mercoledì 10 giugno 2009

La medusa PC pietrifica gli studiosi


quality variations in child care have only small and temporary effects on most children's developmen


As a society, we can afford to provide interesting, good-quality care for all of our children.

Lo studioso terrorizzato si contraddice di continuo cercando di far dimenticare al più presto la sua scoperta. In questo caso: impegnarsi molto nella cura dei bimbi non produce risultati apprezzabili... senonchè dobbiamo farlo. Strano. O no?

In most disciplines, experts oversell their ability to give useful policy advice. In behavioral genetics, however, experts strangely undersell their ability to give useful policy advice...

... why are behavioral geneticists so eager to downplay the practical relevance of their field? The most plausible explanation is that these scientists already have enough trouble with political correctness...