Existential Risks: AI – Fake Nous
Citation (APA): riccardo-mariani@libero.it. (2020). Existential Risks: AI – Fake Nous [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from Amazon.com
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Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 2
Existential Risks: AI– Fake Nous
Nota - Posizione 2
@@@@@ Si poarte assumendo che ai nn sará simile all uomo nn avrá coscienza nn avrá morovazioni umane nn avrá voglua di potenza. A meno che nn sia programmata x qs. il problema sono le conseg nn intenzionali. Nn possiamo prevedere tutto. Ma spesso in casi del genere i programma vanin crash. é l ai aiutare sata dai malvagi ad essere xicolosa unica speranza: il rinsavimenro dell uomo. Ma basterá un pazzo.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 40
Maybe an advanced AI will for some reason decide that it is advantageous to eliminate all humans,
Nota - Posizione 40
Il rischio
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 47
(1) Consciousness
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computers will literally be conscious,
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Sembra un articolo di fede
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I personally have near-zero credence in this.
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A non-conscious AI can still have enormous power
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(2) Computers Are Not People Too
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the way that most people imagine AI posing a threat— like in science fiction stories that have human-robot wars— is anthropomorphic and not realistic.
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L errore
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Advanced AI won’t have human-like motivations
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It won’t even have an instinct of self-preservation, unless we decide to program that.
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The desire to take over the world is a peculiarly human obsession.
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a peculiarly male human obsession.
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AI won’t be subject to these evolutionary, biological imperatives.
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(3) Bugs
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Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 66
The more general worry that we should have is programming mistakes, or unintended consequences.
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we cannot anticipate all the consequences of a given algorithm,
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Nick Bostrom gives the example of a computer system built to make paperclips more efficiently.
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convert most of the Earth’s mass into paperclips. This would have human extinction as an unfortunate side effect.
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With a computer program, you can’t just put in a clause that says, “unless this turns out to imply something obviously crazy.”
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 78
(4) Crashing
Nota - Posizione 78
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 81
when programs malfunction— when the complicated algorithm the computer is following has an unintended consequence— what almost always happens is that the program crashes,
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Motivo di speranza
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it isn’t going to start acting like an agent coherently pursuing some different goal
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(5) The Real Threat
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it’s not the AI that would be out to get us. It is human beings that would be at the core of the threat.
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there are people who quite seriously believe that it would be good if humanity became extinct.
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There are others who would gladly kill all members of particular countries, or particular religious or ethnic groups.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 93
AI may make dangerous humans even more dangerous.
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Military AI
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Skynet/ Terminator story is so silly, after all.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 111
So there are two threats: governments of powerful nations may kill us with AI-controlled military systems (possibly by mistake). Or terrorists may use AI to figure out how to kill us, because they’re crazy.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 113
we can use AI to defend against hostile AI. But destruction usually has an advantage over protection. (It’s easier to destroy, there are more ways of doing it, etc.)
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AI in a box
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we will have to hope that humans become less crazy and evil, before our technology advances enough
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La speranza
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 125
it only takes one crazy person
Nota - Posizione 125