venerdì 29 novembre 2013


Estetica e scienza possono convivere nelle... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Estetica e scienza possono convivere nelle nostre scuole?
Contro (Joanne Jacobs):
“I complain that schools teach children PowerPoint rather than critical writing and reward attractive presentations that get basic facts wrong. In science, the lab report is another chance to shine graphically—even if that lovely diagram refutes Galileo… “Dumb, But Pretty”… Students are spending lots of time on aesthetics instead of traditional academic pursuits…”
Pro (Virginia Postrel):
“If a science teacher accepts a diagram that contradicts Galileo, the teacher’s ignorance, not the graphic design, is to blame. Galileo himself was not just a great scientist, mathematician, and writer but an accomplished draftsman who recorded his lunar observations in watercolors. Before romanticism declared art the province of a talented, bohemian few, drawing and painting were both common scientific tools and signs of personal refinement. Galileo used pictures as well as words to persuade. His work was smart and pretty…”
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.)
by Virginia Postrel
The intrepid champions of new music bring a lullaby, rare blues and a work by Bryce Dessner to NPR.


I tempi sono grami, per la prima volta dal... - Riccardo Mariani:

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I tempi sono grami, per la prima volta dal dopoguerra la generazione dei figli vivrà peggio rispetto a quella dei padri. Lo si sente dire spesso, ma ne siamo poi così sicuri? Attenzione perché PIL e redditi stagnanti sono un indicatore ingannevole. Per capirlo, niente di meglio che ragionare pensando al “bello” e al ruolo crescente dell’ estetica nella società contemporanea.
Much of the value created through aesthetics doesn’t make it into the economic data that shape perceptions and policy. The problem isn’t with the statisticians, who are neither careless nor incompetent. Intangible goods like aesthetics are inherently difficult to measure and count, especially if competition means their value isn’t reflected in higher prices…
… Consider women’s shoes. Embroidered and beaded shoes used to sell for luxury prices, no less than $100 a pair and usually more. They required skilled artisans to make, so moderately priced shoes couldn’t cover the manufacturing expense. But in the late 1990s, automation drove down the cost of these adornments and improved their durability. Because sophisticated skills were no longer needed, the work could be done in cheap labor markets like China…
Did fancy shoemakers suddenly garner enormous profits? Not at all. The shoe business is far too competitive. Instead, embroidery and beads began to appear on shoes selling for $70 instead of $250. “Because the savings in labor costs are mostly passed on to the consumer…
… Adjusted for inflation, the price of a movie ticket in 2001 was lower than in 1990 and much lower than its peak in 1971, yet sound systems and special effects are substantially improved. Holding other quality factors constant, moviegoers get more for their money today… ecc. ecc. ecc.
More important than the direct policy effects is the data’s psychological effect. Incomes LOOK STAGNANT even while LIVING STANDARDS are rising. Since we so quickly become accustomed to higher aesthetic standards, we forget what things used to be like…
We look at the official data and conclude we’re poorer than we really are…
Missing some of the economy’s greatest advances, we believe pessimists who say progress has effectively ended. Or we focus all our optimism on flashy technology and miss the incremental improvements in everyday life…”
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.) by Virginia Postrel
STEVE BERESFORD - Vous Qui Passez Sans Me Voir


L' anatema verso il brutto sarà anche un dovere... - Riccardo Mariani:

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L' anatema verso il brutto sarà anche un dovere ma è un dovere molto molto pericoloso. Ecco il triste spettacolo di cio' che spesso accade nella testa del censore:
"... If we build suburbs with yards and cul de sacs, away from the smoke and crowds of the city, as the twentieth-century Garden City movement advocated, labor and capital will live in peace... If we build new houses with porches, goes today’s New Urbanist reasoning, we’ll be neighborly like in the good old days. (Never mind that air-conditioning makes hanging out on the porch less necessary or desirable.) If we outlaw big garages, people will abandon their automobiles. If we build unusual houses, people will be tolerant. If we make a city exactly the way I want to live, EVERYONE WILL BE LIKE ME..."
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.) by Virginia Postrel

Whole concert. Yann Tiersen - Live Aux Eurockéennes de Belfort (06-07-2001) 00:00 - Rue des Cascades,05:24 - La Terrasse, 08:47 - A Quai, 12:18 - Sur le Fil,15:29 - Le Banquet, 18:21 - La Noyée (Serge…
Mi piaceVedi altre reazioni


La bellezza nel mirino dei nipotini degeneri di... - Riccardo Mariani:

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La bellezza nel mirino dei nipotini degeneri di Martin Luther King. Per i datori di lavoro è un incubo. Il caso degli Hotel:
“… If a charming or intelligent person can have an edge in the job market, why not a handsome or stylish one? Neither charm nor intelligence is distributed any more equally than good looks. But in the lawyer’s view, personal appearance is simply not a legitimate source of value outside a few conventionally artistic fields like theater or cinema… The essence of the job in a hotel, they insist, must have nothing to do with look and feel, which are extraneous considerations. A hotel shouldn’t use its staff to create an aesthetically pleasing environment or send signals about what sort of place it is…”
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.) by Virginia Postrel

mercoledì 27 novembre 2013

Come nasce uno Stato

"Where do warlords come from? (My favorite political economy paper of the year)"

Medicalizzazione della vita

"Ritalin, bambini e sindrome adhd: il suo inventore sul letto di morte dice che e’ malattia inventata « Giù le Mani dai Bambini"

Reddito minimo x tutti

"A universal income is not such a silly idea"

Means testing

"Means-Testing and Behavioral Econ, by Bryan Caplan"

martedì 26 novembre 2013

Quanto rende investire sulla "cultura scientifica"?

Quanto rende investire sulla "cultura... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Il grande dono della Chiesa Cristiana

Il grande dono della Chiesa Cristiana al mondo... - Riccardo Mariani:

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I critici dell’ estetica consumista… “… when... - Riccardo Mariani:

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I critici dell’ estetica consumista…
“… when they aren’t denouncing surfaces as lies and illusion, cultural critics typically have one explanation for why we devote time, attention, and, most of all, money to aesthetics: It’s all about status…
The argument depends on the conviction that we do not want those expensive shoes or large homes because of any intrinsic qualities… we do not value the luxuries themselves—the soft leather of the shoes, the smooth granite countertop, the sculptural lines of the car, the drape and fit of the jacket—but just want to stand out, or at least not look bad, compared to other people.
… What if every product came in a plain black-and-white box—but one company invested in graphics and color? What if everyone wore drab Mao suits—but one person dressed with color, tailoring, and flair? People would, of course, be drawn to the aesthetic deviant, even though that nonconformity might well offend the reigning status hierarchy. This thought experiment suggests something at work besides status and one-upmanship… “
The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture, and Consciousness (P.S.) by Virginia Postrel

I due capitalismi

"... la tradizione italiana, fortemente... - Riccardo Mariani:

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La Grande Asimmetria

Asimmetrie... - Riccardo Mariani:

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Empatia verso gli animale ed empatia verso gli uomini

Foto del diario - Riccardo Mariani:

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domenica 24 novembre 2013

Le trappole del PIL

"GDP: A Bad Measure of Well-Being, by David Henderson"