giovedì 20 aprile 2017

Il vegetariano che ammazzava animali di nascosto

Conoscete Claudio Bertonatti?
E’ un vegetariano che recentemente ha lanciato un allarme:
… he warns that eating vegetables doesn’t prevent the death of animals….
La verdura uccide gli animali. Molti.
Uccellini e agricoltura
… I noticed that in the fields of agricultural crops there were no birds, and the few that were there were being persecuted…
Chi ama gli animali non dovrebbe distinguere tra domestici e selvatici
… As a vegetarian, I was helping to prevent the death and suffering of domestic animals, but not of wild species…
I meccanismi della natura sono complessi: animale mangia animale
… From the moment that humans began to raise cattle and adopt agriculture we generated an impact. There is no animal species whose survival doesn’t result in the death of other animals, whether directly or indirectly…
Agricoltura e deforestazione
… Wheat, rice, corn. Most vegans eat these things. The first impact of mass cultivation is deforestation: we force nature out to make room for crops. In Argentina, they set fire to the jungle, burning nests with flamethrowers. Then they must defend the sown land from the birds who come to feed; many landowners do this by scattering poisoned grains. After that, the wild herbivores come looking for the first shoots, so the landowners put up electric fences or hunt the animals down with guns… The land is fumigated to combat fungi, insects and other plants…
L’agricoltura chiede spazio a molti animali che si spostano altrove, ma l’hotel è pieno e quindi…
… The animals that have been driven out move on to other areas which already support animals: the hotel is fully booked. So, the animals go to neighbouring crop fields and another wave of impacts is generated…
Al contrario, l’allevamento fa fiorire la vita
… By contrast, he says, in fields dedicated to livestock there are more species of other animals… There are lots of wild grasslands in Argentina. You can go for a walk there and find everything: amphibians, reptiles, birds…
Certo: buona parte dell’agricoltura esiste per nutrire le bestie allevate. E qui siamo punto e a capo.
Quando le cose sono tanto incasinate distinguere tra buoni e cattivi è dura…
… if you eat meat, you kill animals, but you also kill them by eating plants. A lot of people who care about environmental issues look for good guys and bad guys, but it’s not like that…
Pensate al danno che le miniere e l’estrazione dei metalli arreca a molte specie animali. Eppure gli animalisti usano senza sensi di colpa i computer che impiegano proprio quei metalli…
… if you eat meat, you kill animals, but you also kill them by eating plants. A lot of people who care about environmental issues look for good guys and bad guys, but it’s not like that…
Qual è una posizione sensata?
L’impatto zero è impossibile.
Se tutti diventassimo vegani sarebbe una tragedia…
… if the whole human race suddenly became vegan, it would be a tragedy…
Non resta che guardare alla biodiversità: avere cura dell’ambiente nel suo complesso senza fissarsi su questioni specifiche…
… What I find dangerous is that you spend all your energy trying to save the black cat, while knowing nothing about the environment, because maybe you’re wasting your energy; maybe your energy would have a greater impact elsewhere. It’s important to have a broad vision…