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Visualizzazione dei post in ordine di pertinenza per la query clark. Ordina per data Mostra tutti i post

martedì 4 marzo 2008

Darwin, unica speranza dei nullatenenti

Spira una brezza malthusiana nell' ultimo libro di Gregory Clark, A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World. Lo sviluppo economico del mondo, a quanto pare, comincia solo con la Rivoluzione Industriale, prima eravamo tutti nella trappola malthusiana: l' incremento di produzione era assorbito dall' incremento della popolazione.

Ma perchè fu proprio l' Inghilterra a sgattaiolare fuori dalla "trappola"?

"...The answer hazarded here is that England's advantages were not coal, not colonies, not the Protestant Reformation, not the Enlightenment, but the accidents of institutional stability and demography: in particular the extraordinary stability of England back to at least 1200, the slow growth of population between 1300 and 1760, and the extraordinary fecundity of the rich and economically successful..."

"...Clark found a reproductive advantage of rich men over poor between 1585 and 1638 -- the richest testators leaving twice as many children as the poorest. From this he concluded that the offspring of the rich had quickly spread throughout society..."

I fattori legati allo sviluppo hanno dunque principalmente a che fare con la demografia e la selezione dei più adatti.

Con coerenza vengono derivate alcune politiche per l' aiuto ai più deboli. La "cultura" è tutto, quindi è necessario "selezionarla" visto che non si puo' inocularla, lasciate che i modelli fallimentari falliscano visto che non possono essere corretti:

"...History shows, as we have seen repeatedly in this book, that the West has no model of economic development to offer the still-poor countries of the world. There is no simple economic medicine that will guarantee growth, and even complicated economic surgery offers no clear prospect of relief for societies afflicted with poverty. Even direct gifts of aid have proved ineffective in stimulating growth. In this context the only policy the West could pursue that will ensure gains for at least some of the poor of the Third World is to liberalize immigration from these countries..."

"...The implicit proposition of A Farewell to Alms is that we should stop giving money to the poor. They'll just become more numerous. Hoist as many as possible aboard; let the others sink or swim. Let selective pressure do its work. Only thus will the poor eventually escape their poverty..."

Riepilogando, nell' Inghilterra dal 1200 al 1800, i successi economico si è costantemente tradotto in successo riproduttivo selezionando una popolazione particolarmente adatta. I ricchi sarebbero sopravissuti all' infanzia in numero doppio rispetto ai poveri. Filtro da cui la Cina, per esempio, era ben lontana.

Ho l' impressione che una simile spiegazione, perlomeno laddove si limiti a considerare un unico elemento, non si attagli a parecchi esempi di sviluppo a cui abbiamo assistito anche di recente.

venerdì 6 giugno 2008

Lo scienziato che non sopravvalutò la realtà

Gregory Clark è forse uno dei massimi malthusiani in circolazione. Una razza quasi estinta.

In quanto tale è in grado di parlare con semplicità e rigore del paradigma che professa. Lo fa ancorandolo a due minuscole ipotesi:

1) fertilità e mortalità in una società umana, rispettivamente, crescono e decrescono con il tenore di vita presente;

2) il tenore di vita di una società decresce al crescere della popolazione.

Ho parlato di "società umana". Non ne avevo bisogno: anche gli animali sono sottoposti all' assioma ferreo. Tanto è vero che le leggi economiche di Malthus valgono anche per l' economia animale. Anzi, per gli animali valgono ancora oggi.

L' uomo invece, dopo la "rivoluzione industriale", sembra essersi affrancato dalla "trappola malthusiana". Ma fino ad allora il paradigma della scienza triste calzava a pennello e spiegava più o meno tutto anche per il bipede eretto.

Il reverendo Malthus scrisse il suo saggio epocale per attacare il padre, un fervente seguace delle utopie di Godwin e Condorcet. I due eroi paterni ritenevano che miseria, infelicità e vizio, fossero l' amaro frutto dei cattivi governi. Un po' come lo riteniamo noi oggi dandolo per scontato.

Malthus - ricordo che scriveva e conduceva le sue battaglie intellettuali alla fine del XVIII secolo - voleva introdurre spiegazioni che aderissero meglio ai fatti della storia: la povertà non era causata dalle istituzioni e inane risultava quindi qualunque riforma delle stesse. Con il suo martello picchiava sempre su questo punto.

Le conseguenze erano vaste e strabilianti.

Le redistribuzione di ricchezza verso i poveri avrebbe avuto un' unica conseguenza: più poveri. Una proliferazione che avrebbe comportato salari decrescenti e maledizioni a non finire per le generazioni successive.

L' illuminismo del tempo sembrava convinto, la logica malthusiana era ferrea e confermata. Ricardo: "... le leggi della povertà sabotano le loro stesse benevole intenzioni, non alleviano le sofferenze dei poveri ma aggravano la condizione di poveri e ricchi... ".

Nella logica malthusiana tutto cio' che è cattivo per noi è buono per i nostri figli. Una guerra disastrosa oggi, fonderà la prosperità di domani. Sfoltire la popolazione è il mezzo più sicuro per accrescere il benessere dei superstiti. Prima dell' 800 era anche l' unico mezzo per farlo.

Gli esempi non si contano, ne faccio uno macroscopico: la peste nera del 1348 ridusse drasticamente la popolazione europea garantendo il relativamente elevato tenore di vita di cui cui godettero le generazioni del secolo successivo.

Il lusso, lo spreco, la stravaganza dei sovrani... sono tutti elementi che non incidono sul benessere del cittadino medio.

Una persona che viene al mondo è sia un cervello per pensare che una bocca da sfamare. Nell' uomo post-mathusiano il bene del cervello pesa mediamente di più rispetto al costo della bocca.

Ma questo è vero solo da un secolo e mezzo. E Gregory Clark s' interessa di almeno 4 millenni. Malthus poi quel secolo e mezzo non l' ha mai visto.

Per fortuna anche il tempo di Malthus era abitato da preveggenti ispirati che non stavano lì con il bilancino a verificare la propria visione.

Il grande Adam Smith invocava con passione un governo che abbassasse le tasse e liberasse i commerci. Era alla ricerca insomma di un buon governo.

Eppure questi suggerimenti che oggi ci appaiono saggi, erano del tutto svincolati dalla storia: politiche del genere erano già state attuate, ma l' economia malthusiano le aveva inchiodate: il governo non puo' influire sul benessere se non nel breve periodo, finchè natalità e mortalità della popolazione ripristinano gli equilibri.

Nonostante cio' Adam Smith si prodrigò nel sagomare la pietra angolare di tutto l' edificio dell' economia moderna. Lo fece in un ambiente che non concedeva credibilità alla sua crezione teorica, lo fece contro le evidenze. E trionfò.

Ma la storia delle scienze economiche non fa che ripetere quella di altre scienze: anche Galileo sostenne le sue teorie contro molte evidenze; si arrese ai fatti? No, insistette.

L' argomento centrale della sua perorazione (le maree) era clamorosamente falso, oggi lo sappiamo. Ma il genio non sopravvaluta i fatti. In lui agiscono prepotenti anche il pregiudizio, la passione e l' ideologia.

Nello studio del metodo scientifico Lakatos e Feyerabend passarono al setaccio l' azione di molti geni creativi.

Fu riscontrata la grande caparbietà con cui difendevano le loro intuizioni.

Altro che "esperimento cruciale"! L' esperimento tanto caro a Popper, nella realtà concreta non è quasi mai esistito. Anche dopo diversi "esperimenti cruciali" dall' esito negativo, molte future glorie tennero il punto con una testardaggine che in molti casi fu premiata.

D' altronde, se la realtà della storia economica dell' uomo è questa, tenere il punto contro i fatti diventa decisivo per fare previsioni sensate. Chissà che diagrammi del genere non siano idonei a descrivere anche altre realtà. D' altronde sappiamo che la logica induttiva, semmai esista, è sottoposta al paradosso del tacchino: il tacchino si reca sull' aia a ricevere il cibo per 364 giorni all' anno. Il 365esimo giorno è il giorno del ringraziamento. Il tacchino torna sul posto forte della sua esperienza statistica, ma quel giorno è lui il cibo per tutti. Lo scienziato geniale non vuole fare la fine del tacchino e sa che una realtà fattuale come quella descritta nel grafico incombe sempre su di noi.

martedì 31 gennaio 2012

Fine dei distinguo

Noi ragionieri abbiamo un debole per le tassonomie e in materia di tributi ci sbizzarriamo, forse per gettare fumo negli occhi del profano.

Mia mamma parla genericamente di tasse senza tanto sottilizzare, e forse ha ragione lei. Mi spiego.

In relazione ai tributi l’ unica classificazione di sostanza distingue le tasse sul lavoro dalle tasse sul capitale. Sfido a dire diversamente.

Ma posso andare oltre: le tasse sul capitale o sono una doppia tassazione (patrimoniale) o sono una sovra tassa (capital gain, dividendi, interessi, reddito d’ impresa). Sfido a dire diversamente.

In ultima analisi qualsiasi tassa colpisce il reddito di lavoro.

C’ è solo un tributo e colpisce i redditi da lavoro: fine di ogni tassonomia, aveva ragione la mamma. Sfido a dire diversamente.

Postilla: ogni tassazione sul lavoro in realtà è una tassazione sul consumo, questo perché colpire una ricchezza quando entra (nella mia disponibilità) o quando esce è esattamente la stessa cosa. Sfido a dire diversamente.

Queste osservazioni semplificano (fine delle tassonomie) ma, nello stesso tempo, complicano (sovra tasse?), tanto è vero che mi aspetto molte “sfide”.

Clark Goolsby

… l’ avida mano del fisco nell’ immaginario di Clark Gooldby…

martedì 27 ottobre 2015

HL ITALIANO Bourgeois Dignity con Deirdre McCloskey, Gregory Clark, Matt Ridley, Jonathan Feinstein

Bourgeois Dignity con  Deirdre McCloskey, Gregory Clark, Matt Ridley, Jonathan Feinstein
  • fattori di sviluppo: geografia genetica cultura o istituzioni?
  • tutto contribuisce ma qual è la variabile chiave?
  • imho: 
  • geografia: oggi la meno rilevante.
  • genetica la più sottovalutata (just world bias)
  • cultura la più delicata (è decisiva ma culture vicine possono ancora dare esiti molto diversi... vedi i diversi esiti del cristianesimo)
  • istituzioni la + vincolante (difficile tornare indietro quando ingranano)
  • Xxxx
  • accordo con DM: gli incentivi spiegano poco
  • critica: le virtù di cui parla DM sono sempre esistite
  • corollario implausibile: una moda culturale può distruggere tutto. ma qs è inverosimile x chi pensa che la rivoluzione sia definitiva
  • critica: i cambiamenti culturali non sono ineffabili o calati dall alto. meglio la spiegazione genetica
  • critica: tra ammirare e fare spesso c è un gap
  • critica: i cambiamenti vanno oltre i valori, riguardano anche il carattere: la pazienza, la volontà la pacificità.
  • cosa occorre? una teoria scientifica (darwiniana) della cultura
  • il medioevo: un brulicare di imprese ovunque in europa. eppure
  • Xxx
  • DM. origine delle idee: il genio umano... e qualche condizione materiale
  • GC. il caso della cina contraddice dm: molta disonestà e grande successo. xchè? forse contano altre doti, magari nn trasmissibili
  • risposta sulla cina: è solo agli inizi. anche la gb del 700 nn era granchè quanto a moralità
  • Xxx

venerdì 16 dicembre 2016

Should Earth Shut the Hell Up Robin Hanson

Notebook per
Should Earth Shut the Hell Up
Robin Hanson
Citation (APA): Hanson, R. (2016). Should Earth Shut the Hell Up [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

Parte introduttiva
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 1
Should Earth Shut the Hell Up? By Robin Hanson
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 8
Should humanity shout to the galaxy “We are here!”?
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 9
aliens that hear our shouts should be far older and more advanced than us.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 10
We would lose any fight,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 10
we might learn much from them, they can learn little from us.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 11
We are unsure of alien friendliness.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 15
all of them instead seem to keep quiet and hide. That seems worrisome.
Nota - Posizione 16
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 16
If aliens are instead far away, then by the time any response gets here we will be extinct, or will have already learned most of what aliens could teach us.
Nota - Posizione 17
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 19
these considerations seem to make a strong, if not overwhelming, case for not yelling on purpose yet.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 21
we should wait and learn more before yelling.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 22
the case for not letting each group decide this for themselves seems overwhelming. Such decisions have global consequences.
Nota - Posizione 23
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 25
If global governance makes sense for anything, it makes sense for this.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 25
Some say that we can’t control yells to aliens (Harrison 2014). But far fewer people can yell loudly to aliens than can add CO2 to our atmosphere.
Nota - Posizione 29
x CO2
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 31
Earth has in fact been yelling to aliens, but accidentally, such as by radar that probes planets, asteroids, and comets.
Nota - Posizione 32
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 37
our loudest yells come from the Arecibo radar in Puerto Rico, when used to probe asteroids and the like.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 43
There are some people, [Seth Shostak] acknowledges, who might worry that broadcasting “The Day the Earth Stood Still” could be inimical to our interests. He added, “I think that if these people are truly worried about such things, they might best begin by shutting down the radar at the local airport.” (Overbye 2008)
Nota - Posizione 47
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 49
we can use the amounts that we spend on accidental yells to help guess the yell risk that we should tolerate.
Nota - Posizione 49
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 59
Thus if the world were in a steady state of income and radar cost and sending, we might estimate that continued indefinite use of the Arecibo radar in send mode at current levels is a bad deal if, over the long run, such use increases the chance of our being destroyed by aliens by even one in a billion.
Nota - Posizione 61
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 62
That seems to me a pretty high bar;
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 63
As the world gets richer,
Nota - Posizione 63
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 64
improving technology combined with increased spending on radar sending should result in more powerful radar signals,
Nota - Posizione 65
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 69
we also can’t trust planetary scientists or military strategists to decide if the value they produce via accidental yells is worth the risks they impose. All such parties are plausibly biased by selfish career
Nota - Posizione 70
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 71
fraction of aliens who are friendly.
Nota - Posizione 71
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 72
a consensus apparently arose among many in this area that aliens must be overwhelmingly friendly
Nota - Posizione 72
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 74
Most conventional social scientists I know would find this view quite implausible;
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 75
Why is this kind-aliens view then so common?
Nota - Posizione 75
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 76
non-social-scientists have believed modern cultural propaganda claims that our dominant cultures today have a vast moral superiority over most other cultures through history.
Nota - Posizione 77
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 78
This propaganda naturally suggests that very advanced aliens must have long since eliminated such conflict.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 79
Communist SETI researchers similarly assumed aliens to be communist.
Nota - Posizione 79
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 81
Yes, over time violence has fallen, but we advance in part by learning to more finely condition our behavior on context. We pick fewer pointless fights, but we also more quickly take advantage of those who can’t fight back (Pfeffer 2010).
Nota - Posizione 84
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 84
Think of academics who are cordial among equals, but unfairly referee papers from rivals who can’t much retaliate.
Nota - Posizione 85
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 85
Aliens who treat their equals well may still treat humans badly.
Nota - Posizione 85
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 86
we should cut way back on accidental yelling to aliens, such as via Arecibo radar sending, if continuing at current rates would over the long run bring even a one in a billion chance of alerting aliens to come destroy us. And even if this chance is now below one in a billion, it will rise with time
Nota - Posizione 88
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 90
Pascal’s Alien Wager
Nota - Posizione 90
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 99
In the ordinary Pascal’s wager, God is said to greatly reward those who believe in him and do what he favors. The rewards are so huge that even those who assign only a small chance to God existing are wise to try to make themselves believe.
Nota - Posizione 100
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 101
A standard response is to point out that a great many different Gods might exist, each of whom favor different actions. If you have little idea of which Gods exist or of what acts they favor, then there is little point in taking their rewards into account.
Nota - Posizione 103
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 104
an aliens version of Pascal’s Wager.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 108
there are many other possible kinds of aliens.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 109
maybe there are aliens with a strong sense of status who will destroy us for being uppity by speaking louder than our status justifies.
Nota - Posizione 110
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 119
I estimate yelling to be a bad idea.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 127
Slow Growth Is Plenty Fast
Nota - Posizione 127
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 135
David Brin’s
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 137
The lack of visible aliens may be explained in part via a strong tendency of all societies to become “feudal,” with elites “suppressing merit competition and mobility, ensuring that status would be inherited” and resulting in “scientific stagnation.”
Nota - Posizione 139
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 143
Today, in contrast, rates of innovation are high,
Nota - Posizione 144
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 144
This change is called the “industrial revolution,” and it was indeed a good thing.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 148
new networks of experts talking.)
Nota - Posizione 148
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 149
While Brin sees inequality as the main obstacle to innovation, in fact today inequality promotes innovation in important ways.
Nota - Posizione 149
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 150
most innovation today happens within for-profit firms, and private for-profit firms put a lot more effort into innovation than do public for-profit firms. Compared to publicly traded firms, privately owned firms invest a 2.5 times larger fraction of their assets, and are 3.5 times more responsive to changes in investment opportunities. Yet private firms cannot exist without great wealth concentration; they are usually owned by fewer than three shareholders, and 83% are managed by the controlling shareholder (Asker et. al. 2011).
Nota - Posizione 154
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 155
modern world doesn’t actually seem to have much less inheritance of wealth
Nota - Posizione 155
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 156
The detailed work of Greg Clark finds very similar degrees of long-term inheritance around the world today and across history. Specifically Clark finds that the intergenerational correlation of social status remains in the range of 0.7 to 0.8 across all these societies: medieval England, modern England, pre-industrial Sweden, modern Sweden, the United States, Quing and Communist China, Meiji and modern Japan, and Chile (Clark 2014).
Nota - Posizione 160
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 160
My stronger criticism is that the world before the industrial revolution did innovate.
Nota - Posizione 162
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 164
During the forager era, the number of foragers doubled about every quarter million years. During the farming era the number of farmers doubled about every thousand years. And during our industry era our economy has doubled about every fifteen years (Hanson 2000). In all three eras, growth was primarily caused by innovation.
Nota - Posizione 168
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 173
It is even plausible for a civilization to reach very advanced levels while growing at the much slower forager rate.
Nota - Posizione 174
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 176
aliens tending to fall into cultures and institutions that discourage innovation is just not by itself a plausible explanation for the “great silence”
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 179
Perhaps one could have more success if one combined this slow-growth hypothesis with another hypothesis about very short time windows in which civilizations had to grow before something killed them off.
Nota - Posizione 180
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 181
Adapted Aliens
Nota - Posizione 181
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 202
Barkow seems to assume that alien styles are largely determined by the specific biological environments
Nota - Posizione 202
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 203
far less sense for aliens who are a million or a billion years more advanced– far more likely timescales.
Nota - Posizione 204
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 205
aliens selected far more by their final environment than their initial environment.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 206
some plausible forecasts
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 209
physics and basic physical resources are the same across the universe,
Nota - Posizione 210
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 210
advanced aliens are physically similar across the universe,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 211
sexual reproduction is quite unlikely to last.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 213
advanced aliens should similarly design themselves
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 217
Such vivid examples may not be “art,” but neither also are they simply functional.
Nota - Posizione 217
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 218
very old aliens should be accustomed to very low levels of growth and innovation. After all, the rates familiar to us just can’t be sustained for millions and billions of years.
Nota - Posizione 219
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 224
very advanced aliens should not be either generically friendly or generically hostile to outsiders. Instead they should be very good at making their friendship or hostility appropriately context-dependent. That is, aliens should be very good at figuring out when and in what precise way being friendly or hostile will best achieve their ends.
Nota - Posizione 226
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 228
what exactly could humans eventually do to help or hurt them?
Nota - Posizione 228
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 231
advanced aliens will be very patient, but also very selfish
Nota - Posizione 231
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 236
anything less than complete control of evolution would not end evolution; it would instead create a new environment for adaptation.
Nota - Posizione 237
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 242
Selection Is Coming
Nota - Posizione 242
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 281
Advanced technology means that a species need no longer be selected by environmental pressures

mercoledì 1 febbraio 2017

Il selvaggio ecologista non era né selvaggio né ecologista

Per capire meglio cosa furono le civiltà precolombiane la cosa migliore è volare in Bolivia nella regione del Beni.
Qui si incontreranno parecchi studiosi, specie antropologi, poiché nella foresta vivono ancora tribù "incontaminate" prive di contatti con il mondo esterno. Ma alcuni ricercatori non sono qui per loro, cercano altro. Cosa cerchino lo spiega meravigliosamente Charles C. Mann nel libro “1491 New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus”…
... Clark Erickson and William Balée, the archaeologists, sat up front. Erickson, based at the University of Pennsylvania, worked in concert with a Bolivian archaeologist, who that day was elsewhere, freeing up a seat in the plane for me. Balée, of Tulane, is actually an anthropologist, but as scientists have come to appreciate the ways in which past and present inform each other, the distinction between anthropologists and archaeologists has blurred...
Indagano, insomma, le vestigia di una civiltà popolosa e tecnologicamente molto avanzata...
... The forests were bridged by raised berms, as straight as a rifle shot and up to three miles long. It is Erickson’s belief that this entire landscape—thirty thousand square miles or more of forest islands and mounds linked by causeways—was constructed by a technologically advanced, populous society more than a thousand years ago....
Ebbene, parlare in questi termini delle civiltà precolombiane significa compiere uno dei più interessanti revisionismi storici...
... Erickson and Balée belong to a cohort of scholars that in recent years has radically challenged conventional notions of what the Western Hemisphere was like before Columbus...
L'ortodossia ci tramanda invece la presenza di  piccoli gruppi con uno scarso impatto sull'ambiente...
... When I went to high school, in the 1970s, I was taught that Indians came to the Americas across the Bering Strait about thirteen thousand years ago, that they lived for the most part in small, isolated groups, and that they had so little impact on their environment...
La tesi revisionista ribalta la visuale: i nativi erano qui da molto tempo, erano numerosi e avevano trasformato completamente il loro ambiente...
... One way to summarize the views of people like Erickson and Balée would be to say that they regard this picture of Indian life as wrong in almost every aspect. Indians were here far longer than previously thought, these researchers believe, and in much greater numbers. And they were so successful at imposing their will on the landscape that in 1492 Columbus set foot in a hemisphere thoroughly marked by humankind...
La reazione alle nuove tesi fu dapprima irrisoria...
... To begin with, some researchers—many but not all from an older generation—deride the new theories as fantasies arising from an almost willful misinterpretation of data and a perverse kind of political correctness. “I have seen no evidence that large numbers of people ever lived in the Beni,” Betty J. Meggers, of the Smithsonian Institution, told me...
C'è chi si preoccupava del portato politico di tutta questa faccenda: popolazioni molto più numerose imponevano di rivedere al rialzo le perdite conseguenti all’invasione europea…
... And some have charged that the claims advance the political agenda of those who seek to discredit European culture, because the high numbers seem to inflate the scale of native loss...
D'altro canto, crollava il mito del "selvaggio ecologista" che vive in armonia con l’ambiente naturale…
... Disputes also arise because the new theories have implications for today’s ecological battles. Much of the environmental movement is animated, consciously or not, by what geographer William Denevan calls “the pristine myth”—the belief that the Americas in 1491 were an almost untouched, even Edenic land, “untrammeled by man,” in the words of the Wilderness Act of 1964, a U.S. law that is one of the founding documents of the global environmental movement...
Esempio: l'uso del fuoco per disboscare era impiegato massicciamente…
... Much of the savanna is natural, the result of seasonal flooding. But the Indians maintained and expanded the grasslands by regularly setting huge areas on fire. Over the centuries the burning created an intricate ecosystem of fire-adapted plant species dependent on indigenous pyrophilia...
I cosiddetti "geoglifici" osservati nel Beni costituivano una grandiosa trasformazione del territorio...
... In the late 1990s, when I first visited the Beni, few knew that the wholesale clearing in Acre was exposing large earthworks—geometric figures that Alceu Ranzi, a researcher at the Federal University of Acre, has dubbed “geoglyphs.” Today more than two hundred have been identified; many are as much as 500 feet from one side to the other. Created by digging precise circles, squares, and rectangles into the Amazonian clay, the geoglyphs are as striking to see from the air as the raised fields and causeways Erickson and Balée showed me in the Beni...
L'Amazzonia fu completamente rimodellata dalle popolazioni indigene...
... Erickson, who has found similar earthworks in the Beni, believes that before Columbus an 800- or 1000-mile swath of western Amazonia was occupied by a previously unknown mix of cultures that radically reshaped the landscape around them...
Ancora oggi le popolazioni locali guardano con diffidenza ai progetti dei "conservazionisti": se si istituisce un parco come potremo continuare a bruciare il bosco?...
... Meanwhile, conservationists argue for keeping this unpopulous region as close to nature as possible. Local Indian groups regard this latter proposal with suspicion. If the Beni becomes a reserve for the “natural,” they ask, what international organization would let them continue setting the plains afire? Could any outside group endorse large-scale burning in Amazonia?...
L'attivista, d'altronde, si oppone con malcelata testardaggine a consegnare la terra ai locali. Dove la cosa è successa, incendi, discariche e depositi di scorie nucleari si sono moltiplicati...
... Instead, Indians propose placing control of the land into their hands. Activists, in turn, regard that idea without enthusiasm—some indigenous groups in the U.S. Southwest have promoted the use of their reservations as repositories for nuclear waste...
È sorprendente scoprire che molte colline dell'Amazzonia non erano altro che depositi di rifiuti a latere di grandi città. Noi ne sappiamo qualcosa...
... Monte Testaccio, the hill of broken pots southeast of Rome, was a garbage dump for the entire imperial city...
Gran parte degli studi sulle civiltà precedenti è stata sviata da un'ipotesi che tutti hanno accettato ma che non ha retto alle verifiche successive. Si parla oggi dell' "errore di Holmberg". Chi era costui? Visse a lungo tra gli Sirionò...
... Although the Sirionó are but one of a score of Native American groups in the Beni, they are the best known. Between 1940 and 1942 a young doctoral student named Allan R. Holmberg lived among them. He published his account of their lives, Nomads of the Longbow, in 1950...
Definì quella popolazione "incolta ed arretrata"...
... The Sirionó, Holmberg reported, were “among the most culturally backward peoples of the world.” Living in constant want and hunger, he said, they had no clothes, no domestic animals, no musical instruments (not even rattles and drums), no art or design (except necklaces of animal teeth), and almost no religion (the Sirionó “conception of the universe” was “almost completely uncrystallized”)...
Ne dedusse che prima di Colombo, gli abitanti di quelle terre, erano qualcosa di molto simile ai loro pronipoti. Ci vollero decenni per rettificare questa indebita inferenza.
I Siorionò erano stati ridotti così da tifo e influenza...
... Just as Holmberg believed, the Sirionó were among the most culturally impoverished people on earth. But this was not because they were unchanged holdovers from humankind’s ancient past but because smallpox and influenza laid waste to their villages in the 1920s. Before the epidemics at least three thousand Sirionó, and probably many more, lived in eastern Bolivia. By Holmberg’s time fewer than 150 remained—a loss of more than 95 percent in less than a generation...
... e anche dai matrimoni tra parenti...
... A genetic bottleneck occurs when a population becomes so small that individuals are forced to mate with relatives, which can produce deleterious hereditary effects...
... e anche dagli abusi dei bianchi...
... the group was fighting the white cattle ranchers who were taking over the region. The Bolivian military aided the incursion by hunting down the Sirionó and throwing them into what were, in effect, prison camps. Those released from confinement were forced into servitude on the ranches. The wandering people Holmberg traveled with in the forest had been hiding from their abusers. At some risk to himself, Holmberg tried to help them, but he never fully grasped that the people he saw as remnants from the Paleolithic Age were actually the persecuted survivors of a recently shattered culture...
Un'analogia che la dice lunga...
... It was as if he had come across refugees from a Nazi concentration camp, and concluded that they belonged to a culture that had always been barefoot and starving...
Se incappassimo in persone sfuggite da Dachau e rifugiata per anni nei boschi concluderemmo forse che vengono da una civiltà arretrata?
Basta volare sulla ragione del Beni per notare che il panorama è del tutto artificiale...
... Convincing a local pilot to push his usual route westward, Denevan examined the Beni from above. He observed exactly what I saw four decades later: isolated hillocks of forest; long raised berms; canals; raised agricultural fields; circular, moat-like ditches; and odd, zigzagging ridges....
Il panorama è "umanizzato" anche se oggi di uomini non c'è l'ombra.
Evidentemente, una civiltà avanzata in grado di sviluppare una potenza d’intervento notevole aveva completamente rimodellato l’assetto naturale del territorio…
... Beginning as much as three thousand years ago, this long-ago society—Erickson believes it was probably founded by the ancestors of an Arawak-speaking people now called the Mojo and the Bauré—created one of the largest, strangest, and most ecologically rich artificial environments on the planet... A thousand years ago their society was at its height. Their villages and towns were spacious, formal, and guarded by moats and palisades...
Tutto è antropomorfizzato...
... Erickson regards the landscape of the Beni as one of humankind’s greatest works of art, a masterpiece that until recently was almost completely unknown, a masterpiece in a place with a name that few people outside Bolivia would recognize...
Ma il Beni è un'eccezione? No, anche se l' "errore di Holmberg" ci indurrebbe a pensarlo...
... The Beni was no anomaly. For almost five centuries, Holmberg’s Mistake—the supposition that Native Americans lived in an eternal, unhistoried state—held sway in scholarly work, and from there fanned out to high school textbooks, Hollywood movies, newspaper articles, environmental campaigns, romantic adventure books, and silk-screened T-shirts...
L'errore di Holmberg ha contagiato una buona parte dell'antropologia che si occupava delle Americhe e spiega il perché i coloni giudicavano gli indigeni alla stregua di congeniti barbari viziosi.
Ma l'immagine speculare del "buon selvaggio" è altrettanto errata e forse le origini dell'equivoco sono le stesse. Ma facciamo qualche nome sui responsabili di questa clamorosa cantonata...
... The Noble Savage dates back as far as the first full-blown ethnography of American indigenous peoples, Bartolomé de Las Casas’s Apologética Historia Sumaria, written mainly in the 1530s... To his way of thinking, Indians were natural creatures who dwelt, gentle as cows, in the “terrestrial paradise.”... Pietro Martire d’Anghiera, shared these views. Indians, he wrote (I quote the English translation from 1556), “lyve in that goulden world of whiche owlde writers speake so much,” existing “simplye and innocentlye without inforcement of lawes.”...
Oggi è l'ecologismo più ingenuo a prolungare l'illusione...
... In our day, beliefs about Indians’ inherent simplicity and innocence refer mainly to their putative lack of impact on the environment... This notion dates back at least to Henry David Thoreau, who spent much time seeking “Indian wisdom,” an indigenous way of thought that supposedly did not encompass measuring or categorizing, which he viewed as the evils that allowed human beings to change Nature... For almost a decade the image of the crying Indian appeared around the world....
E ora qualche nome della visione opposta, quella legata al primitivismo congenito di queste popolazioni...
... Emblematic was the U.S. historian George Bancroft, dean of his profession, who argued in 1834 that before Europeans arrived North America was “an unproductive waste … Its only inhabitants were a few scattered tribes of feeble barbarians, destitute of commerce and of political connection.”... Writing in 1934, Alfred L. Kroeber, one of the founders of American anthropology, theorized that the Indians in eastern North America could not develop—could have no history—because their lives consisted of “warfare that was insane, unending, continuously attritional.”... Kroeber conceded that Indians took time out from fighting to grow crops, but insisted that agriculture “was not basic to life in the East; it was an auxiliary, in a sense a luxury.”... Four decades later, Samuel Eliot Morison, twice a Pulitzer Prize winner, closed his two-volume European Discovery of America with the succinct claim that Indians had created no lasting monuments or institutions...
Imprigionati nella loro natura selvaggia, questi pagani conducevano una vita breve e violenta. "Pigri, infantili e crudeli", ecco come venivano definiti.
Inevitabile che nascesse un sentimento di superiorità verso di loro...
... It is always easy for those living in the present to feel superior to those who lived in the past. Alfred W. Crosby, a University of Texas historian, noted that many of the researchers who embraced Holmberg’s Mistake lived in an era when the driving force of events seemed to be great leaders of European descent and when white societies appeared to be overwhelming nonwhite societies everywhere....
Anche perchè la mentalità innatista era preminente: le società umane non cambiano. Ma alcuni eventi storici del periodo post-bellico scossero questa certezza...
...  But the Second World War taught the West that non-Westerners—the Japanese, in this instance—were capable of swift societal change...
A dire il vero anche il revisionismo in atto ha subito critiche...
... To be sure, some researchers have vigorously attacked the new findings as wild exaggerations. (“We have simply replaced the old myth [of untouched wilderness] with a new one,” scoffed geographer Thomas Vale, “the myth of the humanized landscape.”) But after several decades of discovery and debate, a new picture of the Americas and their original inhabitants is emerging...
Ma un fatto è certo: non parliamo di nomadi bensì di gente che ha costruito e abitato le città più grandi e opulente del loro tempo. Non dipendevano affatto dalla caccia, l'agricoltura era conosciuta e praticata su vasta scala.
Conclusione provvisoria...
... Americas were immeasurably busier, more diverse, and more populous than researchers had previously imagined. And older, too...
Occupiamoci ora delle origini: come è stato occupato il continente americano? Partiamo dall' ortodossia...
... For much of the last century archaeologists believed that Indians came to the Americas through the Bering Strait about thirteen thousand years ago at the tail end of the last Ice Age... In theory, paleo-Indians, as they are called, simply walked across the fifty-five miles that now separate the continents. C. Vance Haynes, an archaeologist at the University of Arizona, put the crowning touches on the scheme in 1964, when he noted evidence that at just the right time—that is, about thirteen thousand years... two great glacial sheets in northwest Canada parted, leaving a comparatively warm, ice-free corridor between them...
È la storia del Cile ricostruita da scavi meticolosi ad aver messo in crisi la  vulgata...
... In 1997 the theory abruptly came unglued. Some of its most ardent partisans, Haynes among them, publicly conceded that an archaeological dig in southern Chile had turned up compelling evidence of human habitation more than twelve thousand years ago. And because these people lived seven thousand miles south of the Bering Strait, a distance that presumably would have taken a long time to traverse, they almost certainly arrived before the ice-free corridor opened up. (In any case, new research had cast doubt on the existence of that corridor.)...
La tempistica non torna. Cominciano a fioccare ipotesi alternative...
... some archaeologists suggested that the first Americans must have arrived twenty thousand years ago, when the ice pack was smaller. Or even earlier than that—the Chilean site had suggestive evidence of artifacts more than thirty thousand years old. Or perhaps the first Indians traveled by boat, and didn’t need the land bridge. Or maybe they arrived via Australia, passing the South Pole. “We’re in a state of turmoil,” the consulting archaeologist Stuart Fiedel told me...
Un consenso fatica ad emergere...
... No consensus has emerged, but a growing number of researchers believe that the New World was occupied by a single small group that crossed the Bering Strait, got stuck on the Alaska side, and trickled to the rest of the Americas...
Molti sembrano ritrovarsi nell'ipotesi di una colonizzazione del continente per ondate successive. Almeno cinque...
... some scientists have theorized that the Americas may have been hit with as many as five waves of settlement before Columbus...
Le popolazioni incontrate da Colombo erano solo le ultimi arrivati.
Gli attivisti vicini alle popolazioni indigene si opposero in modo veemente all'ipotesi delle ondate...
... Indian activists dislike this line of reasoning. “I can’t tell you how many white people have told me that ‘science’ shows that Indians were just a bunch of interlopers,” Vine Deloria Jr., a political scientist at the University of Colorado at Boulder, said to me in a conversation before his death in 2005. Deloria was the author of many books, including Red Earth, White Lies, a critique of mainstream archaeology. The book’s general tenor is signaled by its index; under “science,” the entries include “corruption and fraud and,” “Indian explanations ignored by,” “lack of proof for theories of,” “myth of objectivity of,” and “racism of....
L'ipotesi delle "ondate" implica – o comunque rende probabile - l'eliminazione delle civiltà precedenti da parte di quelle successive, cosicché fa pendere in modo più o meno velato l'accusa di genocidio anche sugli indios, finora presentati solo nei panni delle vittime. Gli attivisti temono che "i bianchi" si lavino la coscienza...
... “If we’re only thieves who stole our land from someone else,” Deloria said, “then they can say, ‘Well, we’re just the same. We’re all immigrants here, aren’t we?’ ”...
Una preoccupazione comprensibile anche se moralmente infondata: un male non lava l’altro...
... The moral logic of the we’re-all-immigrants argument that Deloria cites is difficult to parse; it seems to be claiming that two wrongs make a right. Moreover, there’s no evidence that the first “wrong” was a wrong—nothing is known about the contacts among the various waves...
La migrazione verso il continente americano avvenne comunque prima della rivoluzione neolitica, ovvero prima della scoperta dell’agricoltura…
... In every imaginable scenario, they left Eurasia before the first whisper of the Neolithic Revolution. The Neolithic Revolution is the invention of farming, an event whose significance can hardly be overstated...
Ricordiamo brevemente questo fenomeno, forse il più importante della nostra storia...
... It began in the Middle East about eleven thousand years ago, in the western half of the Fertile Crescent, which arcs between southern Iraq and Israel, reaching into southern Turkey along the way. Foraging societies there grouped into permanent villages and learned to cultivate and breed the area’s wild wheat and barley. In the next few millennia the wheel and the metal tool sprang up in the same ... Sumerians put these inventions together, added writing, and in the third millennium B.C. created the first great civilization. Every European and Asian culture since, no matter how disparate in appearance, stands in Sumer’s shadow...
Ebbene, tutto questo gli americani lo hanno fatto tutto da soli...
... Native Americans, who left Asia long before agriculture, missed out on the bounty. “They had to do everything on their own,” Crosby said to me...
Possiamo allora dire che la civiltà umana ha conosciuto almeno due neolitici...
... Researchers have long known that a second, independent Neolithic Revolution occurred in Mesoamerica. The exact timing is uncertain—archaeologists keep pushing back the date—but it is now thought to have occurred about ten thousand years ago, not long after the Middle East’s Neolithic Revolution....
La diffusione delle culture è stata dapprima più lenta nel nuovo continente, forse perché meno popoloso...
...  The two American Neolithics spread more slowly than their counterpart in Eurasia, possibly because Indians in many places had not had the time to build up the requisite population density, and possibly because of the extraordinary nature of the most prominent Indian crop, maize...
L'agricoltura americana, a base di mais, forniva diete più bilanciate...
... No one eats teosinte, because it produces too little grain to be worth harvesting. In creating modern maize from this unpromising plant, Indians performed a feat so improbable that archaeologists and biologists argued for decades over how it was achieved. Coupled with squash, beans, and avocados, maize provided Mesoamerica with a balanced diet, one arguably more nutritious than its Middle Eastern or Asian equivalent...
In seguito, gli americani recuperarono presto lo svantaggio iniziale...
... About seven thousand years elapsed between the dawn of the Middle Eastern Neolithic and the establishment of Sumer. Indians navigated the same path in somewhat less time (the data are too sketchy to be more precise)...
Gran parte del merito è da attribuire agli Olmec...
...  Pride of place must go to the Olmec, the first technologically complex culture in the hemisphere. Appearing in the narrow “waist” of Mexico about 1800 B.C., they lived in cities and towns centered on temple mounds...
Stiamo parlando di una civiltà estremamente avanzata per l’epoca... che inventò lo zero....
...  The Olmec were but the first of many societies that arose in Mesoamerica in this epoch. Most had religions that focused on human sacrifice, dark by contemporary standards, but their economic and scientific accomplishments were bright. They invented a dozen different systems of writing, established widespread trade networks, tracked the orbits of the planets, created a 365-day calendar (more accurate than its contemporaries in Europe), and recorded their histories in accordion-folded “books” of fig tree bark paper... Arguably their greatest intellectual feat was the invention of zero. In his classic account Number: The Language of Science, the mathematician Tobias Dantzig called the discovery of zero “one of the greatest single accomplishments of the human race,” a “turning point” in mathematics, science, and technology. The first whisper of zero in the Middle East occurred about 600 B.C.... Mathematicians in India first used zero in its contemporary sense—a number, not a placeholder—sometime in the first few centuries A.D...
Quanto detto per gli Olmec può ripetersi per i Maya. Domanda: erano più avanzati degli occidentali? Qualcuno ne dubita facendo notare che non conoscevano la ruota. Calma, la conoscevano eccome, solo che non la usavano...
... Does this mean that the Maya were then more advanced than their counterparts in, say, Europe? Social scientists flinch at this question, and with good reason. The Olmec, Maya, and other Mesoamerican societies were world pioneers in mathematics and astronomy—but they did not use the wheel. Amazingly, they had invented the wheel but did not employ it for any purpose other than children’s toys...
Per comprendere a fondo la portata del revisionismo sulle civiltà precolombiane la cosa migliore è di immaginarsi un viaggio in aereo sulla regine del Beni e dintorni  mille anni prima di Cristo. Cosa vediamo dal finestrino?...
... imagine, for a moment, an impossible journey: taking off in a plane from eastern Bolivia as I did, but doing so in 1000 A.D. and flying a surveillance mission over the rest of the Western Hemisphere. What would be visible from the windows? Fifty years ago, most historians would have given a simple answer to this question: two continents of wilderness, populated by scattered bands whose ways of life had changed little since the Ice Age... Today our understanding is different in almost every perspective. Picture the millennial plane flying west, from the lowlands of the Beni to the heights of the Andes. On the ground beneath as the journey begins are the causeways and canals one sees today, except that they are now in good repair and full of people... But recent archaeological investigations have revealed that at this time the Andes housed two mountain states, each much larger than previously appreciated... Less a centralized state than a clutch of municipalities under the common religio-cultural sway of the center, Tiwanaku took advantage of the extreme ecological differences among the Pacific coast, the rugged mountains, and the altiplano (the high plains) to create a dense web of exchange: fish from the sea; llamas from the altiplano; fruits, vegetables, and grains from the fields around the lake... University of Chicago archaeologist Alan L. Kolata excavated at Tiwanaku during the 1980s and early 1990s. He has written that by 1000 A.D. the city had a population of as much as 115,000... North and west of Tiwanaku, in what is now southern Peru, was the rival state of Wari, which then ran for almost a thousand miles along the spine of the Andes... Housing perhaps seventy thousand souls, Wari was a dense, alley-packed craze of walled-off temples, hidden courtyards, royal tombs, and apartments up to six stories tall...
Almeno due stati andini, prosperi, popolosi e tecnologicamente avanzatiCome tramontarono queste civiltà? Qualcuno pensa a fenomeni climatici come un mega Nino, c' è da dubitarne...
... Europe was racked by a “little ice age” of extreme cold between the fourteenth and nineteenth centuries, yet historians rarely attribute the rise and fall of European states in that period to climate change. Fierce winters helped drive the Vikings from Greenland and led to bad harvests that exacerbated social tensions in continental Europe, but few would claim that the little ice age caused the Reformation. Similarly, the mega-Niños were but one of many stresses on Andean civilizations at the time, stresses that in their totality neither Wari nor Tiwanaku had the political resources to survive. Soon after 1000 A.D. Tiwanaku split into flinders that would not be united for another four centuries, when the Inka swept them up. Wari also fell...
Anche la civiltà Maya ci appare oggi più vasta e complessa di quel che si credeva...
... Maya ruins were well known forty years ago, to be sure, but among them, too, many new things have been discovered. Consider Calakmul, the ruin that Peter Menzel and I visited in the early 1980s. Almost wholly unexcavated since its discovery, the Calakmul we came to lay swathed in dry, scrubby vegetation that crawled like a swarm of thorns up its two huge pyramids... By the early 1990s Folan’s team had learned that this long-ignored place covered as much as twenty-five square miles and had thousands of buildings and dozens of reservoirs and canals. It was the biggest-ever Maya polity...
Devastanti guerre fratricide devastarono i Maya...
... In 1994 they identified the city-state’s ancient name: Kaan, the Kingdom of the Snake. Six years later they discovered that Kaan was the focus of a devastating war that convulsed the Maya city-state for more than a century. And Kaan is just one of the score of Maya settlements that in the last few decades have been investigated for the first time... the Maya realm was home to one of the world’s most intellectually sophisticated cultures.... About a century before our imaginary surveillance tour, though, the Maya heartland entered a kind of Dark Ages...
Ma anche la siccità di cui fu portatore il mega Nino contribuì al collasso...
... Some natural scientists attribute this collapse, close in time to that of Wari and Tiwanaku, to a massive drought. The Maya, packed by the millions into land poorly suited to intensive farming, were dangerously close to surpassing the capacity of their ecosystems... The drought, possibly caused by a mega-Niño, pushed the society, already so close to the edge, over the cliff...
Ma gli accademici sono scettici sul ruolo della siccità, proposto più che altro da chi è alla ricerca di una sintonia con le paure ecologiche della contemporaneità. L'ipotesi più accreditata anche in questo caso resta la guerra, una guerra totale...
... at the hills of what are now the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Guerrero. Here are the quarrelsome city-states of the Ñudzahui (Mixtec), finally overwhelming the Zapotec, their ancient rivals based in the valley city of Monte Albán. Further north, expanding their empire in a hot-brained hurry, are the Toltec, sweeping in every direction from the mile-high basin that today houses Mexico City. As is often the case, the Toltec’s rapid military success led to political strife. A Shakespearian struggle at the top, complete with accusations of drunkenness and incest, forced out the long-ruling king, Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, in (probably) 987 A.D. He fled with boatloads of loyalists to the Yucatán Peninsula, promising to return. By the time of our plane trip, Quetzalcoatl had apparently conquered the Maya city of Chichén Itzá and was rebuilding it in his own Toltec image. (Prominent archaeologists disagree with each other about these events, but the murals and embossed plates at Chichén Itzá that depict a Toltec army bloodily destroying a Maya force are hard to dismiss.)...
E a nord? Gli indiani che tutti conosciamo dai film western?...
... Portrayed in countless U.S. history books and Hollywood westerns, the Indians of the Great Plains are the most familiar to non-scholars. Demographically speaking, they lived in the hinterlands, remote and thinly settled; their lives were as far from Wari or Toltec lords as the nomads of Siberia were from the grandees of Beijing...
Erano la periferia dell'impero, un po' come i mongoli o la Siberia erano la periferia del grande e prosperoso impero cinese. Il fulcro stava nell'America centrale, l' Amazzonia, per esempio, era un territorio densamente popolato...
...  According to the Finnish archaeologists who first brought the Acre earthworks to attention, “it is obvious” that “relatively high population densities” were “quite common everywhere in the Amazonian lowlands.”...
La dinamica nella scoperta delle civiltà estinte e lontane si ripete: dapprima le si identifica con quel che vediamo, e noi vediamo solo dei rozzi ruderi. Poi, si comincia a ricostruire lentamente finché ci si ritrova di fronte alla loro reale grandezza...
...  As children of their own societies, these early historians naturally emphasized the culture they knew best, the culture their readership most wanted to hear about. But over time they added the stories of other places in the world: chapters about China, India, Persia, Japan, and other places. Researchers tipped their hats to non-Western accomplishments in the sciences and arts...
Possibile riepilogo: civiltà prosperose e tecnologicamente avanzate sorsero nel nuovo mondo. Guerre devastanti e forse anche fenomeni climatici le fecero cadere, a finirle furono le malattie e il giogo imposto dagli europei. L'annientamento fu tale che solo a gran fatica e di recente gli studiosi hanno saputo ricostruirne la grandezza...
... One way to sum up the new scholarship is to say that it has begun, at last, to fill in one of the biggest blanks in history: the Western Hemisphere before 1492. It was, in the current view, a thriving, stunningly diverse place, a tumult of languages, trade, and culture, a region where tens of millions of people loved and hated and worshipped as people do everywhere. Much of this world vanished after Columbus, swept away by disease and subjugation. So thorough was the erasure that within a few generations neither conqueror nor conquered knew that this world had existed...