martedì 5 aprile 2011

Hanson a caccia di ipocrisie

E' sempre uno spettacolo. Qui su bambini, lavoro e sindacati:

... Kids work hard at school, housework, sports, practicing music, supporting clubs, etc. and none of this cruelty is prevented by "child labor" laws. Such laws only prevent getting paid to work; they don't even stop kids interning for free. If child labor laws come from our revulsion at miserable kids, why are there no laws preventing tiger moms from making their kids practice music for hours straight without a bathroom break, or against parents who make their older kids work full time taking care of younger kids?... The history of child labor law is closely associated with unions seeking less competition for adult labor... And today self-righteous indication about foreign child labor supports protectionism, to keep out foreign products that compete with local firms... keeping poor kids from working for money not only unfairly biases the work vs. school competition, it needlessly impoverishes poor kids and their families... While we claim to care so so much about kids forced to do hard and tedious tasks, we only actually prevent doing such tasks for money
