giovedì 6 agosto 2009

Medici calcolanti

Tutti noi sappiamo che la ricerca medica e farmaceutica si svolge ormai quasi esclusivamente negli USA, molto probabilmente perchè solo lì esiste un prezzo libero delle medicine che consente di finanziarla.

Problema: regolare i prezzi dei medicinali, come avviene in Europa e come auspica in parte Obama, colpirà l' innovazione farmacetutica? Occasione buona per vedere diversi bias al lavoro.

Un medico (dott. Avorn) pondera la questione e alza la palla:

a couple reasons that this is a specious argument. One is that according to their filings with the SEC, the drug companies only spend about 15 cents of every dollar on research and development. That's compared to more than 30 cents in administration and marketing and more than 20 cents on shareholder equity. As an investment in R&D, I think any venture capitalist would say a company spending 15 percent on research is not a robust innovation engine.

L' economista (McArdle) incredula per l' assist, schiaccia a terra inesorabilmente:

This makes about as much sense as saying that Dr. Jerry Avorn cannot be that smart because his brain only weighs about three pounds. Presumably, you can't be really smart--really innovative--unless your brain is at least 30 percent of your body weight!