Qualcosa del genere riguarda anche le nostre scelte alimentari e il nostro rapporto con gli animali.
Animalisti e vegetariani dovrebbero assimilare lo spiacevole ma misurato messaggio che esce dall’ ultimo libro di Hal Herzog.
Alcuni passaggi scelti random tanto per far capire i traumi a cui puo’ andare incontro l’ ingenuo leggendo il libro:
dolphins don’t actually have the curative powers some claim they have (22); there’s no evidence that pet owners have different personalities than non pet owners (28); having to kill and cut up an animal does not stop one from eating meat (189); the majority of people who abused animals as children do not grow up to be violent (30); and 80% of serial killers do not have a known history of cruelty to animals (31). Animal cruelty is not perpetrated by inherently bad kids but by normal children who will eventually grow up to be good citizens” (34).