venerdì 24 maggio 2019

F espandere o redistribuire i diritti?

Most people talk too much about values relative to facts, as they care more about showing off their values than about learning facts. So I usually avoid talking values. But I’ll make an exception today for this value: expanding rather than fighting about possibilities.

This distinction between expanding and fighting is central to standard economic analysis. We economists distinguish “efficiency improving” policies that expand possibilities from “redistribution”

But in fact most people find a lot more emotional energy in fights

They instead get far more energized by efforts to help us win against themmuch “social justice” energy is directed toward finding, outing, and “deplatforming” enemies

Consider bioconservatism. Some look forward to a future where they’ll be able to change the human body, adding extra senses, and modifying people to be smarter, stronger, more moral, and even immortal. Others are horrified by and want to prevent such changes,