venerdì 24 maggio 2019

F a che serve viaggiare? A CHE SERVE VIAGGIARE?
Ten days in a far-off land produces a richer treasury of detailed memories than 10 weeks back home. But what is behind this phenomenon? And does it teach us something about living a full life?
Shannon’s theory is that a message can be compressed to the extent that it is predictable.Ritualised conversations (“How are you?” “Very well, thank you. How are you?”) can be heavily compressed;
Although the parallel is not exact, much the same thing seems to be going on with our memories of life. The brain is not a video recorder; we recall the gistmaximising information content by keeping things unpredictableif we’re seeking advice we should ask the person of whose answer we are least certaintoo much novelty is exhausting, and we need an anchor for our expectations
So if you want a full life, rich with memories, keep searching for new experiences


Notato che quando si torna da una settimana di vacanza sembra passato un mese? Il tempo scorre più lento. Perché? Il noto teorico cibernetico Claude Shannon ha una teoria (convincente).

Mi sono sempre chiesto a cosa servisse viaggiare e fare le vacanze (per me sono uno stress). Ora lo so: per accumulare ricordi. Anche un sapere abbinato al ricordo resta più vivido.