, custom photos with letters, custom digital photos with e-mail, video chats via Yahoo webcam if possible. Price $45 per two month period…
In Giappone va di moda il “fidanzato a pezzi”: se vuoi essere abbracciata ti compri un suo braccio (non è necessario portarselo a casa tutto)… 
… Some Japanese women are content with less than a full man. Such women can buy a “Boyfriend’s Arm Pillow” to embrace their necks while they sleep at night …
Accennato alla fiorente industria della “bolla”, ci sono poi i sette peccati tradizionali, quelli di cui parla Dante nell’Inferno e Papa Gregorio prima di lui.
Quanto alla superbia: i ricchissimi e avidi manager possono guardare la legge dall’alto in basso frequentando costosissimi corsi su come cavarsela al meglio una volta in gabbia qualora dovesse succedere…
… Top executives can take a class for $10,000 or more to learn how to cope with life in prison. The class teaches the following: 1. Meditation and physical-exercise routines. 2. Getting used to the fact that nothing changes and everything is outside your control. 3. Discarding addictions and vices. 4. Bringing a cheap watch. 5. Not making eye contact 6. “If you are going to hurt somebody, drag them into your cell, because then you have an excuse that they invaded your privacy.” The entrepreneurs claim they have had twelve clients a year for the last two years…
Per gli avidi si aprono molte lucrose possibilità nel mondo dei rapimenti, specie in Colombia e in Messico…
… Until the recent rise in safety, $1 million worth of Colombian kidnapping insurance cost $20,000 to $25,000 a year. Many people and companies buy much larger policies, for fear that the local kidnappers consider a ransom of less than a million to be a joke…
La triangolazione assicuratori-criminali-polizia fa girare un business mica da ridere minimizzando i rischi per tutti, vittima compresa…
… A victim is most likely to win a safe release when kidnapping is done in conjunction with the police. This minimizes the chance of misunderstandings and makes sure that everyone is on the same page… In Mexico the kidnappers and the insurance companies have a close working relationship… kidnappers prefer to grab someone with insurance. That is their incentive, since the transaction runs more smoothly and everyone behaves professionally… The company “regularizes” the kidnapping experience, but at the same time this makes many kidnappings more likely and thus brings more sin…
In tutt’altro settore, una miniera d’oro puo’ rivelarsi la caccia agli errori ortografici su ebay, in modo da partecipare ad aste di un certo valore dove si vince facile…
… Alert arbitrageurs search eBay for misspelled and thus misplaced items. So if the lister made a mistake in the item description there will be few opposing bidders… One searcher bought Hubbell electrical cords for a tenth of their usual cost by searching for “Hubell” and “Hubbel” electrical cords. That same individual bought Compaq computers by looking for “Compacts” instead. One reporter’s hour-long search turned up dozens of items, including “bycicles,” “telefones,” “mother of perl,” “cuttlery,” “bedroom suits,” and “antiks.”… There is now a Web site,, devoted solely to finding and publicizing spelling mistakes on eBay…
la lussuria è uno dei peccati con più tentazioni. Sui siti messicani trovi prostitute veramente low cost (anche se ottuagenarie)…
…In Mexico City there are hundreds of prostitutes in their sixties, seventies, and even eighties; eighty-five is the oldest age cited. One woman claims that: “an antique can be more valuable than something new.” Usually the price is $5 or less…
Ci sono siti specializzati in “alibi per adulterio”…
… For a $34 minimum a Russian company (SounderCover) will provide an alibi for the absence of an adulterer… The service can mimic traffic, construction noises, the circus, or the drill of a dentist…
Così come ci sono i contratti pre-matrimoniali, ci sono anche i contratti pre-rapporto sessuale. Diversi si ti li mettono a disposizione ad un costo abbordabile…
… Celebrities, athletes, and others can buy consent forms for their casual sex partners. The form vouches that the other party agreed to the sex, thereby avoiding subsequent charges of rape… lawyer Evan Spencer, who drafted the “pre-sexual agreement” form for Protect Condoms, Inc. According to the president of the company, they rapidly sold more than 4,000 forms at $7.99 per form. Each package comes with two condoms…
Alcol. Ubriacatevi pure!, tanto c’è chi – dietro lauto compenso - gestirà i vostri affari mentre siete sbronzo…
… We have all known people who make phone calls when they shouldn’t, especially when they are drunk. A survey of 409 people by Virgin Mobile found that 95 percent had made drunk calls, mostly to ex-partners (30 percent), 19 percent to current partners, and 36 percent to others, including their bosses… To alleviate the drinking-and-dialing problem, a phone company in Australia started offering customers blocked “blacklist” numbers, which they select before going out to drink. In Japan they sell a mobile phone with a breathalyzer, to see if you are really fit to drive home, or for that matter to make a phone call…
L’invidia è qualcosa che riguarda tutti e ci guida nell’acquisto dell’auto come nella scelta della vacanza. Un potente mercato è nato per tacitare questo demone.
Volete passare una giornata da sogno a New York (solo per il gusto di raccontarla, ovviamente)?:
… PartyBuddys, the creation of two New Jersey entrepreneurs, promises to “make normal people feel fabulous for the night.”… the one-night package offers a special “party buddy” guide to bring clients past “crowds of jealous bystanders,” limousine transportation, and special treatment at six fashionable Manhattan nightclubs, including free drinks. One night costs $350 a person and up; the maximum package goes for $1,200 per person. A personal bodyguard runs an extra $45 an hour… at least 60 percent of their business comes from middle-aged professionals who are visiting New York but have never been to the city’s nightclubs… imagine themselves as one of “the cool people” they see on TV. New Yorkers, of course, consider this the epitome of uncoo…
Volete più ospiti alla vostra festa? In tempo di “bolle” e famiglie striminzite ce n’è sempre bisogno…
… A report from India tells of a firm that rents out wedding guests… They are told to dance and make small talk, and show a knowledge of the marrying couple… “The breaking up of joint families and lack of affection among relatives also creates a demand for paid guests.”
Gola. In Cina esiste un ristorante che cucina solo peni (di animale)…
… there is a restaurant in China that specializes in serving different kinds of animal penises, braised, fried, and steamed…
Si moltiplicano poi ovunque le gare dei “mangioni”, alcune mirano a diventare disciplina olimpica. Non mancano nemmeno le star del genere…
… The World Grilled Cheese Eating Championship offers a $3,500 prize to the contestant who can down the greatest number of grilled-cheese sandwiches in ten minutes. The 103-pound Korean-American Sonya (“The Black Widow”) Thomas won with twenty-three… Jason Fagone’s 302-page study of eating competitions, Horsemen of the Esophagus, used the words “violent” and “assault” to describe the contestants’ methods of consumption… She worked at Burger King and would like to own a fast-food restaurant some day…
L’ ira è un peccato un po’ sottovalutato. Ma il mercato non lo sottovaluta affatto: l’offerta di killer e quant’altro è notevole e spesso fatta alla luce del sole.
Ma un vero trarget del mercato sono i pigroni, specie se ricchissimi. C’è chi affitta personale per aprire i regali di natale o mettere il dentifricio sullo spazzolino…
… David Beckham and his wife hired a £1,000-a-day butler to open their Christmas presents… Charles had a full-time valet at the age of two and he still has his butler apply toothpaste to his toothbrush…
Chi gioca on-line puo’ affittare un pilota automatico e guadagnare qualche certificato in più da esibire…
… Some people purchase software to play online computer games for them. Why bother? If “you” have played the game, you can wear certain badges attesting to that fact, which leads to prestige in some on-line communities…
Una servitù sempre connessa sembra regalare la pace interiore a molti ricconi…
… Some Ritz-Carltons offer their guests constant e-mail contact with their butlers, who carry around handheld wireless devices…
C’è un mercato anche per i codardi
… The company BSR offers a two-day antiterrorist driving school, which includes surveillance and 180-degree spins. Gift certificates are available…
… specie i paurosi in amore, quelli che non sanno “rompere”. Connesso alla rottura c’è il problema di riavere indietro i regali. Niente paura: per tutto questo c’è chi ci pensa ed agisce per voi…
… Sometimes we are too cowardly to face those we have loved and maybe even still love. At, founded in 2002, the writers pen a Dear John or Dear Jane letter designed to end the relationship… But if a letter is too impersonal, better to hire the service for a fifteen-minute breakup phone call, called a “counseling call” by the service… Another of these companies also performs furniture and pet retrieval, for fees ranging up to $400… The now-defunct—and its male-oriented counterpart—offered to compose “The Gentle Breakup Letter”… It also had to be specified whether the style should be “Light and Casual,” “Straightforward but from the Heart,” or “Super-Romantic.” Erica Klein, the founder of the service, noted, “We’re good at caring and compassion.”…
Avete paura di essere sepolti vivi? Calma, c’è la bara con radiotrasmittente incorporata…
… Taphephobia (or “taphophobia,” depending which spelling convention you follow) is the fear of being buried alive. A Chilean cemetery will build an alarm into a coffin for only $462…
Vanità. Poiché – la cosa è nota - ogni padrone di cane si identifica con il suo cucciolo ai più vanesi tra loro puo’ venire utile una protesi testicolare (per il cucciolo, non per loro) con la quale il figurone è assicurato…
… we can buy testicular implants for our pets. Apparently some pet owners feel their dogs have lost that manly feeling or that dangerous look. To date at least 50,000 people have purchased this product…
E non sto qui a dire quante cose puo’ fare una moglie per suo marito oggigiorno, specie quando si festeggia l’anniversario…
… For her 17th wedding anniversary Jeanette Yarborough wanted to do something special for her husband. In addition to planning a hotel getaway for the weekend, Ms. Yarborough paid a surgeon $5,000 to reattach her hymen, making her appear to be a virgin again. “It’s the ultimate gift for the man who has everything,” says Ms. Yarborough…
Il mercato è ovunque, anche nell’arte
… men who wish to buy paintings made by women’s breasts (N.B.: not paintings of women’s breasts, these are paintings by the breasts) must transact outside the mainstream. The idea, which started on the Internet, allows a small number of buyers to get in touch with the willing but regionally dispersed artistic suppliers…
Le immobiliari sono particolarmente creative, specie dopo la crisi…
For $430 a square foot, a person can buy the air rights for an unfettered view of Central Park. That means no one can build to block the current view. This transaction operates through the standard real estate brokers of Manhattan…
Ci sono poi i mondi paralleli, dove si possono fare buoni affari…
… Some of today’s newest and most innovative markets exist in online computer games. In these “synthetic worlds” it is possible to buy, sell, lend, own property, or for that matter steal. Rewards depend upon performance, and the game prizes are convertible into real-world cash. It has been estimated that all the synthetic economies put together, with about 10 million players, are in value terms about equal to the size of the economies of Bosnia and Herzegovina…
Alcuni mercati sono proibiti e fanno nascere mercati che commerciano i mezzi per eludere i mercati proibiti. Uno dei più singolari è il mercato delle targhe sporche, vengono buone per l’autovelox e non solo…
… One British entrepreneur sells squirt bottles of spray-on mud for license plates. It is ostensibly so the buyer’s vehicle can “look rugged,” but more realistically it is used so police cameras cannot record the license plates of speeding vehicles. The mud is from Shropshire, and it contains secret ingredients so that it sticks to the license plate longer…
A volte non è tanto l’oggetto del mercato ad essere peccaminoso ma la pratica mercantile in sé. Per esempio: non si capisce perché ma troviamo disdicevole negoziare i posti in coda…
… Felix Oberholzer-Gee, a professor at Harvard Business School, conducted some field experiments about whether a market might develop for places in line. Some economists might think that buying a place in line is a natural thing to do… Oberholzer-Gee and a team of experimenters… They went to long lines and offered cash payments of up to $10 if they could cut in line, jumping ahead of some of the others… most people would not take the money. They took a high offer as a signal of desperation and thus felt sorry for the interloper and let him cut in for nothing. (Students and women were more likely to take the cash; men were more likely to “act magnanimously.”)… people felt it was not right to receive cash for an early spot in line…. people in the queue felt only limited generosity. When a second experimenter—this time the professor himself rather than his assistant—tried to buy his way into the line, those in the queue grew upset…
Oppure, prendiamo il sesso. Il sesso ci rende felici: perché non ne compriamo di più visto che ne abbiamo a disposizione quanto ne vogliamo? Mistero. Ecco otto possibili spiegazioni… 
… Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman—based on intensive time diaries—looked at which activities make us happiest. It turns out that sex and time spent with friends (not spouses, unless perhaps we are having sex) are our favorite and most enjoyable ways of spending time… A second study, by economists David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald, supports the view of a connection between sex and happiness… If sex is so much more fun than the alternatives, why don’t we have more of it?…Maybe the potential partner is not interested right now but, hey, is that not what trade is for?… 1. The long-term lifestyle costs of being “more open to trading sex” involve a loss of integrity and control… 2. We have enough sex, and more sex would be much less fun… 3. Freud was right and we are repressed… 4. Sex stops being enjoyable when we do it “to close a gap between marginal utilities.” It requires spontaneity 5. Sex isn’t as much fun as the studies indicate… 6. People want their sex to consist of peaks, rather than seeking to maximize lifetime pleasure. Thomas Schelling once told me he does not always listen to Bach, even when he feels like doing so. He wants to keep it as a special experience… 7 people feel shame about paying or receiving money in too explicit a fashion (see also #4). We therefore spend our time competing for social status, rather than just trading for more sex… 8. During and after marital fights, we often “stick to our guns.” Some of our stubbornness is for purposes of deterrence and precedent-setting. If we give in too easily, we will find it harder to win a good bargain the next time around…
Così come c’è il mercato della tentazione c’è anche quello dell’autocontrollo. I golosoni posso ficcarsi in gola certi affarini commerciati da una srl di Atlanta…
… One device, called the DDS System, resembles a small retainer that you put into your mouth before mealtime. It fills much of the upper cavity of the mouth and forces the wearer to eat more slowly and take smaller bites. The product is marketed by Scientific Intake of Atlanta… The makers claim the effect on speech is “minor”; the effect on your pocketbook is $400 to $500…
La dipendenza da porno ha diversi rimedi…
… Other gimmicks come from digital culture. For instance, pornography addicts can download free “accountability software” known as X3. Once installed, X3 sends an e-mail every fourteen days to a chosen recipient or recipients. That e-mail lists every Web site that the person has visited on the computer…
Ma questi trucchetti ci distraggono dalla vera soluzione: rafforzare la propria forza di volontà.
Ecco allora due semplici consigli per non cadere in tentazione…
… First, cultivate a healthy self-image and a set of narratives about who you are and why it is important to contribute to society, rather than yielding to every temptation… Second… Forget about the imaginary girlfriend, the Russian alibi for adultery, and the Mexican prostitutes. Just go out and look for some sweet, old-fashioned romance. Yes, virtue is its own reward, but virtue also should be fun. Go out and use markets to make virtue fun. Buy a nice home for you and your family… Third…
E se questo non basta? Se la tentazione vi fa capitolare? Molti virtuosi vi emargineranno, ma non il mercato, su di lui potrete ancora contare: per uno sfogo bagnato da qualche lacrima si renderà disponibile il bar dei rimpianti. E’ un po’ fuori mano (in Cina) ma c’è. Ormai c’è tutto!…
… The truly regretful in the Chinese city of Nanjing can visit a “crying bar.” There’s a sofa, some tables, and a great deal of tissue paper. For about $6 an hour, customers can sit and cry. The owner, one Luo Jun, claimed he hit upon the idea from customers of a previous bar. They wanted to cry, but they had no venue for this desire. The crying bar solves their problem by making the show of maudlin emotion socially respectable and indeed socially expected…