sabato 27 agosto 2016

4 COASE What’s Wrong with the World, Part 2

Chi fuma danneggia chi non fuma perché lo affumica.

Chi non fuma danneggia chi fuma perché gli impedisce di farlo.

Non c'è una legge efficiente in simili situazioni. In questi casi meglio nessuna legge: si risparmiano i costi per farla e per applicarla.

4 What’s Wrong with the World, Part 2Read more at location 720
The existence of externalities does not necessarily lead to an inefficient result. Pigouvian taxes do not in general lead to the efficient result. Third, and most important, the problem is not really externalities at all. It is transaction costs.Read more at location 735
Nothing WorksRead more at location 738
So Coase’s first point is that since external costs are jointly produced by polluter and victim, a legal rule that assigns blame to one of the parties gives the right result only if that party happens to be the one who can avoid the problem at the lower cost.Read more at location 765
Everything WorksRead more at location 773
Note: T Edit
The second step in Coase’s argument is to observe that, as long as the parties can readily make and enforce contracts in their mutual interest, neither direct regulation nor a Pigouvian tax is necessary in order to get the efficient outcome. All you need is a clear definition of who has a right to do what, and the market will take care of the problem.Read more at location 774
If transaction costs are zero, if, in other words, any agreement that is in the mutual benefit of the parties concerned gets made, then any initial definition of property rights leads to an efficient outcome.Read more at location 787
Note: TEOREMA Edit
We have just restated the simple argument for laissez-faire in a more sophisticated form.Read more at location 790
It All Depends (On Transaction Costs)Read more at location 795
Note: T Edit
Why, if Coase is correct, do we still have pollution in Los Angeles? One possible answer is that the pollution is efficient, that the damage it does is less than the cost of preventing it. A more plausible answer is that much of the pollution is inefficient, but that the transactions necessary to eliminate it are blocked by prohibitively high transaction costs.Read more at location 796
With only one landowner there would be no problem; he would offer to pay the mill for the cost of the pollution control equipment plus a little extra to sweeten the deal. But a hundred landowners face what economists call a public good problem.Read more at location 801
With many millions of people living in southern California, it is hard to imagine any plausible way in which they could voluntarily raise the money to pay all polluters to reduce their pollution.Read more at location 809
Coase Plus Pigou Is Too Much of a Good ThingRead more at location 819
Note: T Edit
This time we have only one factory and one landowner, so bargaining between them is simple. Pollution does $60,000 worth of damage, pollution control costs $80,000, switching the land use from resorts to timber costs $100,000. The efficient outcome is pollution, since the damage done is less than the cost of avoiding it.Read more at location 820
Note: ESEMPIO Edit
The EPA, having been persuaded of the virtues of Pigouvian taxes, informs the factory that if it pollutes, it must pay for the damage it does—a $60,000 fine. What happens? Controlling the pollution costs more than the fine, so one might expect the factory to pay the fine and continue to pollute, which is the efficient solution. That is the obvious answer, but it is wrong. We have forgotten the landowner. The fine goes to the EPA, not to him, so if the factory pays and pollutes, he suffers $60,000 of uncompensated damage. He can eliminate that damage by offering to pay part of the cost of pollution control, say $30,000. Now, when the factory controls its pollution, it saves a $60,000 fine and receives a $30,000 side payment from the landowner, for a total of $90,000, which is more than the $80,000 cost of pollution control. The result is pollution control that costs more than it is worth.Read more at location 822
Note: PIGOU Edit
One solution is to replace administrative law with tort law, converting the fine paid to the EPA into a damage payment to the landowner. Now he is compensated for the damage, so he has no incentive to pay the factory to stop polluting.Read more at location 832
Coase, Meade, and BeesRead more at location 834
Note: T Edit
Bees graze on the flowers of various crops, so a farmer who grows crops that produce nectar benefits the beekeepers in the area. The farmer receives none of the benefit himself, so has an inefficiently low incentive to grow such crops. Since bees cannot be convinced to respect property rights or keep contracts, there would seem to be no practical way to apply Coase’s approach to the problem. We must either subsidize farmers who grow nectar-rich crops (a negative Pigouvian tax) or accept inefficiency in the joint production of crops and honey. It turns out that it isn’t true. As supporters of Coase have demonstrated, contracts between beekeepers and farmers have been common practice in the industry at least since early in this century.Read more at location 838
Coase’s analysis points out fundamental mistakes in the traditional way of thinking about externalities: the failure to recognize the symmetry between “polluter” and “victim” and the failure to allow for private approaches to solving such problems.Read more at location 851
Pigouvian analysis of the problem is correct, but only under special circumstances, situations in which transaction costs are high, so that transactions between the parties can safely be ignored, and in which the agent deciding which party is to be held liable already knows who the lowest-cost avoider of the problem is. Air pollution in an urban area is an obvious example. Coase provides the more general analysis,Read more at location 854
Courts could follow a policy of deciding, in each case, whether plaintiff or defendant was the lowest-cost avoider,Read more at location 858
Alternatively, courts could try to establish general rules for assigning liability, rules that usually assigned liability to the right party. One example of such a general rule is the tort defense of “coming to the nuisance.” Under this doctrine if you build your housing development next to my pig farm, I may be able to avoid liability by arguing that, because I was there first, you were the one responsible for the problem. An economic justification for the doctrine is that it is less expensive to change the location of a development, or a pig farm, before it is built than after,Read more at location 859
Coase, Property, and the Economic Analysis of LawRead more at location 887
Note: T Edit
Does the owner have the right to prohibit airplanes from crossing his land a mile up? How about a hundred feet? How about people extracting oil from a mile under the land? What rights does he have against neighbors whose use of their land interferes with his use of his? If he builds his recording studio next to his neighbor’s factory, who is at fault? If he has a right to silence in his recording studio, does that mean that he can forbid the factory from operating or only that he can sue to be reimbursed for his losses?Read more at location 891
if right A is of most value to someone who also holds right B, they come in the same bundle. The right to decide what happens two feet above a piece of land is of most value to the person who also holds the right to use the land itself, so it is sensible to include both of them in the bundle of rights we call “ownership of land.” But the right to decide who flies a mile above a piece of land is of no special value to the owner of the land, hence there is no good reason to include it in that bundle.Read more at location 897
Many rights are of substantial value to two or more parties; the right to decide whether loud noises are made over a particular piece of property, for example, is of value both to the owner of the property and to his next-door neighbors.Read more at location 903
In this case the argument underlying the Coase Theorem comes into play. If we assign the right initially to the wrong person, the right person, the one to whom it is of most value, can still buy it from him. So one of the considerations in the initial definition of property rights is doing it in such a way as to minimize the transaction costs associated with fixing, via private contracts, any mistakes in the original assignment.Read more at location 905
Economists (and others) tend to jump from the observation that the market sometimes produces an inefficient outcome to the conclusion that, when it does, the government ought to intervene to fix the problem. Part of what Coase showed was that there may be no legal rule, no form of regulation, that will generate a fully efficient solution, the solution that would be imposed by an all powerful and all knowing dictator whose only objective was economic efficiency. He thus anticipated public choice economists such as James Buchanan (another Nobel winner) in arguing that the choice was not between an inefficient solution generated by the market and an efficient solution imposed by the government but rather among a variety of inefficient alternatives, private and governmental.Read more at location 921
He further argued that the distinction between market solutions and government solutions was itself in part artificial, since any market solution depended on a particular set of legal rules established by the legislature and the courts.Read more at location 928
He based his argument on real cases in the common law of nuisance—a Florida case where one landowner’s building shaded an adjacent hotel’s swimming pool, a British case where a physician built a new consulting room at the edge of his property adjacent to a neighboring candy factory and then demanded that the candy factory shut down machinery whose vibrations were making it hard to use his consulting room, and many others.Read more at location 931

3 PIGOU What’s Wrong with the World, Part 1

3 What’s Wrong with the World, Part 1
Note:3@@@@@@@@@@@@@PROBLEMA DELLE ESTERNALITÀ. REGOLE vs tasseRENT SEEKING COME COSTO DEL TRASFERIMENTOil danno netto dei furti é pari al costo di organizzarlo.frodi: c é frode solo con arricchimento del frodatore. Altrimenti é imperizia. Il caso del manager.

Yellow highlight | Location: 559
under what circumstances does individual rationality fail to lead to group rationality—to
Note:La disarmonia fondamentale

Yellow highlight | Location: 565
consider my decision of which computer game to play this evening.
Note:Una decisione che influenza solo me

Yellow highlight | Location: 569
Suppose I decide to put my house up for sale. One result is that my neighbor ends up selling his house for five thousand dollars less
Note:Il caso particolare della concorrenza

Yellow highlight | Location: 571
but the person who bought his house at the lower price is five thousand dollars better off,
Note:Danno compensato

Yellow highlight | Location: 573
I impose no net cost on others,

Yellow highlight | Location: 583
When my steel mill produces a ton of steel, I pay my workers for the cost of their labor, I pay the mining firm for the cost of its ore, but I do not pay the people downwind for the sulfur dioxide I am putting into their air.
Note:Una esternalitá nn compensata.

Yellow highlight | Location: 598
One solution is direct regulation:
Note:La soluzione inefficiente

Yellow highlight | Location: 600
The first is that the EPA may not be interested in maximizing efficiency.

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The second problem is that, even if the EPA wants to maximize efficiency, it does not know how to do it.
Note:Secondo problema: ignoranza

Yellow highlight | Location: 613
Instead of telling the firm what it must do, the regulator simply charges the firm for its pollution.
Note:Soluzione pigouviana

Yellow highlight | Location: 616
the regulator does not have to know anything about the costs of pollution control;

Yellow highlight | Location: 620
A second advantage is that this approach generates not only the right amount of pollution control but the right amount of steel as well.
Note:Il secondo vantaggio

Yellow highlight | Location: 627
it may not be easy to measure the damage actually done by each additional pound of sulfur dioxide,
Note:Inconveniente. Il calcolo della tassa.

Yellow highlight | Location: 632
the same analysis can be used to explain large parts of tort law.
Note:La pena come tassa pigouviana

Yellow highlight | Location: 635
When I drive fast I am imposing a cost, in additional accident risk, on other drivers.
Note:Un applicazione pratica

Yellow highlight | Location: 644
Rent Seeking: How Not to Give Things Away
Note | Location: 644

Yellow highlight | Location: 651
A clever—and mischievous—reader might suggest extending the argument from competition to theft.
Note:Prima abbiamo visto i danni della competizione considerandoli bilanciati. Conclusioni impertinenti. Se assumiamo che i dollari abbiano lo stesso valore x il ladro e il derubato...

Yellow highlight | Location: 656
Picking pockets is not a costless activity; it involves time, training, and a variety of risks.
Note:Risposta: rubare costa

Yellow highlight | Location: 657
I gain fifty dollars at a cost of twenty,
Note:L ineffcienza

Yellow highlight | Location: 658
the net effect is to transfer fifty dollars from you to me at a cost of twenty, making us on net twenty dollars worse off.
Yellow highlight | Location: 668
So far we have omitted the cost to the victims of their precautions—sore
Note:Altri costi: psicologia e allarmi

Yellow highlight | Location: 670
The general term for this phenomenon is “rent seeking.” It occurs when there is an opportunity for people to spend resources transferring wealth from others to themselves.
Note:Chi campa sui costi di traaferimento

Yellow highlight | Location: 676
competition for government favors
Note:Un esempio di rent seeking

Yellow highlight | Location: 677
Firms competed to get those valuable favors by public relations efforts, lobbying, campaign contributions, bribes.
Yellow highlight | Location: 682
consider litigation. Each side is spending money on lawyers, expert witnesses, and the like in order to increase its chance of winning the case.
Note:Altro esempio

Yellow highlight | Location: 685
This is a less clear example of rent seeking because it is at least possible that the expenditures are producing something valuable: an increased probability of a correct verdict,
Yellow highlight | Location: 689
Getting It Wrong: Fraud on the Market Suits
Note:Ttttttttttt altro caso di inefficienza

Yellow highlight | Location: 690
The CEO of a company gives an optimistic speech. Six months later the newest product turns out to be a flop, and the company’s stock falls.
Note:Il manager sta truffando?

Yellow highlight | Location: 692
omitting relevant facts that might have led to a more pessimistic conclusion,
Note:L argomento dell avvocato

Yellow highlight | Location: 694
Since the potential damages are enormous, even a small chance of success is enough to make it in the interest of some defendants
Note:Avvocati che ci marciano

Yellow highlight | Location: 697
CEOs are no more omniscient
Note:Primo problema x una causa del genere

Yellow highlight | Location: 698
Customers are free to decide for themselves whose predictions to believe.
Note:Secondo problema

Yellow highlight | Location: 701
I bought a share from you for a hundred dollars and it later fell to fifty.
Note:Terzo problema: ma c é un danno netto?

Yellow highlight | Location: 702
I am fifty dollars worse off as a result of my believing the CEO, but you are fifty dollars better off.
Yellow highlight | Location: 704
We get a net externality only if I bought the stock from the CEO, making the effect of his speech a transfer from him to me and converting the situation from pecuniary externality to rent seeking.
Note:Il costo del discorso manipoatorio. Ma se il manager nn ci guadagna?

Yellow highlight | Location: 707
One result is to penalize executives for making predictions that might turn out to be wrong, thus reducing the total amount of information available
Note:Un danno del considerare tutto frode

Yellow highlight | Location: 710
it provides injured stockholders an incentive to sue and thus deters fraudulent statements
Note:La risposta di chi considera il discorso fraudolento

Yellow highlight | Location: 712
One might, on similar grounds, argue that since we want to deter illegal parking, anyone who finds an illegally parked vehicle should be allowed to claim it for his own. What we want, here as in many other cases, is not an incentive but the right incentive,