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Visualizzazione post con etichetta sohrab ahmari new philitines. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 27 febbraio 2018

Check list dell'opera d'arte

Check list dell'opera per entrate nelle gallerie d'arte contemporanea:
- contiene materiale disgustoso di tipo pornografico con al centro soggetti post-umani?
- mette in discussione la natura della sessualità binaria secondo le linee guida delle teorie queer?
- è pervasa da un generico sentimento anticapitalista e da una rabbia contro la cumulazione di ricchezza?
Contemporary art is obsessed with the politics of identity. Visit any contemporary gallery, museum or theatre, and chances are the art on offer will be principally concerned with race, gender, sexuality, power and privilege.The quest for truth,…
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L'arte come campagna elettorale

Arte contemporsnea.
Wolfgang Tillmans è un artista tedesco la cui opera consiste nel concepire slogan che spingano al voto l'elettore, dare loro una veste grafica ed esporli nelle gallerie d'arte. Considera raggiunto il suo obbiettivo "estetico" qualora riesca a massimizzare la partecipazione democratica.
Contemporary art is obsessed with the politics of identity. Visit any contemporary gallery, museum or theatre, and chances are the art on offer will be principally concerned with race, gender, sexuality, power and privilege.The quest for truth,…

mercoledì 26 aprile 2017

I filistei del queer

Sohrab Ahmari si scaglia contro il mondo dell’arte accusandolo di filisteismo. Il libro “The New Philistines” rappresenta il suo j’accuse.
L’ operazione ha illustri precedenti…
… Leo Tolstoy railed against the ‘perversion’ of art in his day…
Tuttavia, è sempre un po’ sospetta. Ahmari sembra però superare l’ardua prova.
Cosa caratterizzava l’arte del passato?…
… art in the late nineteenth century still sought after beauty and truth…
Anche il modernismo concedeva un riconoscimento più o meno indiretto al connubio “bellezza & verità”…
… Modernist art promoted radical ideas about what counts as beautiful and about how to convey truth, and it rebelled violently against old aesthetic and moral standards. But the modernists felt acutely the weight of those standards…
Oggi, invece, l’indifferenza alla bellezza dilaga…
… By contrast, today’s art world isn’t even contemptuous of old standards – it is wholly indifferent to them. The word ‘beauty’ isn’t part of its lexicon…
L’ alfa e l’omega della nuova arte è la politica identitaria.
La politicizzazione dell’arte te la ritrovi ovunque…
… a set of all-purpose formulas about race, gender, class and sexuality, on one hand, and power and privilege, on the other. Contemporary art is obsessed with articulating those formulas in novel ways…
All’artista viene chiesto di trasformarsi in militante.
Viene chiesto anche di prendere la parola solo nelle “sezioni di partito” ignorando i “non iscritti”…
… as the American critic Camille Paglia has written, artists today ‘are too often addressing other artists and the in-group of hip cognoscenti’…
Si crea così un circuito esoterico e autoreferenziale. L’altro deve essere allontanato avvalendosi di un gergo intimidatorio.
La folla (e l’universalismo) è il nemico…
… contemporary identitarian art rejects the very possibility of objective, universally accessible beauty and truth…
Un tempo ci si dissociava sugli esiti dei vari tentativi ma la bellezza restava il fine comune. Oggi ci si dissocia anche sui fini.
Una volta precisato questo concetto sarà ancora più chiaro come l’accusa all’arte moderna non è un’accusa ai vari stili attraverso cui si puo’ giungere al bello…
… I believe, after the great art historian and populariser E. H. Gombrich, that ‘it is possible to achieve artistic perfection within any style’…
L’arte contemporanea è una delusione, almeno per chi è alla ricerca di certi valori…
… What I long for is art – in any medium or style – that reflects formal rigour and intellect along with genuine mystery and individuality
Ma perché questo fallimento?
Prendiamo come riferimento una delle maggiori riviste d’arte…
… Founded in 1962, Artforum is the leading US contemporary arts magazine and the intellectual home of America’s tenured avant-garde…
Esprime forse un gusto? No, esprime una linea politica
… Identity politics is the lens through which the magazine views not just what happens in the arts, but in the world at large…
Il fondamento è la teoria queer
… Queer theory grew out of the work of the French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926–84) and the academic feminism of the 1980s and ’90s. Today it reigns supreme over the humanities. Queer theorists hold that identity, and especially gender and sexual identity, is a kind of performance…
Secondo la teoria tutti noi viviamo su un palco con un ruolo in commedia di cui altri hanno scritto la sceneggiatura. L’arte ha il compito di scrivere una contro-sceneggiatura…
… structures that regulate modern life, chief among them language, provide the scripts for those performances. Queer theory calls for resistance to those scripts and their stock characters, such as male/female, gay/straight and so on…
Con l’arte  costruiamo la nostra identità. Per questo si parla di “politiche identitarie”…
… ‘Queer’ is as much an identity as an activity aimed at disrupting stable identity…
Il progetto è politico, ogni ambizione estetica deve essere sconfessata…
… To ‘queer art’ means to disavow aesthetic achievement as a primary aim of the artist…
La bellezza stessa è sospetta…
… ‘Beauty’ is whatever those in power – straight, wealthy white men, basically – say it is…
Le parole di Grayson Perry possono fungere da manifesto…
… ‘To judge a work on its aesthetic merit is to buy into some discredited, fusty hierarchy, tainted with sexism, racism, colonialism and class privilege.’…
Su cosa si concentra l’artista? Sulla giustizia sociale, ovvio…
… The identitarians of Artforum, however, see themselves pursuing social justice…
Ma quale giustizia? Al centro c’è il concetto di “minoranza”…
… ‘I am a model minority,’ wrote the magazine’s editor-in-chief, Michelle Kuo, in her editorial statement introducing the identity politics issue…
Il tentativo di rendere in questi termini la teoria non verrebbe mai sottoscritto da un aderente poiché condizione necessaria per parlare del queer è adottare un linguaggio involuto (vedremo dopo perché)…
… A warning: my attempts to render these ideas in plain language will inevitably run up against Artforum’s preference for convoluted prose…
Ai maligni viene in mente Orwell…
… language ‘becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish…
Nel mondo dell’arte queer si parla tanto ma non c’è mai dibattito. Perché? Perché tutto è e deve essere incommensurabile
… ‘The sheer incommensurability of [the participants’] voices,’ wrote Kuo in her introduction, ‘shows us something of the impossibility and the infinitude of who we think we are.’…
Si discute solo con chi è già d’accordo e partecipa al piano…
… discussions among in-the-know artists…
Una serie di cose vengono date per scontate
… everyone knows that ‘neoliberalism’ is something bad; that liberal democracy is merely a more subtle form of tyranny; that Western societies are racist and sexist by design…
L’argomentazione è retorica, mai razionale: la razionalità è ideologia violenta. Ci si appella all’empatia e il non empatico è escluso…
… participants did little more than telegraph their own emphatic approval…
Ma qual è la funzione dell’arte nel progetto politico?
Cominciamo col dire che certo esoterismo linguistico nasconde la voglia di potere…
… Laugh at it if you will, but the abstruse language disguised something very raw and simple – the desire for political mastery…
Potete anche ridere di certe astrusità pittoresche ma poi vi ritrovate un decreto legge che vi costringe ad avere nel vostro lovale 14 bagni separati per quanti sono i generi sessuali ritenuti tali dal* Ministr* del momento. E la cosa vi farà chiudere tutto. Allora riderete meno.
Oppure vi ritroverete con una denuncia perché sul vostro blog avrete scritto “ricchione”. Anche allora riderete meno.
Insomma, lo scopo ultime è il potere. E l’arte deve collaborare a questa presa del potere. Tutto è politica politicante.
Cosa NON interessa all’artista? Meglio ripeterlo…
… The question is never, ‘Does this piece of art express something true, beautiful or good?’…
Se non c’è un criterio della bellezza, quali sono i criteri con cui si giudica un’opera?
Innanzitutto quello della “intersezionalità”.
In ogni contesto bisogna individuare una minoranza da privilegiare, e l’intersezionalità aiuta…
… describes a method of investigating various social situations to determine which group is more oppressed and therefore has the better moral claim…
E’ una specie di “olimpiade del lamento”: qual è il lamento vincente? Tra le varie lagne, quale merita di più?
L’opera che esprime la lagna più meritevole è l’opera da privilegiare.
Sei gay? Hai buone possibilità. Ma se sei un gay e nero ne hai di migliori. Se poi sei un gay, comunista, nero ed ebreo vinci facile…
… Take a hypothetical classroom conflict in, say, France, between a lesbian art history professor and a male heterosexual student of Tunisian heritage. All else being equal, intersectionality tells you that the student’s identity beats the professor’s…
Un altro criterio è la visibilità.
Tutto deve essere reso visibile. Ad ogni concetto anti-discriminatorio bisogna “dedicare un giorno”. Ma bisogna farlo per Legge…
… ‘International Day of Transgender Visibility’…
L’imperativo è rendere visibile il marginale
… Hitherto, certain groups of people have been marginalised or excluded from the culture on account of their race, sex, class and so on, and the injustices committed against them have likewise remained hidden. The marginalised have been invisible, because the powerful have preferred to keep them out of the cultural frame and because the rest of us have been complacent…
E la libertà concessa a tutti i cittadini nelle società liberali? In fondo il progetto liberale puo’ essere funzionale allo scopo!
No, il liberalismo non basta
… The Artforum identitarians are deeply suspicious of liberal visibility and representation…
Paradosso: l’ossessione per le minoranze conduce i militanti queer verso una società totalitaria. Tutti gli spazi devono essere calcolati sulla carta millimetrata per non rischiare penalizzazioni che potrebbero passare inosservata.
Il “vaffa”, si sappia, non l’ha inventato Grillo ma l’arte queer. E’ il modo in cui il marginale rifiuta il mainstream e al contempo si rende visibile…
… ‘Fuck you … is a way of making yourself visible and audible,’ wrote Ara Osterweil in ‘Fuck You! A Feminist Guide to Surviving the Art World’, an essay featured in Artforum’s identity issue….
L’arte deve essere esibizionista in modo da spaventare, anche per questo l’artista queer ha sempre le tette di fuori…
… Osterweil cited a 1969 piece of performance art by Valie Export, which involved the artist donning a pair of crotchless pants and walking around a Munich art-house theatre. Osterweil interpreted Export’s ‘art’ this way: ‘Export says, Why don’t you suck it? On second thought, she says, You ain’t never gonna suck it. This cunt is a weapon that will detonate your culture.’…
La visibilità è un fine in sé.
Uno non conosce al mondo una persona autoginefila ma sa che esiste perché esiste ovunque la toilette per gli autoginefili
… Wesleyan University in Connecticut, for example, offers something called the Open House, ‘a safe space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Flexual, Asexual, Genderfuck, Polyamorous, Bondage/Disciple, Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism (LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM)…
Il bizzarro diventa la norma.
Su questo fronte però c’è stato un colpo di scena: di punto in bianco si è decisa una svolta ad U. Il criterio era diventato pericoloso.
Perché? Perché il mercato, il vero nemico dell’arte contemporanea, si era impadronito di questa dinamica: il mercato, si sa, è sempre alla ricerca della novità trasgressiva e questa impostazione faceva il suo gioco. Quindi, contrordine compagni! A.K. Burns…
… ‘We have a black president and black principal ballerina as well as trans visibility in sitcoms and reality shows,’ wrote artist A. K. Burns in Artforum’s identity issue. ‘But new is what capitalism feeds on.’…
Il mercato è una carta assorbente che mette in pericolo il progetto politico…
… For the identitarians, however, liberal capitalism’s seemingly infinite capacity to absorb and dilute shows how sinister it is. Hence the disdain for gay, lesbian and trans people who are actually visible in the culture – people like Caitlyn Jenner, the onetime paterfamilias of the Kardashians turned transgender icon, who also happens to be a Republican…
D’altronde, la visibilità ha forse giovato agli ebrei degli anni trenta?…
… ‘The Jews were extremely visible in 1930s Europe, how much good did it do them?’…
Un altro criterio dell’arte queer è la negazione dell’individuo
… queer theory denies the existence of a true, immutable self that is separate from the material body or from language…
Facciamo un esempio di critica  letteraria considerando la Austen
… the moral awakening of Jane Austen’s protagonist in Emma (1815), the growth of the soul, so important in the nineteenth-century English novel, isn’t worthy of serious study. What matters to the identitarians is how, by the end of the novel, Emma learns to position herself within a ‘gendered order’, how she comes to ‘perform’ femininity and so forth…
L’individuo e la sua espressività rappresentano il nemico…
… ‘Art is not a space of pure self-expression,’ wrote the artist Hannah Black…
Purtroppo, il mondo delle minoranze è pieno di Zio Tom che vogliono “esprimersi” mettendo in evidenza il loro “io” anziché ridursi a formichine operaie che lavorano per il Partito: costoro vanno trattati come “traditori”….
… For all their odes to difference, moreover, the identitarians are deeply intolerant of members of marginalised groups who stray from ideological orthodoxy…
L’ultimo valore su cui si misura l’arte contemporanea è la capacità dell’opera di presentarsi come oscura.
Io e te siamo diversi. Ebbene, se ci “capiamo” non rendo onore alla mia “diversità” e finsco per tradire la mia causa. Insomma, non sono più “incommensurabile” rispetto a te.
I nemici supremi allora diventano  l’arte commerciale e quella tradizionale: si tratta di cose che quasi tutti capiscono.
L’ universalismo è da combattere…
… o say that a piece of art is legible means that it appeals to a broad audience, or that the mainstream culture can appreciate and understand it….
L’incommensurabile non va mai negato…
… art world is bringing together diverse and potentially incommensurable practices or artworks as though they’re all of a piece’….
E’ un punto di vista sconcertante, in effetti…
… This was an astonishing reproach. Why does any creator address himself or herself to a potential reader, viewer or audience?…
L’impulso alla reciproca comprensione è un impulso nobile, come si fa ad ostracizzarlo?…
… The desire to be universally legible is thus among art’s oldest and noblest impulses…
La cultura dell’incontro e della reciproca comprensione è la cultura liberale, ha informato molta arte in passato. Mark Twain…
… Those liberal sentiments are expressed in, say, the unlikely friendship forged by a white teenager named Huckleberry and a black slave named Jim as they drift down the Mississippi…
L’arte contemporanea tradisce qui la sua vena anti-liberale
… In assailing universalist culture, the identitarians are continuing an anti-liberal campaign that was first launched in the nineteenth century with the rise of historicism, especially its Marxist variety…
Ma perché l’universalismo è tanto temuto? Perché minaccia la purezza del relativismo queer: se due realtà si confrontano una delle due finirà per prevalere, a questo punto l’incommensurabilità diviene una barriera protettiva…
… Put another way: there are many opinions about life; so all of them must be equally true (or none is)…
L’arte deve quindi essere oscura, riservata ad una minoranza “diversa” e respingere la folla…
… Universalist, legible art still brings throngs of reverent, beauty-starved people to the museums, galleries, theatres and cinemas…

sabato 18 marzo 2017

The New Philistines: (Provocations) by Sohrab Ahmari

The New Philistines: (Provocations) by Sohrab Ahmari
You have 79 highlighted passages
You have 64 notes
Last annotated on March 18, 2017
Leo Tolstoy railed against the ‘perversion’ of art in his day.Read more at location 23
art in the late nineteenth century still sought after beauty and truth.Read more at location 27
Modernist art promoted radical ideas about what counts as beautiful and about how to convey truth, and it rebelled violently against old aesthetic and moral standards. But the modernists felt acutely the weight of those standards.Read more at location 28
By contrast, today’s art world isn’t even contemptuous of old standards – it is wholly indifferent to them. The word ‘beauty’ isn’t part of its lexicon.Read more at location 31
its alpha and omega: identity politics.Read more at location 35
a set of all-purpose formulas about race, gender, class and sexuality, on one hand, and power and privilege, on the other. Contemporary art is obsessed with articulating those formulas in novel ways.Read more at location 37
degree of politicisationRead more at location 41
I was born and raised in Iran, one of the world’s least-free societies,Read more at location 54
Note: AUTORE Edit
as the American critic Camille Paglia has written, artists today ‘are too often addressing other artists and the in-group of hip cognoscenti’.Read more at location 61
The intimidating jargonRead more at location 63
contemporary identitarian art rejects the very possibility of objective, universally accessible beauty and truth.Read more at location 69
I believe, after the great art historian and populariser E. H. Gombrich, that ‘it is possible to achieve artistic perfection within any style’.Read more at location 76
What I long for is art – in any medium or style – that reflects formal rigour and intellect along with genuine mystery and individuality.Read more at location 77
Intruders in the TempleRead more at location 89
Note: 1@@@@@@@@@@ Edit
The Illiberal ImaginationRead more at location 258
Note: 2@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Edit
Founded in 1962, Artforum is the leading US contemporary arts magazine and the intellectual home of America’s tenured avant-garde.Read more at location 260
Identity politics is the lens through which the magazine views not just what happens in the arts, but in the world at large.Read more at location 264
Queer theory grew out of the work of the French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926–84) and the academic feminism of the 1980s and ’90s. Today it reigns supreme over the humanities. Queer theorists hold that identity, and especially gender and sexual identity, is a kind of performance.Read more at location 266
Note: QUEER Edit
structures that regulate modern life, chief among them language, provide the scripts for those performances. Queer theory calls for resistance to those scripts and their stock characters, such as male/female, gay/straight and so on.Read more at location 268
‘Queer’ is as much an identity as an activity aimed at disrupting stable identity.Read more at location 270
To ‘queer art’ means to disavow aesthetic achievement as a primary aim of the artist.Read more at location 273
Beauty itself is suspect.Read more at location 275
‘Beauty’ is whatever those in power – straight, wealthy white men, basically – say it is.Read more at location 277
Grayson PerryRead more at location 278
‘To judge a work on its aesthetic merit is to buy into some discredited, fusty hierarchy, tainted with sexism, racism, colonialism and class privilege.’Read more at location 279
The identitarians of Artforum, however, see themselves pursuing social justice,Read more at location 285
‘I am a model minority,’ wrote the magazine’s editor-in-chief, Michelle Kuo, in her editorial statement introducing the identity politics issue.Read more at location 286
A warning: my attempts to render these ideas in plain language will inevitably run up against Artforum’s preference for convoluted prose.Read more at location 292
language ‘becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish,Read more at location 294
Note: ORWELL Edit
there was no debate.Read more at location 296
‘The sheer incommensurability of [the participants’] voices,’ wrote Kuo in her introduction, ‘shows us something of the impossibility and the infinitude of who we think we are.’Read more at location 296
discussions among in-the-know artists,Read more at location 300
everyone knows that ‘neoliberalism’ is something bad; that liberal democracy is merely a more subtle form of tyranny; that Western societies are racist and sexist by design.Read more at location 300
Arguments aren’t presented in point–counterpoint fashion,Read more at location 303
participants did little more than telegraph their own emphatic approval:Read more at location 320
Note: EMPATIA Edit
Kuo revealed the real crux of the matter: What is art’s role in this political project?Read more at location 322
Laugh at it if you will, but the abstruse language disguised something very raw and simple – the desire for political mastery.Read more at location 325
power is the purposeRead more at location 327
The question is never, ‘Does this piece of art express something true, beautiful or good?’Read more at location 327
the criteria identitarians apply to artRead more at location 329
Note: GIÙ Edit
IntersectionalityRead more at location 332
Note: t Edit
describes a method of investigating various social situations to determine which group is more oppressed and therefore has the better moral claim.Read more at location 332
Think of it as a sort of grievance Olympics.Read more at location 335
Take a hypothetical classroom conflict in, say, France, between a lesbian art history professor and a male heterosexual student of Tunisian heritage. All else being equal, intersectionality tells you that the student’s identity beats the professor’s.Read more at location 335
VisibilityRead more at location 346
Note: T Edit
the ‘International Day of Transgender Visibility’,Read more at location 349
Hitherto, certain groups of people have been marginalised or excluded from the culture on account of their race, sex, class and so on, and the injustices committed against them have likewise remained hidden. The marginalised have been invisible, because the powerful have preferred to keep them out of the cultural frame and because the rest of us have been complacent.Read more at location 350
The Artforum identitarians are deeply suspicious of liberal visibility and representation.Read more at location 376
Contemporary identity politics is deeply illiberal.Read more at location 377
‘Fuck you … is a way of making yourself visible and audible,’ wrote Ara Osterweil in ‘Fuck You! A Feminist Guide to Surviving the Art World’, an essay featured in Artforum’s identity issue.Read more at location 379
Note: IL VAFFA Edit
Osterweil cited a 1969 piece of performance art by Valie Export, which involved the artist donning a pair of crotchless pants and walking around a Munich art-house theatre. Osterweil interpreted Export’s ‘art’ this way: ‘Export says, Why don’t you suck it? On second thought, she says, You ain’t never gonna suck it. This cunt is a weapon that will detonate your culture.’Read more at location 380
visibility as a goal.Read more at location 391
Wesleyan University in Connecticut, for example, offers something called the Open House, ‘a safe space for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Flexual, Asexual, Genderfuck, Polyamorous, Bondage/Disciple, Dominance/Submission, Sadism/Masochism (LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM)Read more at location 405
The marginal is the norm.Read more at location 408
they have now largely turned against visibility.Read more at location 409
‘We have a black president and black principal ballerina as well as trans visibility in sitcoms and reality shows,’ wrote artist A. K. Burns in Artforum’s identity issue. ‘But new is what capitalism feeds on.’Read more at location 410
Che Guevara T-shirts.Read more at location 416
For the identitarians, however, liberal capitalism’s seemingly infinite capacity to absorb and dilute shows how sinister it is. Hence the disdain for gay, lesbian and trans people who are actually visible in the culture – people like Caitlyn Jenner, the onetime paterfamilias of the Kardashians turned transgender icon, who also happens to be a Republican.Read more at location 420
‘The Jews were extremely visible in 1930s Europe, how much good did it do them?’Read more at location 439
individualism.Read more at location 441
Note: t Edit
queer theory denies the existence of a true, immutable self that is separate from the material body or from language.Read more at location 442
the moral awakening of Jane Austen’s protagonist in Emma (1815), the growth of the soul, so important in the nineteenth-century English novel, isn’t worthy of serious study. What matters to the identitarians is how, by the end of the novel, Emma learns to position herself within a ‘gendered order’, how she comes to ‘perform’ femininity and so forth.Read more at location 443
opposition to individualism and self-expressionRead more at location 446
‘Art is not a space of pure self-expression,’ wrote the artist Hannah BlackRead more at location 447
For all their odes to difference, moreover, the identitarians are deeply intolerant of members of marginalised groups who stray from ideological orthodoxy.Read more at location 456
Note: ZIO TOM Edit
legibilityRead more at location 462
Note: t Edit
appeals to universalism,’Read more at location 463
Note: IL NEMICO Edit
to say that a piece of art is legible means that it appeals to a broad audience, or that the mainstream culture can appreciate and understand it.Read more at location 464
global market.’Read more at location 467
art world is bringing together diverse and potentially incommensurable practices or artworks as though they’re all of a piece’.Read more at location 467
This was an astonishing reproach. Why does any creator address himself or herself to a potential reader, viewer or audience?Read more at location 468
The desire to be universally legible is thus among art’s oldest and noblest impulses.Read more at location 475
This is the cultural fruit of liberalism,Read more at location 486
Those liberal sentiments are expressed in, say, the unlikely friendship forged by a white teenager named Huckleberry and a black slave named Jim as they drift down the Mississippi;Read more at location 490
Note: TWAINE Edit
In assailing universalist culture, the identitarians are continuing an anti-liberal campaign that was first launched in the nineteenth century with the rise of historicism, especially its Marxist variety.Read more at location 494
no idea or sentiment is universally trueRead more at location 498
Put another way: there are many opinions about life; so all of them must be equally true (or none is).Read more at location 506
Universalist, legible art still brings throngs of reverent, beauty-starved people to the museums, galleries, theatres and cinemas.Read more at location 515
Note: FOLLA Edit