sabato 4 marzo 2017

Marriage and the Market-- justin wolfers

Notebook per
Marriage and the Market--
Citation (APA): (2017). Marriage and the Market-- [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

Parte introduttiva
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 1
Marriage and the Market By Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 6
marriage has historically been the product of the economic environment
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 7
family institutions are dynamic,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 8
re-frame Coontz’s careful history of the family in the language of economics,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 10
families have always played a role in “filling in” where incomplete market institutions
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 11
families found ways to enforce agreements among kin.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 12
an organizing device
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 13
marriage also provided the key means to strategic “mergers”— a way to form alliances and boost the financial welfare
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 14
prior to the expansion of the welfare state, the family had been a key provider of insurance,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 15
support each other “through richer, through poorer, in sickness and in health,”
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 16
Before modern credit markets arrived, access to capital was often facilitated through family ties.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 17
goods and services, such as freshly cooked meals, or childcare, were historically not sold in the market sector.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 20
households came to involve the specialization of one spouse, typically the husband, in the market, and the other in the domestic sphere.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 22
the modern corporation has come to supplant the family firm as the key unit of production.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 23
social insurance has spread greater security to many but has reduced the role of the family
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 27
With cheap clothes available at Wal-Mart, it makes more sense for women to earn money to buy clothes than to make them at home.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 29
dishwashers, washing machines, and the more recent invention of the Roomba have made housework so easy
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 31
the costs of being such a specialist have risen.
Nota - Posizione 31
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 31
Improvements in the technology of birth control have made investing in a wife’s human capital a better bet,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 33
rising life expectancy,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 34
average woman will now spend less than a quarter of her adult life with young children
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 34
increasing the number of potential years in the labor force,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 35
Rising life expectancy also reduces the centrality of children
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 36
live together for decades after children
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 38
modern marriage is somewhat less child-centric
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 39
a shift from the family as a forum for shared production, to shared consumption.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 40
modern marriage is about love and companionship.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 41
enjoying a movie or a hobby together,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 42
attending the same church,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 42
joint project of bringing up children.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 43
key today is consumption complementarities
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 43
more enjoyable when shared
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 44
“hedonic marriage”.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 44
So is marriage doomed?
Nota - Posizione 45
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 45
Marriage in which one person specializes
Nota - Posizione 45
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 45
is indeed doomed.
Nota - Posizione 45
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 50
Rising productivity has given all Americans more leisure time
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 50
As consumption increases, so too will the demand to have someone with whom to share
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 51
Thus marriage isn’t dead, it is, again, transforming.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 53
“opposites attract,”
Nota - Posizione 53
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 55
likes are increasingly marrying
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 55
isn’t surprising that we see increasing political pressure to expand marriage to same-sex couples.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 60
Many have cited high and rising divorce rates as pointing to the collapse of the family,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 60
the high divorce rates among those marrying in the 1970s reflected a transition,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 61
many married the right partner for the old specialization model
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 62
Divorce rates have actually been falling since reaching a peak thirty years ago.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 63
those who have married in recent years have been more likely to stay together than their parents’ generation.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 64
divorce has been falling for three decades
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 66
demographics of marriage
Nota - Posizione 66
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 66
College-educated women used to be the least likely to marry, and today they are about as likely as those without a college degree to marry.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 67
Several decades ago, a woman earning a graduate degree was unlikely to find the old specialization model of marriage to be useful, and many therefore chose to remain single.
Nota - Posizione 68
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 68
hedonic marriage is likely more enticing for educated women.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 69
decline in marriage among less-educated women
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 74
Just as we have deregulated the economy so that firms and businesses can deal with changing conditions, the long-run trend in U.S. family policy has been to deregulate the marriage market, and the book of rules governing who can get married or divorced where and when has become much thinner.
Nota - Posizione 76
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 79
Divorce and Children: What Do We Know? By Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 85
disentangle causation from correlation.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 86
we know that divorced people are more likely to drink, use drugs, have lower income, and be less happy.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 87
did divorce cause these bad things or did these bad things in fact cause the divorce?
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 88
reverse causation
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 91
For example, when a man is laid-off the couple is more likely to divorce in subsequent years.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 92
those divorcing are less happy than the average married person.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 94
The second difficulty is the possibility of a third factor that is influencing both
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 96
It is clear that children from divorced households fare worse along a range of outcomes than those from intact households. However, this does not imply that these children would be better off if the divorce had never occurred.
Nota - Posizione 97
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 98
households that end up divorced are different from those that do not.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 99
Even if the divorce is simply the result of the selfish, narcissistic preferences of the parents, it is likely that kids being raised by such adults will have worse outcomes
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 103
divorce does not happen randomly in the population.
Nota - Posizione 103
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 103
divorce occurs in couples who are typically worse
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 105
while love may conquer some adversities, it flourishes without them.
Nota - Posizione 105
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 106
What are the differences between married and separated life
Nota - Posizione 107
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 108
asking whether the children of divorced parents would have been better off if their parents had not divorced,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 109
the empirical research provides little evidence
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 110
Research by Mark Hoekstra at the University of Pittsburgh followed families on the brink of divorce comparing those who filed and then reconciled with those who filed and then divorced. He found little difference in the academic and behavioral outcomes of the kids in each of these types of families.
Nota - Posizione 112
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 114
evidence that preventing divorce would benefit children is weak at best.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 114
little evidence that the government can do a better job determining which marriages will be best for the children,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 115
reasonable default rule might be to leave Mom and Dad to make the best decisions for their kids.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 118
(De-) Regulating the Family By Betsey Stevenson and Justin
Nota - Posizione 122
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 126
To be clear about terminology, by “deregulation,” we are referring to the diminution in the role that government plays in deciding who can marry, who can divorce, and under what circumstances.
Nota - Posizione 127
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 128
repeal laws restricting marriage between racial groups.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 128
eliminated nationwide in 1967 by the Supreme Court
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 131
in this decision the Supreme Court stated that marriage was a fundamental right.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 132
Soon thereafter laws were struck down barring those deemed “unsuitable,” from marrying.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 133
Texas had refused to grant a marriage license to anyone behind on child support payments.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 134
eliminated many of the legal distinctions that had previously given children born in marriage greater rights
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 135
In the 1950s, most states required evidence of marital fault before allowing a marriage to be dissolved.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 140
many states, somewhat unintentionally, moved to allowing unilateral divorce-a
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 142
some states changed laws governing property division subsequent to divorce.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 145
Most of the research has focused on the change in divorce laws.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 145
the move to unilateral divorce provides a useful “natural experiment”,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 146
compare family outcomes in states that changed their divorce laws at different points in time.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 148
research finds that restricting access to divorce by requiring evidence of fault or mutual consent had little impact on the divorce rate.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 150
Most couples, even in the midst of acrimony, want to find a way to reconcile
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 152
it is easy to imagine that most people do not want to stay in a marriage when their spouse really wants out.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 156
debate in the empirical literature was whether unilateral divorce had no effect on the divorce rate or a small effect
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 159
the movement to unilateral divorce laws caused an important decline in domestic violence and female suicide.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 168
Research has shown that couples who marry under unilateral divorce invest less in their marriage-an
Nota - Posizione 169
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 169
one of the investments that they cut back on, or at least postpone making, is children. This means that children are less likely to experience a divorce
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 171
since the late 1960s the average number of children involved in each divorce has fallen sharply.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 173
Property settlement laws can take fault into account even when fault is not needed to grant the divorce.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 175
Couples can write explicit contracts

The Future of Marriage stephanie coontz

Notebook per
The Future of Marriage
stephanie coontz
Citation (APA): coontz, s. (2017). The Future of Marriage [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

Parte introduttiva
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 1
The Future of Marriage By Stephanie Coontz
Nota - Posizione 9
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 9
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 9
more about getting the right in-laws than picking the right partner
Nota - Posizione 9
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 10
marriage alliances turned strangers into relatives, creating interdependencies among groups that might otherwise meet as enemies.
Nota - Posizione 10
Nota - Posizione 11
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 11
as large wealth and status differentials developed in the ancient world, marriage became more exclusionary and coercive.
Nota - Posizione 11
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 13
the main way that the upper classes consolidated wealth,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 14
Getting “well-connected” in-laws was a preoccupation of the middle classes
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 15
Peasants, farmers, and craftsmen acquired new workers
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 17
marriage’s vital economic and political functions,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 17
few societies in history believed that individuals should freely choose
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 18
much more about regulating economic, political, and gender hierarchies
Nota - Posizione 19
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 19
parents took for granted their right to arrange
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 20
a child born outside an approved marriage was a “fillius nullius”
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 24
right to physically restrain, imprison, or “punish” their wives
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 25
husbands sole ownership over all property a wife
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 26
Parents put their children to work to accumulate resources for their own old age,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 26
periodic beatings.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 28
It was just 250 years ago,
Nota - Posizione 28
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 28
Enlightenment challenged the right of the older
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 29
choice based on love and compatibility emerged
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 30
in the early 19th century
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 31
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 32
“How will we get the right people to marry each other, if they can refuse on such trivial grounds as lack of love?”
Nota - Posizione 32
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 33
“Just as important, how will we prevent the wrong ones, such as paupers and servants, from marrying?”
Nota - Posizione 33
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 35
In the late 18th century, new ideas about the “pursuit of happiness” led many countries to make divorce more accessible,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 36
some even repealed the penalties for homosexual love.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 36
French revolutionaries abolished the legal category of illegitimacy,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 37
In the mid-19th century, women challenged husbands’ sole ownership
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 38
economic independence would “destroy domestic tranquility,”
Nota - Posizione 38
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 39
And in some regards, they seemed correct.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 39
Divorce rates rose so steadily that in 1891 a Cornell University professor predicted, with stunning accuracy, that if divorce continued rising at its current rate, more marriages would end in divorce than death by the 1980s.
Nota - Posizione 41
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 41
But until the late 1960s,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 42
love revolution were held in check
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 43
ability of local elites to penalize employees and other community members for then-stigmatized behaviors
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 44
the unreliability of birth control, combined with the harsh treatment of illegitimate children; and above all, the dependence of women upon men’s wage earning.
Nota - Posizione 45
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 46
In the 1970s, however, these constraints were swept
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 46
a paradox
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 47
Today, when a marriage works, it delivers more benefits to its members— adults and children— than ever before.
Nota - Posizione 47
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 47
A good marriage is fairer and more fulfilling
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 51
the same things that have made so many modern marriages more intimate,
Nota - Posizione 51
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 51
have simultaneously made marriage itself more optional
Nota - Posizione 52
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 53
The forces that have strengthened marriage
Nota - Posizione 53
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 53
have weakened marriage
Nota - Posizione 53
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 54
the 1970s and 1980s,
Nota - Posizione 54
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 56
Divorce rates soared.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 56
Unwed teen motherhood shot up.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 57
destabilizing trends have leveled off
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 57
divorce rate has fallen, especially for college-educated couples, over the past 20 years.
Nota - Posizione 57
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 60
there is no chance that we can restore marriage to its former supremacy
Nota - Posizione 60
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 61
the incidence of cohabitation, delayed marriage
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 63
teen births are lower
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 63
births to unwed mothers aged 25 and older continue to climb.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 63
Almost 40 percent of America’s children are born to unmarried parents.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 65
These include women’s economic independence, the abolition of legal penalties for illegitimacy, the expansion of consumer products that make single life easier for both men and women, and the steady decline in the state’s coercive power over personal life.
Nota - Posizione 67
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 67
continuing rise in the age of marriage, a trend that increases the stability of marriages
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 69
the reproductive revolution,
Nota - Posizione 69
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 69
possible for couples who would once have been condemned to childlessness to have the kids
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 70
changes in gender roles that have increased the payoffs of marriage for educated,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 73
decline in marriage’s dominating role in organizing social and personal life
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 74
even in countries with less “permissive”
Nota - Posizione 75
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 75
In predominantly Catholic Ireland, where polls in the 1980s found near-universal disapproval of premarital sex, one child in three today is born outside marriage. China’s divorce rate has soared more than 700 percent since 1980. Until 2005, Chile was the only country in the Western Hemisphere that still prohibited divorce. But in today’s world, prohibiting divorce has very different consequences than in the past, because people no longer feel compelled to marry in the first place. Between 1990 and 2003, the number of marriages in Chile fell from 100,000 to 60,000 a year, and nearly half of all children born in Chile in the early years of the 21st century were born to unmarried couples. In Italy, Singapore, and Japan, divorce, cohabitation, and out-of-wedlock births remain low by American standards, but a much larger percentage of women avoid marriage and childbearing altogether.
Nota - Posizione 79
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 84
the family diversity revolution has undercut old ways of organizing work, leisure, caregiving, and redistribution to dependents.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 87
There have been winners and losers in the marriage revolution,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 88
take two lessons away
Nota - Posizione 88
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 89
First, marriage is not on the verge of extinction.
Nota - Posizione 89
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 90
New groups, such as gays and lesbians, are now demanding access
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 91
a well-functioning marriage is still an especially useful and effective method of organizing
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 94
Marriages used to depend upon a clear division of labor
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 95
man who believed firmly in the male breadwinner ideal.
Nota - Posizione 96
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 97
woman’s cooking and housekeeping skills above her intelligence or education.
Nota - Posizione 97
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 100
All that has changed today.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 100
Today, men rank intelligence and education way above cooking
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 101
A recent study by Paul Amato et al. found that the chance of divorce recedes with each year that a woman postpones marriage, with the least divorce-prone marriages being those where the couples got married at age 35 or higher. Educated and high-earning women are now less likely to divorce than other women. When a wife takes a job today, it works to stabilize the marriage.
Nota - Posizione 104
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 106
husbands and wives who hold egalitarian views about gender have higher marital quality and fewer marital problems than couples who cling to more traditional views.
Nota - Posizione 107
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 107
there is no reason to give up on building successful marriages
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 108
one method of doing that is to get more people to delay marriage,
Nota - Posizione 109
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 112
The second lesson
Nota - Posizione 112
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 112
history is that the time has passed when we can construct our social policies,
Nota - Posizione 112
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 113
on the assumption that all long-term commitments
Nota - Posizione 113
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 114
we must seek ways to make marriage more possible
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 115
But we must be equally concerned to help couples who don’t marry
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 120
less to fantasizing about a return to a mythical Golden Age
Segnalibro - Posizione 126
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 126
Minding the Marriage Gap By Stephanie Coontz
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 133
Stevenson’s and Wolfers’
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 134
an economic model of the returns to marriage.
Nota - Posizione 134
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 137
use the word “hedonic” to describe modern marriage,
Nota - Posizione 137
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 139
it must be based on closer friendship and more shared interests than in the past precisely because it is no longer held together by social pressures, restrictive laws, and the economic dependence of women on men’s wages.
Nota - Posizione 141
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 142
today, “increasing the financial stability of… households” is more likely to “lead to marriage rather than marriage leading to financial stability.”
Nota - Posizione 143
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 143
transformation of marriage has “increased the payoffs of marriage for educated,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 144
increased its risks for low-income women whose potential partners are less likely to hold egalitarian values,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 145
So I was surprised that Kay Hymowitz thinks I ignore “the yawning class divide”
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 151
poorly-educated and low-income women had more to gain from entering and staying in marriage,
Nota - Posizione 151
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 152
Marriage was a woman’s best bet for establishing financial security,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 153
By contrast, educated women, or women who aspired to careers, found that marriage exacted costs that sometimes exceeded its benefits.

Ranked Choice Voting Likely Means Lower Turnout jason mcdaniels

Notebook per
Ranked Choice Voting Likely Means Lower Turnout
jason mcdaniels
Citation (APA): mcdaniels, j. (2017). Ranked Choice Voting Likely Means Lower Turnout [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from

Parte introduttiva
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 1
Ranked Choice Voting Likely Means Lower Turnout, More Errors By Jason McDaniel
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 9
people who eagerly made grand claims about how their preferred solution would cure what ailed American democracy.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 10
the “true” preferences of the electorate.
Nota - Posizione 11
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 14
Unfortunately, pro-RCV arguments are similarly based on faulty assumptions
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 15
minimize empirical research
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 17
changes that expand access to the vote and encourage more political participation tend to be better than those that seek to restrict voting or make it more difficult.
Nota - Posizione 18
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 18
this particular electoral reform fails on both counts.
Nota - Posizione 19
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 19
RCV makes voting more complicated,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 21
Lower Turnout and More Ballot Errors
Nota - Posizione 21
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 22
decrease significantly,
Nota - Posizione 22
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 23
I examined voter turnout in five San Francisco elections from 1995 to 2011, the last two of which featured Ranked Choice Voting.
Nota - Posizione 25
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 26
According to the results of my analysis of over 2,500 precincts across the five elections, turnout declines among African-American and white voters was significantly correlated with the adoption of RCV. Additionally, I found that the adoption of RCV exacerbated disparities in voter turnout between those who are already likely to vote and those who are not, including younger voters and those with lower levels of education.
Nota - Posizione 27
Nota - Posizione 28
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 29
In additional research, I analyzed voter turnout in nonpartisan mayoral elections in RCV cities compared to similar elections in non-RCV cities. The results show that the impact of RCV on voter turnout depends upon whether elections occur during odd years or even years. In odd-year elections with Ranked Choice Voting, voter turnout decreases about eight percentage points, on average, compared to a non-RCV general election at the same time. Whereas in even-year elections RCV has little or no effect on voter turnout. Even-year elections usually coincide with congressional or presidential elections,
Nota - Posizione 33
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 38
By making voting more complicated, RCV exacerbates this tendency,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 40
how it affects the tendency of voters to make errors
Nota - Posizione 40
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 41
My colleague Francis Neely and I analyzed almost two million individual ballots in order to measure the incidence of errors that disqualify a ballot from being counted after the adoption of Ranked-Choice Voting in San Francisco elections. We found that such errors were significantly more common in RCV elections than plurality elections.
Nota - Posizione 45
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 48
concentrated among those portions of the electorate who are already most vulnerable
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 49
Polarization and Voter Confusion
Nota - Posizione 50
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 50
Ranked Choice Voting will help to alleviate some of the problems related to partisan polarization.
Nota - Posizione 51
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 51
RCV will encourage more moderate and/ or third party
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 52
not be forced to choose the “lesser of two evils.”
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 53
faulty assumption that voters are capable of consistently and accurately distinguishing the ideological and policy positions of candidates for whom they vote, absent clear partisan and ideological cues
Nota - Posizione 54
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 54
Ranked Choice Voting will most likely increase voter confusion.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 55
My research into racial group polarization
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 59
I found that there was a reduction in the polarized preference gap between different racial groups. However, this reduction in racial polarization was most likely caused by voter confusion about how candidates will represent their interests rather than any sincere expression of preferences previously suppressed by plurality systems.
Nota - Posizione 61
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 61
Corey Cook
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 61
voters’ candidate preference rankings in RCV elections are highly inconsistent,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 67
the new system has failed to achieve its supporters’ goals of increasing the chances of ideologically moderate candidates and reducing polarization.
Nota - Posizione 68
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 72
Given the reality of polarized voters,
Nota - Posizione 72
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 74
Conclusion: First Do No Harm
Nota - Posizione 74
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 75
my research has been limited to nonpartisan city elections,
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 77
other researchers have documented some positive aspects
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 77
voters who experience Ranked Choice Voting tend to express satisfaction
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 79
the level of negative campaigning may decrease under RCV.
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 80
I believe that the potential for lower turnout and more ballot errors outweighs
Evidenzia (giallo) - Posizione 82